Hello everyone I bought my copy of Rfactor2 on Steam and clocked 60 hours of it. Im having lots of fun with it however lately I notice the last few races I tend to get of the line quicker then the AI would via standing starts. I have full flag rules on and I start as soon as the lights go out but the AI tend to start a second later then me. Is there anyway this could be improved?
Not that I know of. The only possibility would be that modding the talent file could do something, but I´m not sure. Nothing ingame at least.
A second later? Really? I may get away slightly quicker but it's fractions of a second. Where are you on the grid? I can imagine that backmarkers in a big field might get away really slowly but I've never seen it.
Apart from other things, it is very dependent of the mode. Try Marussia MR01 on the same tyres as AIs in any official track, like Sepang or Silverstone. I'm sure you'll be supprised how quickly AIs start. Often 3rd party cars are not optimised for offline racing as the teams create them for using in their leagues (i.e. online only).
What ai level are you using? I once put it on 70% just for a laugh and they really really long to start.
Hi Seven smiles. From what i can remember i was doing a race using the Renault clio cup car mod on Oulton park. I started in first gear with the clutch engaged and as soon as the lights went out i let go of the clutch and flew ahead of everyone and was roughly two to three seconds ahead of second place.
Hi rubennaatje i usually race with 100% ai strength for the races on race tracks but when i race on ovals the strength is either lower or bigger depending on the track.
Hi peterchen i had a look at the talant files and the numbers in the talent file are between 95% to 100% so they look pretty normal to me.
Good news guys i think i found the problum. I.ve bean playing around with the AI strength and set it between 110% to 115%. I used the F1 2017 mod and the AI are getting of the line much quicker then before. Even testing it with the BTCC mod has the same result. So my theory suggests its to do with AI strength. Could someone maybe confirm that for me please
From 95 to 120%, once again depending on the cpecific mode and track combination. 70% is too low, newer tried that.
I think after all that this is most likely track/mod related. A tiny kink in the AIW-path near start/finish can cause serious problems (for example). Also: only a fraction of car mods have (proper) talent files!Please modders!
That seems like another posability however the two mods that i mentoned in my last post was to do with the AI strength i think. But I.ll check the other mods i have and see if it will have the same result.
I believe the Start Skill in the talent file can go above 100 for even better AI starts, not played with it for a long time though so not 100% certain.
Hi MarcG I never thought that the talant file setting could go above 100%. When i last checked it was between 95% to 100% but I.ll check out the talant file again and confirm it.
yeah have a play with it, set one AI to say 120 and another to 0, start a race and make sure they qualify in front of you and just watch the start and see what happens.
Hi MarcG I had a look at the talent file and here's what I saw Eric Elliott { Nationality = American DateofBirth = 26-2-1984 Starts = 0 Poles = 0 Wins = 0 DriversChampionships = 0 Aggression = 90.0 Reputation = 100.0 Courtesy = 95.0 Composure = 97.0 Speed = 100.0 QualifySpeed = 90.0 WetSpeed = 90.0 StartSkill = 115.0 Crash = 0.7 Recovery = 100.0 CompletedLaps = 100.0 MinRacingSkill = 90.0 Richard Chmielewski { Nationality = American DateofBirth = 26-2-1984 Starts = 0 Poles = 0 Wins = 0 DriversChampionships = 0 Aggression = 90.0 Reputation = 100.0 Courtesy = 95.0 Composure = 95.0 Speed = 99.0 QualifySpeed = 93.0 WetSpeed = 95.0 StartSkill = 115.0 Crash = 0.2 Recovery = 98.0 CompletedLaps = 100.0 MinRacingSkill = 95.0 And I was wondering if I adjust the start skill for Eric Elliot does Richard Chmielewki and the rest of the drivers automatically get that same start skill as Eric Does or do I have to adjust it manually?
No, all the values under each driver are specific for that driver only so you have to edit them all individually, so if you adjust StartSkill for Eric it will only affect him and vice versa for all other drivers. Just to be clear, do you know how to repackage the mod correctly and everything associated with that?
Alright thats fine just wanna be sure and no I don't think I know how to repackage a mod correctly and honestly I never did modding before I usually download the cars and tracks of the Steam workshop or any other modding site dedicated to Rfactor2. Sorry
aahh then you're stuck because just editing the RCD won't make any changes whatsoever (it's different from rf1 in that sense), you have to repackage the files accordingly to make them work in game. Check the modding forum for tutorials (pretty sure there's one there) and I believe there are simple programs to make life easier, it's a bit of a struggle at first but soon becomes quicker when you know what you're doing