everyone please try and crash my server. ~bTp~ 100 Driver Megane... Quad Core Opteron 2374 8 Processors 30gigs of Ram 1 Tb of space. 100mb connection let's see what she can handle...
Can't find it online so maybe it's crashed allready... How many clients have you had until now at one time?
"C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor2\Core\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" +path=.. +maxplayers 50" this is my dedicated server link. you must add the +max players 50 to get to 104.
It would be probably best to lobby this thread more and try to set an exact date and time to get most to connect to your server. Weekend maybe? I'm out of action due to a nasty influensa bug and high fewer for some time for now...
I get 1 server up 24/7 i set allow 103 drivers but i think limit is what rfm files shows name off server TrippTeamTest Mod is megane