Hi. I have a huge Problem with the NOS in rF2. Suddenly the game shuts down - the sound continues in the background and the window is nowhere to find. It happens every lap - most of the time at the same part of the track. i reinstalled rf2. reinstalled the graphics driver (deleted it with ddu), changed the version of the drivers, deactivated all external apps and programms, but it continues and stays the same. It happens with every car. It does not happen on a modded version of the track. only with the original content. Here is a video. I uploaded it. It happens at 6:40 mins: Does anybody have an idea, what could cause this? Greetings, David
Solved. It was an amd driver problem. The two drivers I tested were too "new". I had to go back to the recommended driver from may 2022...
That is interesting since most of the issues with AMD drivers prevented any track from fully loading. The sim would load to 100% & then crash. But does seem to be a recurring issue with a new feature included with AMD drivers since...22.5.1. You were somehow able to at least get it to load and run for a little while. Odd.