Calculations for rubber and marble build up

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by Marek Lesniak, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. Marek Lesniak

    Marek Lesniak Car Team Staff Member

    Oct 6, 2010
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    I have some questions related to rubber and marble build up:

    1. We already know that going for a longer time in a one consistent line will build some rubber on the track but does every single lap line actually count for that?

    2. Does the amount of rubber layed out depends on tyre type beeing used (road tyres won't put as much rubber as racing slick)?

    3. What is affecting marble build up? Anything else apart from session length? Maybe some tyre properties?

    4. Can we save track state after one session (weather conditions, rubber and marble build up and other stuff like that) and apply it at the beginning of the next (or whatever we want) defined session? For example, qualy 1 followed by qualy 2, followed then by qualy 3 in F1. Obviously, if it was raining in qualy 1 and at the end of that session there was already visible dry line, you can't start qualy 2 on a completly wet surface, like there were no cars on track before.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2012
  2. Michael Juliano

    Michael Juliano Track Team

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I've got these:

    1) Every car, every tire, every lap counts towards the build up of the groove...

    2) It does, but is not final yet because the tire model isn't final yet. When it's all complete the groove will be based completely on the rubber from the tires as they shed it

    3) As with the groove, in its final version marble build up will be based entirely on the rubber being shed from the tires.

    4) The groove is carried from one session to the next. Currently, when you start a weekend the track is green. There is code that will allow us to set the level of rubber on the track at the beginning of the weekend, but it's not fully implemented yet as a feature. And yes, when weather is complete the track will change between sessions depending on the current weather (at least the last time I heard that was the plan)...
  3. Marek Lesniak

    Marek Lesniak Car Team Staff Member

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Aye aye, Captain! :)

    Thank you Scott!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2012

    PLAYLIFE Registered

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Not sure if it's been answered elsewhere but it is along the lines of the questions asked here.

    With regards to rubber build up and marbles, what effect does a wet circuit have on those?
    Normally you find the 'racing line/rubbered-in' in the dry becomes less grippy in the wet while the marble build up area has more grip and thus the 'go-kart line' can then become the quickest way around the corner (i.e., running it wide on what would normally be the marble build up area on the outside of the racing line/rubbered-in part of the circuit). I haven't explained that particularly well but hopefully you understand the point I'm asking about :)
  5. Luc Van Camp

    Luc Van Camp Track Team Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I believe that's part of the upcoming Weather and RealRoad improvements, along with further refinements and additions to the tyre model. Once all elements are in place, it shouldn't be difficult to let them all interact with each other. The basics are there and will offer a good challenge already :) .

    PLAYLIFE Registered

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Thanks for the response. I'd imagine this effect would be extremely challenging to implement since even in real life the effect is not always present and understood and other factors like corner camber, radius, tarmac type all have an effect of whether the rubbered-in line is the optimal line.

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