Competition System - Graphic Bugs

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Christian Wolter, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. 4thworld


    Dec 17, 2016
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    @wmann thanks fantastic report.
    I'm going through some testing with your files, did you recently switched from the old UI to the new one?

    This means that you were not in -beta before you started having issues.

    Can your repro it consistently (like it happens once a day to you or something like this)?

    Also if you clear your shader cache folder
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\Log\Shaders
    does the problem disappear?

    And do you have any custom HUD element active ?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
  2. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    No problem. I've been using the new UI for a few weeks now, so I didn't just switch recently.

    The errors started only when I started in the competition, but I think that this is not directly related to the competition but rather to the fact that many people play together. I often race with friends on a dedicated server I run myself (but only 3-4 people and the rest AI). the error never occurred there

    I can't always reproduce it but it happens often (I will test it extensively in the Competition this weekend).

    I had deleted the contents of the directories last time (before the recent build update), unfortunately without success.

    I use the standard S397 HUD.
  3. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Today in Loch Drummond the Race (17:00) run without Issues. I hope the Error is gone with the latest Build. Thanks a Lot
  4. Astelle

    Astelle Registered

    Jan 9, 2021
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    I can confirm this issue is still here just had it in my last gte race, thats the last 3 races in a row iv had it but i do have some more info about it that might be helpful. First its not the sky textures that are bugging, its one of the other cars textures. I have seen it happen with the Ferrari and now the corvette. when u get up close to the glitched car the car model is invisible and all u see is the 4 tires and the texture for the car is being streactehd all over the screen. When ur right behind it sometimes goes away for a few seconds then it starts again. If i turn away from the car all is normal so its only when the car is being rendered it happens. Its impossible to drive with this bug cause in vr it covers the whole screen and i cant see through it. I never seen this happen at Imola and i did not do any races at Sebring so i dunno if it happened there too. Also at Imola i was using my old gtx 1070 and it was fine. I have only seen this issue since i got my rtx 3070 at the start of this week. The bug is not present in single player and i have not tried online other than comp servers where it is present. My new 3070 is the Gigabyte OC version so i dunno of the factory overclock is anything to do with it and im using the latest drivers. Also the bug is not present in replay at all. I have also tried lots of game settings and deleting the shader files and it still happens. Hope this helps a bit in getting it fixed cause its really game breaking not being able to see.
  5. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    I also had this issue several times in the last Q&R’s on the competition servers, the last time was the 7.01 (with the new build) in the Q 20:45 GT3-VIR during the 5min warm up, then it disappears when the Q session began. I’m running on a GF 2080 TI on Full HD 120Hz.
    Will try again after clearing the shader cache & cbash folder...

    After deleting Cbash/shaders, today at the Competition Race Tatuus Mores 17h the issue appears again, this time during warm up & rain and during the whole race on dry (see pictures)
    After the online race I tried again offline with same car/track an there was no issue, that’s really strange…
    Maybe something to do with time at the day and God-rays?

    @4thworld Here the answers to your questions on post #14

    1-The screenshots that you posted are in VR, is it happening also in non-vr? Non-VR
    2-Can you zip your player + multiplayer. json files? Files posted
    3-Do you have invulnerability on/off? is it happening in multiplayer and single player races? Off, it was on MP during competition Tatuus/GTEs
    4-Is there an event that triggers it, like other driver joining or something like that. No
    5-Is it happening after a certain moment or right from the start of the session? Right from beginning, but only online at the competition system races (sometimes)
    6-Do you have a replay/recording of the fact that you can share? Are posted but issue can’t be seen on replay only at screenshots
    7-Do you have the nametags on or off? does it change anything if you toggle them? Off, no idea how to turn them on.
    8-Can you see the issue also in the replay/monitor screen. Will take a look next time
    9-When is the earliest point in time that you experienced this issue? At the first races with Tatuus at the competition races, also had with the GTE’s as mentioned above. 20210110170153_1.jpg 20210110170209_1.jpg 20210110170434_1.jpg

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    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
  6. Bruno Gil

    Bruno Gil Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Gonna post my experience here.
    First time this happened to me was in a GT Challenge race, and on the old ui, so it isnt related to latest UI or version.
    It's happened two more times since, in the CS. All three times, I was able to pinpoint the origin to a specific car on the grid.
    You can see it in the replay when the session is running, not sure about if also when you load a replay file.
    Last time it happened to me was in a GTE CS race @ VIR, and I managed to snatch a screenshot: [​IMG]

    This is the car it was originating from ( this was on cool down lap).
    You can see how the bodywork is also glitched/invisible. When "shadow" shows, bodywork disappears, and vice versa.
    In this race I spotted this at first on Warm up, and it seemed to come from a pit stall, So I'm guessing same car, in his pit stall.
    On the race itself i went ahead of him and could see it in my mirrors for a few corners, eventually went away.
    Later, once I was about 1/4 lap distance of lapping him, it started showing again, and getting worse as I closed in on him, untill I eventually could see clearly which car it was coming from.

    I would suggest trying to pinpoint each instance to a car/driver, and see if names repeat themselves.
    (I should add I didn't see which driver this was, but I'll try to if it happens again)
  7. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    @4thworld Competition system GTEs Silverstone R09: the reported
    graphic bugs are still there. Its also there when looking from garage to other car views and I'm having this only participating in competition system, I was on practice offline with this mod just before this online race and had no issues. In my case it seams not comming from other cars hud like in #26:
    20210115190801_1 - copia.jpg 20210115190736_1 - copia.jpg 20210115190801_1 - copia.jpg 20210115190826_1 - copia.jpg 20210115191326_1 - copia.jpg 20210115191336_1 - copia.jpg

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    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  8. Bruno Gil

    Bruno Gil Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I'm pretty sure most of those come from a* car far ahead. Forget the yellow ones thing, as I just noticed all are in the same race.

    Edit: I see you took some of those screenshot in replay. Was it while still in the session or does it show if you load the replay afterwards?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  9. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I had it again today in Botniaring as well, it's definitely coming from another car. I was able to solve it by leaving the session and rejoining (I was able to solve this several times). Perhaps it is also an error when loading the skins, under certain circumstances they are loaded incompletely?
  10. kajoti

    kajoti Registered

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I normally see it coming from other cars, but today it very definitely came from me in the 9pm Botniaring race. I was there in the pits for the 5 minute practice, but I couldn't see a thing so I left before the race. Did anyone else see it coming from my car?

  11. kajoti

    kajoti Registered

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Also worth mentioning, I tried turning my mirrors off, but it made no difference. I tried leaving and rejoining, but I was too late to get back into the race so I was just spectating, so not sure if it cleared it or not.
  12. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    No it was during the race, looking from garage to other car views. Its not visible at replay after the race.
  13. Bruno Gil

    Bruno Gil Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Just happened to me again at the last race in the Tatuus series. Dude was in front of me on the grid so I could clearly see it coming from his mirrors.
    From the results, I noticed he is one of thos drivers whose names in the standings starts with "Tatuus FT-60 #x". He was Fabiano de Sousa Barbos.
    So im guessing its a problem with drivers who signed up with custom driver/skin

    EDIT: nevermind. I just noticed the problem jumped from car to car during the race and/or showed from multiple cars

    EDIT2: I do notice in the replay there are three different cars with plain white livery, suggesting they are using a custom skin
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
  14. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    @kajoti Did you use a custom skin?
  15. kajoti

    kajoti Registered

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I did not use a custom skin, no.
  16. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    R14 Tatuus: This car caused the graphic bug in this race, probably due to own skin. Maybe S397 can ask Andries van Laar
    20210116170133_1.jpg 20210116170601_1.jpg 20210116170848_1.jpg 20210116173040_1.jpg 20210116173047_1.jpg 20210116173104_1.jpg 20210116173108_1.jpg
  17. Bruno Gil

    Bruno Gil Registered

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Alpine Q01: in warm up it was apparently coming from the lake in front of the pits as the lake was "blinking" at same time as bug showed. then it race it started to come from a car, but unfortunately i couldnt tell which specific one it was.

    Im thinking it has something to do with reflective surfaces and custom skins
  18. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    @4thworld Toban R2, my own car had the graphic bug at warmup and at the start of the R. At warmup I tried to leave and rejoin, but it didn't help, I had to retire because I hadn't visibility. I had no personal skin and just before in offline session I had no problems. I'm running on Tatuus #19
    20210117200314_1.jpg 20210117200354_1.jpg 20210117200537_1.jpg 20210117200541_1.jpg 20210117200542_1.jpg

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    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  19. xiqui

    xiqui Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Today I had the same problem in the Tatus race at 8:00 p.m. and in the Alpine race at 9:30 p.m.
  20. Stefan Wirth

    Stefan Wirth Registered

    Dec 25, 2014
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    Today 18:30 Ibarra GT4 Q: This car had the bug and no hud at warmup. At Q then I couldn't see the bug but the car still had no hud (it appeared sometimes randomly). I'm not sure if he was aware, I asked him but no answer.
    20210118183232_1.jpg 20210118183240_1.jpg 20210118183634_1.jpg 20210118183653_1.jpg 20210118183654_1.jpg 20210118184356_1.jpg 20210118184447_1.jpg

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