I recall A-lot of users asking about single cars when the original pack came out. I think most of them were using the Mclaren to race the e-championship that Rudi won. I'm betting many of those have gone back to their old sims and are finding them less appealing than before. Now they want to get all the cars, but resent even just 5 $(pounds, Euros, Brazillos, etc) wasted on re-purchasing that one car they already own. Steve's post came in while I was typing. I agree the web-page for the DLC should CLEARLY state if you can race online with just one or more cars instead of the entire pack.
So if you come from iRacing, the pack price is the price of a single car in iRacing, can't understand the complaint really...
Of course it has! If each car cost 15€ or the pack 75€ i would agree that we should have the option to buy one car and be able to go online, but 15€ for one pack of five cars? Some people spent more than that buying crap from AC or pCars for example...
Ah, but trollishly (not a real word??), I think he got it right on the money. I personally find that baiting the hook and casting out with the intent of NOT getting a bite is more of a challenge. I'm destined to fail at this of course, c'est la vie. (fr:such is life)
And in RaceRoom we don't need to buy all the car pack to join the servers and the one car price is low. It has nothing to do with the price, it's the game conception that makes impossible to buy just one car and join a GT3 server. They shouldn't sell unit car is this case…. Well… it's not my demand. I'm just asking for a BlackFriday price on the packs too.
Yes, but in RaceRoom I need to download 50 GB at least on first install even if I don't own the content. Same story with AMS. It's a design choice and both have their pros and cons. I personally prefer not to have 50 GB of unpaid DLC on my SSD just in case I may want to join a server with them.