[REL] BMW 1 Challenge 2006 + BMW 1 2008 1.02

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Slow Motion, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. Slow Motion

    Slow Motion Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    BMW 1 Challenge 2006 and BMW 1 2008

    Build 1.02, June 7th, 2023:
    - display maintenance update 2008 classes

    Build 1.01, May 3rd, 2023:
    - display maintenance update 2006 and 2008 classes

    Build 1.0, January 10th, 2023

    The mod comes with 2 "classes", but must be considered 2 mods: one the BMW 1 Challenge 2006 and one the BMW 1 2008, totally remodeled and updated in performances vs. the 2006 class. Originally developed by Mirzza and his team @ SimRacing.cz and re-developed by SMMG under full authorization of Mirzza.

    The mod was originally developed for rFactor with a lot of attention by Mirzza and his team and in full involvement of Jaroslav Honzík jr, the premiere year 2006 BMW 1 Challenge Champion and above you can read in details how the development ran

    Introduction of Jaroslav Honzík jr,. The premiere year 2006 BMW 1 Challenge Champion:

    I like BMW 1 Challenge Mode very much, some time ago I was dreaming about that I will be in any computer racing game, that give me rFactor and people from SimRacing.cz, so I’m very happy for that!

    In began of the season some people from SimRacing.cz contact me and told me that they want to make BMW 1 Challenge mode for rFactor, I thinking „OK, so make that but I haven’t much of hope that they make it well.“ But while I was playing first beta version on the beginning of the development I fall on the ground! That was amazing! And have not lot of data from real, so it was really good. After this testing I was helping a lot more than before, I wanted to make it best! I was trying to find all technical information, I was testing and a lot more to make it right real car! I gave some my experience from driving real racing car to the game.

    After some more time, the mode going to be better and better, and I was able to do some training before real races. Everyone knows that „realistic“ is very hard to make to the game, but I think that this mode comes with something new.
    We was testing in free practices some changes of the setup in real, from setup in game, and actually it sometimes works! Even when we test setup in real we could move it to the game!
    In game the default setup is similar with setup for the Brno race track for this car.

    Who knows...maybe I won this year championship with the help of rFactor mode BMW 1 Challenge and SimRacing.cz!!! I think that people must test this mode indeed!

    All the real cars have some specific properties and qualities and I think that SimRacing.cz make it right in this mode!

    I want to give many many thanks to Team SimRacing.cz that they give me chance to help them and that they make very very good work! I hope that I will be able to help them with some other Racing series to make it to the rFactor game!

    Jaroslav Honzík jr. (nick: Jardier)

    The BMW 1 Challenge 2006 Champion!

    Special thanks to Chris "redapg" and his great Online Tools for rFactor2!

    BMW 1 Challenge 2006: 14 cars
    BMW 1 2006 Fantasy skins: 20 cars
    BMW 1 2008 Factory: 10 cars

    Steam: --->https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2916311260

    Manual download of the mod 2006: --->https://mega.nz/file/y0YHVBqC#p-U5jKqyA6c9ZuL3op-_rjO2LfxkUBr2O720t5h6o5k
    Manual download of the mod 2008: --->https://mega.nz/file/nkI0TCoC#29gYyQ1-j2cDRMfp_QfmFGjdYwVnEk9Z_o7txHbJMpE

    Manual download of the templates:
    2006 body --->https://mega.nz/file/igwQTTrL#4FzEmndv7AgWzdXk1vK4l5rT9qviblnCAN6ZcQ_tAc0
    2006 windows --->https://mega.nz/file/DsAU3QTL#k-nnfcDjXRztc_JLBVIOZLItIp891TgShvzrTcM4XMI
    2008 body --->https://mega.nz/file/3x50RZQC#md5pNgqkQCFK7WunBRzgTbhCyHTBw3gZNhkB59xJzMY
    2008 windows --->https://mega.nz/file/bswyCLDT#A2-kfTWG3g8urfMhitjK3qb47AEfSx8lzsL2yVhZyaw

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  2. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Looking fantastic Marco, great models as always.
    Slow Motion likes this.
  3. Myrvold

    Myrvold Registered

    Jan 9, 2012
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    This mod was the first one I ever did "international" simracing with. With that I mean, first time I participated in a league that wasn't from Norway, with only Norwegians.
    Jardier was driving as well. So it was all about being in 2nd place, haha.
  4. Slow Motion

    Slow Motion Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    First post has been updated to build 1.01:
    - display maintenance update 2006 and 2008 classes
    DJCruicky, Corti and marmagas like this.
  5. Slow Motion

    Slow Motion Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    First post has been updated to Build 1.02, June 7th, 2023:
    - display maintenance update 2008 classes
    Corti, atomed, GeraArg and 1 other person like this.
  6. Reiche

    Reiche Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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  7. Slow Motion

    Slow Motion Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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