Cannot ALT+TAB even in windowed/borderless mode

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Marcus Battaglia, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. Marcus Battaglia

    Marcus Battaglia Registered

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Hi guys,

    This problem has been bugging me for a while, and now that I am league racing (and need to have Discord or TS open in the background) it is killing me.

    Basically, when I am running rF2, I cannot ALT+TAB out of it. When I press those keys, it shows me the little screens of everything I could tab to, but it simply won't switch. rFactor 2 stays open always, no matter what. It doesn't matter if I run it in "windowed" or "borderless" mode (never tried it on "Full Screen").

    I am currently using a VR (HP Reverb G2) to race, but my monitor is a LG 34 in ultrawide (1080p, 60 Hz). Because of that, my game runs at 1920 x 1080 even though the screen is 2560 x 1080 (so I can see part of de desktop on either side). If I move my mouse around, I can see it in the background, but the rF2 is always running on top.

    If I try another monitor (ASUS 27in 16:9 FHD) with VR disabled, then I can open it in windowed mode, no problem, and I can ALT+TAB it.

    What is going on? How can I solve this, since I currently only have that 34in ultrawide monitor? It is a pain in the ass having to exit the game to open Discord, then go to rF2, then exit the game again to switch channel, then go back to the game again...... Ultrawide bug? VR bug?

    My PC specs:
    Intel i9 9900k
    16 Gb DDR 4 RAM (Vengeance 3600 MHz)
    ASUS GeForce RTX 3070 OC 8Gb
    Windows 10 Pro
    LG 34" Ultrawide Full HD monitor
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I can rarely alt-tab out of rF2, regardless of the type, but I can't remember the last time it worked in Borderless. With some other games, I can only get alt-tab to work if I have some other program already loaded before launching the game. Try opening your browser and leave it in the background while you launch rF2. I would think it should work in the two window'd modes.
  3. Manfredk2

    Manfredk2 Guest

    Try Win + D
  4. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    that's a very good mister, it never fails me:)
    Marcus Battaglia likes this.
  5. Jason Whited

    Jason Whited Registered

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Same issue here, for as long as I can remember in rF2.
    I used to have a work around where I could press windows key and it would let me in/out of the game, but that stopped working some time ago.

    In the last few months I got sick of not being able to tab out while in game so I hooked up a second monitor and created a second desktop (virtual) and now I can jump between desktop 1 and desktop 2 without hassles. Only permanent solution I've found at this time.

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