Can´t connect trough Steam Event

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Juergen Muench, May 5, 2016.

  1. Juergen Muench

    Juergen Muench Registered

    Nov 8, 2014
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    there seems to be a problem with direct connect from Steam Event.
    I can connect to my server in nearly any way. The required content is already installed.

    After a while I found the correct port for the server, so Steam will find it. ( HTTP Server Port +2 e.g. 54297=54299)

    So I createt an Event in Steam. After I´ve had clicked on the link to connect the server all worked fine due to the point rFactor 2 was loaded and was in the "old" Match Maker. By joining a server trough the Steam Match Maker, normally he´ll connect to the server at this point but when I join by clicking the Event link, he won´t connect to the server. Instead he´ll stuck there and nothing happens.

    I hope I´m doing something wrong and somebody can help me, otherwise I´ll hope that this will be fixed in further builds, because it would be nice to have this featere from Steam working.
  2. Juergen Muench

    Juergen Muench Registered

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Build 1098: still doesn´t work.

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