Hello, These three good tracks have transparent trees. I know the little modification in player.json to eliminate this problem (transparency AA: false). When i do that, trees are no longer transparent, ok, but the whole game is ugly. Is it difficult to modify these tracks to adjust the trees? I'm surprised that nobody corrected that thing because for me these three tracks are missing. I can't play them like they are now.
Get the newest Monza, I think it's 1.70, at least that's fixed then. Rest is down to Feels3 and I don't depend on that being fixed any time soon. If ever...
Our Brianza has been fixed. I exchanged PMs with feels3 half a year ago, but he's obviously too busy with his job ... and living a life. Can't say I blame him .
thank you guys for answer. I will search for Monza V1.7. Can anybody fix the Feels3's tracks or only feels3 can fix them? PS: i have found only one link for Monza v 1.7 but the link is dead. Can anyone give me a link please?
Without access to the original track files imported in 3D modeller, it's not easy to fix, so basically it would rely on the track author. A much better solution than entirely disabling transparency AA is to reduce your in-game AA level, level 3 there is less transparency and level 2 almost none.
If the necessary functionality was exposed via the plugin API, could the transparency settings be overridden on a track-by-track basis? I'm wondering if perhaps a plugin could reference a text file containing specific track names (or some other identifier), and disable transparency based on this. Is a full restart of rF2 required to enable or disable transparency settings (or even AA settings), or could these settings be changed when a new track loads? Hmm... Thinking about it, I think anything called by the plugin API would probably be called too late, as the session would already be loaded and the graphics initialised.
Yes, a plugin to disable transparency AA would be great. I don't know if it's possible. Would be greater to have options in game to choose on/off for transparency AA and texture sharpening too.