Custom Skins Cause Crash to Desktop

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Nouse4aname, Oct 18, 2024.

  1. Nouse4aname

    Nouse4aname Registered

    Oct 18, 2024
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    When I add skins and a related RCD file the game will crash.

    Im trying to use the skins and RCD files to create a custom opponent category so that I have a consistent AI driver roster when doing an offline championship.

    What I attempted to do to narrow down the issue is add skin by skin until the game crashed and then remove the offending skin. When doing this and removing the last skin that I added before causing the COTD the game would still crash and would continue to until all the skins i had added were removed.

    My Intention is to add 38 skins to the 397 created GT3 cars.

    Any advice on whats causing this issue?

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