(Note: I may have accidently uploaded this mod on top of the Panoz DP01. I hope I have everything good now. I'm sorry!! ) Separating this out from the previous thread. If you had any version from here, please remove. https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/urd-indycar-2016-and-indylights.55779/ Indy Lights 2019 and 2022 Credits: URD - Original AC mod and model Piero asr mangano - Original rF2 conversion Arjanren - Indy Lights 2019 skins and .psd Klo-che and the Enduracers team - Some sound .wav file assets from AER-Mazda FCsongoR - Halo 3d model (Sorry I don't remember exactly what F2 mod I took it from) Slow Motion - Pitcrew Lazza - P2P and Shift Protection Settings Corgan - Some material .json and additional textures Introduced in 2015, the Dallara IL15 was built for the top step of the IndyCar feeder series ladder, Indy Lights. Powered by an AER-P63, 2.0L turbo Charged four-cylinder engine producing 450 HP with 50 HP push to pass. 2020 introduced the halo to the chassis. The mod was originally made by URD for Assetto Corsa. Piero asr mangano did the original conversion. I did many updates to the mod. Too many to remember. But here is a list of features: 2019 and 2022 grids Full IBL textures Slight physics adjustments between the 2015 and 2020 versions of the car (halo added) Push to Pass Down Shift Protection Updated sounds to be closer to real Cooper Tire textures with correct wet tire pattern Short Oval config added Missing/To do: Implement newest sound configuration (documentation needed. Sounds have been converted to mono) Announced for 2023 was a switch to Firestone tires Driver .rcd to assist with AI performance If there is any suggestions or comments, please let me know. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854479970
great skins - love 'em unfortunately the helmets are all transparent/see through any idea how to fix? many thanks
great car. Thank you for your work and releasing it to the community I saw some strange thing in the mirrors. It seems that the mirror picture "moves" when adjusting the seat forward and back and at a specific position both mirror pictures becomes strange
Do you happen to have a screen shot? What is your graphic settings? Maybe one of the LOD has a different texture?? I'll have to investigate. Thinking about it, I don't think I made the mirrors individually adjustable. I know that's a feature some people ask for. I'll see if I see anything out of the ordinary
@Manfredk2 I got the mirror fixed. Not sure exactly what it needs to be set to. But in the cockpitinfo.ini changed the From: MirrorPos=(0.0, 0.695,0.03) To: MirrorPos=(0.00, 0.695, -0.95) I took a setting from a different car. Tested on this and it appears to fix the issue. I'll see if any more bugs pop up, and try and get all of that done in one go.
I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure... I don't have that issue. I'm not able to replicated it/ Maybe try and unsubscribe and resubscribe from the mod in Steam? Did you have a previous version installed?
used to have the original urd mod installed, but uninstalled it a while ago reloaded the original mod yesterday and all the helmets were good there will keep on trying, maybe it's got to do with the halo??? thanks for response anyway cheers
I tried the Dallara yesterday at Lime Rock and the helmets were ok. Tried several cameras, all ok. @Chris Lesperance Would it be a big effort to make the seat adjustment up and down a little bit wider?
cleaned out cbash/shaders, reset player.json/config.ini still can't see helmet texture what else can i try?
Do you have any addon helmets installed? In the game Content Manager, you can sort by Item Type. See if you have anything other than 'Standard Helmets' in there.