Morning gents, I'm getting horrible sutters.. I've never had these issue until now. My system spec are : Cpu: i7 5820k @3.4ghz watercooled Gpu: 980ti sc X 2 sli Psu: 1000w evga Mobo: ASUS SABERTOOTH X99 Ram: 16g ddr 4 2400mhz Running on Windows 10 with the latest nvidia drivers. Screens: 3x 27" 144hz all running off display ports I get around 250/300fps at most tracks but it never runs smooth and the graphics look very jaggy. In running on full graphic setting but if I drop them to medium I still get the same stutters and jaggy edges. I'm guessing it's not the system specs that are causing me issue but the way I have it set up or the drivers?? Any help please
I have similar system as you have (click four colored icon below my name)and this are settings I am using, fps locked to 120. GeForce Game Ready Driver Version: 364.72 - WHQL in rFactor2. Open Nvidia inspector rFactor2 profile. Compatibility: SLI comparability bits: 0x02402004 Sync and refresh: Maximum pre rendered frames: 1 Common: Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance SLI: Number of GPUs to use on SLI rendering mode: SLI_GPU_COUNT_TWO Nvidia predefined number of GPUs to use on SLI rendering mode: SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT TWO UserData > player folder and open player.JASON file and edit: "Max Framerate":120, (if you don`t use Sync > Video in rFactor2 video settings) "Max Framerate#":"0 to disable (note: positive numbers only, we always use the 'alternate' method now)", "Texture Sharpening":0, "Texture Sharpening#":"Sharpen textures using MIP LOD bias - 0=Off, 1=+2.0(very blurry), 2=+1.0(blurry), 3=-1.0(sharp), 4=-2.0(very sharp), 5=0.0(auto)", rFactor2 video settings: Mode > Fullscreen Anti Aliasing > 4 HDR> on Sync > Video Inn Game > Options > Display: Circuit Detail > Full Player Detail > Full Opponent Detail > High Texture Detail > Full Texture Filter > X16 Special Effects > Full/High Shadows > Medium (This is FPS killer #1 in rF2 with SLI) Shadow Blur > Off Soft particles > Off Rain Drops > Yes Road Reflection > (Off gives better fps) Environment Reflection > (Off gives better fps)
Thanks for a speedy reply. I've never played with nvidia inspector or anything like that I just set up the sli in the nvidia control panel and started playing rfactor 2. so I wouldn't know where to begin but I'll have a read up about it today. Thanks for the settings I'll let you know how I get on later this evening. Thanks
You've tried changing the new FFB thread option in the .json to false, I presume. If you haven't, and you've not had this problem before, I'd try that before changing graphics options that were previously fine. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Some old wheels can't handle the very high update rates, so rF2 has long had the option to 'Skip Updates' to lower the frequency. For Build 1080 they've replaced it with a separate thread for FFB, but it appears it may adversely affect performance for some people / configurations. So disabling it will put things back the way they were, which is only an issue if you had to use Skip Updates before. You probably didn't. The build release thread explains where it is if you're not sure.