Great stuff - supported Mario too, but as I am "noobish" at 3DSMax I did not get even the basics... Maybe I could get a look at your "Docus" too? TIA
The docos are very much a work in progress as I have to try and remember what it's like as a beginner ie where particular buttons are, what modifiers are / do (most common that I think they will use) etc. So at this stage the doco will be with myself with input from Intel (as a beginner) to improve before I even consider releasing. I don't have time to be updating it left, right and centre if released to a wider audience. I will keep you in mind for later though. Now, Intel. Given this is about Bathurst and you are now a Pro in 3ds Max, hows it coming alone
have got it imported into max, fixing all the mesh, and redoing textures, terrain , next, have a lot of the objects done already, but will edit in max........playing with animation bones atm......oh fun fun fun....cheers, thanks for all your guidence...very much appreciated
Intel 48. So glad to hear an RF2 Bathurst is happening. I have so many times thought about diving back on to RF1 to drive the mountain preferably in a time accellerated overnight race. I hope you can get the NSW country night sky close. The Southern Cross would make me homesick. PS If you have to call it something else to avoid commercial problems can I suggest "Brock Mountain" NSW Australia
A good version of Bathurst for rf2 would be brill I'm use to the laser scanned version of this track & the road surface has a lot of character ( small cambers near edges of track & small dips at places where track meets walls etc ) so I guess recreating this track is quite a challenge I'll enjoy checking in on this thread, good luck
@ Adrianstealth, the track has since been resurfaced, the 1st race on the new resurfaced track was the 12hr Bathurst only last month. I do agree that small dips etc add character but those small dips are now gone. Still though, it will always be a great track to race on.
Radar, Ok thanks for info, it seems lately every track Iracing scans gets resurfaced soon afterwards lol
I'm looking forward to this. I fully understand the enormous task this is. I'd love to learn 3DS max, I do quite a bit of work with Civil3d and would great if that could used to create the road surface, super elevation, kerbs etc, but I can't seem to do it. Probably a bit restrictive anyway as C3D is really for road construction design. So I wouldn't mind looking at the beginners guide when it's finished. Then all I need is some time. Lots of time...
I wouldn't hold your breath for this, Intel's track record isn't exactly great when it comes to finishing tracks he has converted let alone from scratch.
I see progress in all tracks Intel48 made so far. Do we have to judge what he will do in the future in advance? The result will be what it will be, I'm really happy he work on this track, and I have fun with some of his tracks he did in the past. I'm thankful for the work done and the coming work, and the fact he share with us what he do. I'm not able to do 1% of what he achieved so far. It took around one year for all of us to be able to stand-up and walk
I'd love Intel to prove me wrong and create and release and then finish a quality Bathurst track...then I'd apologise and would have no hesitation in doing so. In the meantime it'd be good if his other non-finished tracks got finished though, hence I wont be holding my breath just yet!
yes still working on bathurst, taking my time to try and get it right, have been fixing errors and mistakes with Sandown 2014, nearly finished, have spent last few months trying to perfect real road for dirt surfaces, having trouble witn creating a suitable "marbles" layer, dirt realroad works perfect....until track gets wet, then it all comes unstuck. Solution so far for a wet track, seems to be ALL the terain has to be REALROAD, then it all looks good, but there has to be another way, I am sure.
Why would we want RR on a dirt surface? Doesn't ISI have to program dirt surfaces first? That will have to include both packing down of loose surfaces from traffic over time and loosening packed surfaces caused by vehicles doing various extreme things on them (spinning wheels, heavy cornering, etc.). I have never heard of rubber build-up on a dirt surface for two reasons: 1) the surface isn't sticky enough to rip the rubber particles out of a tire 2) tires used on dirt surfaces don't shed rubber particles like racing slicks do because they are designed with treads and compounds for loose surfaces which means they have to be harder and longer-lasting and durable for much longer periods of time/harder use And if you are talking about dirt surfaces BESIDE a normal track, again, the loss of grip is so extreme compared to the racing surface that adding some RR marbles to it would be immaterial.