This file seems to be corrupt: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\365960\2883380637\BMW_330i_CAR.psd Verified with a few clients.
Most probably Gimp as I get the error too. Gimp can manage Layer Groups fine but NOT Nested Layers. This is not the first S397 template that does not open in Gimp... why do simple when you can do complicated? I'm in IT for a living, The best thing my industry ever invented is Software As A Service, SAAS. It's even better than the Cloud thing. Adobe SAAS... they can take a walk off a tall building. I own a boat. If I do a payment on a boat, it's on my boat not there's. Latest Gimp BTW. Hope the template can be cleaned up as it is not an advantage for S397 to put barriers in front of users that actually love wasting hours in Gimp. Anyhoo, thank you and HF!
A racer friend just sent me the layer tree. I do not know Photoshop. The glyph in front of "Levels 1" is unknown to me. Could it be the nested layer groups under "PARTS". The Square glyph with the red accent on "Color Fill 2" under "PAINT" is also unknown to me. Anyone has an idea?
Much appreciated - as would be a quick trawl through ‘recent’ official content to weed out the other GIMP-hating templates. Honestly, Adobe are a nightmare for non-commercial users - unaffordable SAAS licenses for casual usage. I can’t even justify PS as part of a bundle given my photographic hobby on top of occasional sim-skinning work.