Change pace car and

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Bkim, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Bkim

    Bkim Registered

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Hi all,

    I would like to change the pace car and the speed of the pace car. I have looked through the JSON file but there i'm only able to set the if the pace car is collidable and the threshold of the pace car.
    Via google i noticed people talking about the RFM files, in which i should be able to change the Pace car itself plus settings. I searched in the rF2 folder for *.rfm files and i came up 1 so far that did not have these options, so either i have the wrong file of i should created extra lines for it. Howe can giude me in the right direction?

    Grtz. Bee.
  2. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Can be changed in the .GDB file of the track.
    Its called "Formation speed" there and you have to unpack / repack the track for that.
    Dont know another way that would overwrite it.
  3. Tosch

    Tosch Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Have you tried to create a vmod (Create Package) in MAS2.exe and include a modified rfm file (instead of the default.rfm)? The rfm file should overwrite the gdb settings.
  4. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    If it's the same as it was in rF1, and i think that is like that, the gdb entries overwrite track-related rfm entries.
  5. Bkim

    Bkim Registered

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Thanks for all replies. But i do not know what to find were. I found the MAS2.exe in the tools folder. I tried to extract Silverstone GP but MAS2 gives an error.
    I have installed some mod track content: Sebring for example. Racing the Renault Megane (org ISI car), i noticed that the Sebring creator already tuned the safety cars speed.
    But i would like to set a higer speed at Silverstone (org, ISI track).
  6. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The gdb files for the Siverstone (ISI_Silverstone_2012 V 1.14) track are in the
    which both can be extracted with the MAS2 tool.
  7. Bkim

    Bkim Registered

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Thanks! That helped me a lot! I found the MAS file, opened it in MAS2.exe. From there i extracted the GDB file into a folder i created. With notepad i added the line: Formationspeed = 100. I saved the GDB file. in MAS2 i deleted the original GDB file and imported my customized GDB file. In MAS 2 i saved the MAS file. So i did everything in reversed order. However, when i start rF2, Silverstone has disappeared from the track list. Where do i go wrong?
  8. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    You have to repack the track. You can't just change the mas files.

    This means that unless people have your exact repacked track (it will have a new hash) then they can't race with you. You can play offline ok though.

    Have a look for the "Modding FAQ" thread, it has some links to some guides which might help you.

    Creating a vMod can change the pace speed I believe, without touching the original track files, links should be in the same place as stated above.
  9. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    If you replace a MAS file from an installed mod/comp, the whole thing gets corrupted, because the hash-number of the new MAS file don't matches the one that is written in the mft file.
    As a result the mod/comp isn't listed in the menu anymore.

    What you have to do is to repack the whole mod/comp, but if you do that an keep the name version-number ... of the original, it won't work online any longer.

    I would suggest to create an update with the changed gdb file.
    The advantage is, that if the update is installed, you can use the new gdb settings and if you uninstall it, you can use the original track online.

    Install the original track again before you create the update.

    For the update, repack the MAS file with the new/edited gdb file and keep the MAS files name that it has had before.
    Now create a new component package (the button with the open box in the top row of the MAS2 tool.

    Choose "Create Single Comp Package".
    On the next window open the "Select component" dropdown and select "Add New Component"
    For Silverstone enter the name: ISI_Silverstone_2012
    Click on the Button right beside of the Dropdown "File:" and move to the packages folder that you use. Enter "ISI_Silverstone_2012-v150.rfcmp" as filename and click "open"
    In the field "Version:" enter 1.50
    (1.50 is only a suggestion for the version-number, you can use any other, higher than the 1.14 from the original)
    In the Dropdown Type: select "Location"
    Check the checkbox "Update from:" and in the field enter 1.14
    Add some info if you want
    In the field MAS files click on the button on the right side, which is above of the red cross and select your new mas file(s). Enter all updated MAS files here.
    Click on the Button "Package"
    You should get the message that the package has been successfully created
    Click on the Button "Install" or install your Update in the Launcher
    The Updated track should show up in the menu as Silverstone 1.50 now
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2015
  10. Navigator

    Navigator Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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  11. Bkim

    Bkim Registered

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Thanks people, those tutorials did the trick! I'm a happy racer:eek:

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