Hi everyone! Does anyone know of any good skins for the current version of the M2? There's a big skin pack on Race Department, but was broken when the car was last updated. I'm finding a lot of others to be the same way, unfortunately. Hopefully, we'll get a few more from S397 in the future, so we can have a little more variety in the grid. Thanks!
I ended up updating the skins myself, and have a little variety in my M2 field now. It's a little tedious, but worth it in the end.
If the files are in *.mas format you have to go to rFactor 2\Installed\Vehicles\BMW_M2_CS_2020 and in the last version folder put those files. If they are in *.dds you have to put them in Factor 2\UserData\player\Settings\BMW_M2_CS_2020
For skins that are put in Factor 2\UserData\player\Settings\BMW_M2_CS_2020 you have to edit the rcd-file as they are made for an older version of the BMW. VehFile = 1_BMW_M2_CB9DED19F.VEH should work Then you should be able to use this skinpack: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/bmw-m2-all-my-bmw-m2-s-so-far.34785/ I added also VLN as Classes an Category and so i have all the VLN skins together and could select them as AI without the stock skins For example: //[[gMa1.002f (c)2016 ]] [[ ]] M2-Cup { D.Brink { Team = Zurlinde Component = BMW_M2_CS_2020 Skin = alt_zurlinde.dds VehFile = 1_BMW_M2_CB9DED19F.VEH Description = BMW M2 #619 Number = 619 Classes=VLN Category=VLN } }
I made for myself a big VLN skinpack as mas-file (with new icons etc. etc.) with more than 20 VLN skins for the M2. I am just asking both authors for permission to relase this pack to the community.
Permissions granted Full credit go to the creators of these ecellent skins, Ned and muzikant. Thank you guys I put all skins together in one pack as a mas-file so it will work also with maybe updated versions of the M2. Created veh-files out of muzikant´s rcd-files, renamed some files because of wrong icons and made new icons for the new UI for every skin with redapg´s famous online-tool. Just put the mas-file in ...rFactor 2\Installed\Vehicles\BMW_M2_CS_2020\1.41 and you should find them under VLN near the end of the carlist.. Opponents are also under VLN. So you could race all skins of the pack without the stock skins. Two skins has number 579. So i changed the description of one to 580. If you find a livery with a wrong icon (could happen if skin names are equal) or some type error then please give feedback Download here: https://mega.nz/folder/CIIlGQ5C#jmMrO8sfvanSx4D6X8PaLg
Please ask Ned and muzikant at racedepartment forum for permission to do this. I got the permission to release it as pack only for here
Hi, first of all, thanks for your work. But when i try the skin, it won't load and my game freeze. I followed all the instruction just like i did with .mas file in rf2. Really love this car.
Just tried it out, works and all skins seem to be loaded. Is it a specific skin which makes problems?
Weird, on my side it just freeze on loading screen when i choose this car. I had to restart the rf2. After i removed the .mas files, it will works again. Really don't know what the problem on my side Maybe i put the old skin files which is in installed folder, will try remove it later when i get back home. Thanks for your help my friend Solved - removed the skin at the Factor 2\UserData\player\Settings\BMW_M2_CS_2020 and its worked, so its my fault anyway.