Camber don't work (new tyres).

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Simulation_Player, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    The camber situation is still terrible even on new tyres, low as possible is still way to go.
    cutting the chase here are some numbers >>
    (right tyre is outside one)
    IR18 >

    IR18 F 2 VS 3.JPG

    IR18 F 2 VS 4.JPG

    the lateral force change is so low that it could actually be within normal deviation due to non-perfect testing,
    by that i mean even if u don't change camber u get similar LAT force diff

    in above test i didn't change rear camber at all and look even with same camber their difference is big as front with massive camber change.


    Porsche RSR >

    rsr f 2 vs 3.JPG

    rsr f 2 vs 4.JPG

    488 gte >

    488 f 2 vs 4.JPG

    across the board the camber is practically useless and not working.

    with rear the camber situation is way worse u actually lose grip with rear camber, which is very strange. especially noticable on GT cars, even with steering lock on throttle situation (which is 99% of the time) high rear camber should increase the grip especially when on low camber at rear is melting outside shoulder ....still u get more grip on power with steering lock grip at lowest rear camber.

    I think devs might be aware of this situations since top drivers are still using this exploit, but its been almost 2 years since new tyres came and still no updates on camber simulation.
    so hopefully with this post more people will notice and care about tyre physics , speed up the process.

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