Sounds like polys are facing wrong direction. In Editable Poly mode, select tree polys and click Flip button under Edit Polygons rollout. Then re-export. You should avoid two-sided materials with rF2.
Thanks for all this info, would be great if it was collected in one place I'd like to play around with 3DS max and track building. Is it possible to copy another track instead of Joesville? Say, take one of the best tracks as a baseline and build from there, with already lots of good textures, materials and so on? How do I get from the few MAS files of a track to a folder that I can play with in dev mode / 3DS Max?
You can take Silverstone, unpack GMTs and Maps and open with 3DSimed and export to Open Collada the open it in 3D Max but you must re-asgin all materials and make them gmotor, the good thing is they keep the names, you can check them in 3DSimed and replicant in Max, that will be good to get used with Max/gMotor material, you can try to re export them to know the extructure, if you want to know something just ask me.
I think you don't know how to get the track working in DevMode right? I take Silverstone as an example (i have V 1.35 installed) - open the mastool (MAS2.exe) which is located in the folder [rFcator2 folder]\Support\Tools - click "file" and "open" and browse to the ..\Installed\Locations\SISI_Silverstone_2012[Version Number] folder, where the mas files are located - open the mas file "Silverstone_International.mas" which contains the defining files for the GT Layout. (The "Silverstone_National.mas" contains the files for National Layout) - inside the mas file you have to search for the file with the file extension SCN. - extract that file to e.g. the desktop. - open this file with a texteditor - at the beginning of the file you find some lines that look like this: SearchPath=. SearchPath=Silverstone SearchPath=Silverstone\Silverstone_International SearchPath=Silverstone\Assets\GMTs SearchPath=Silverstone\Assets\MAPs SearchPath=Silverstone\Assets\ANIMs SearchPath=Silverstone\Assets\Maps_New SearchPath=Silverstone\Assets\SPONSOR_MAPs With this information you move into the DevMode Locations folder and create a Subfolder named "Silverstone" and in this folder you create another subfolder named "Silverstone_International". - now you have to extract the whole content of the "Silverstone_International.mas" file into the new folder "\ModDev\Locations\Silverstone\Silverstone_International" - do the same procedure with the ""Silverstone_National.mas - as last step, put all other mas files of the installed track into the "\ModDev\Locations\Silverstone" folder. That's it. The track should work in DevMode now.
Hi guys, I do Exporting btb to 3dmax how I define the car's starting point because it starts flying!!
You need to create a connection with track. a piece of asphalt temporary.the car by default it is put on the axles 0,0,0.
you can create an AIW file to set your basic start points in BTB, Pit Spot, Garage, Centerline, Fastpath...go for it! [emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Is this reassigning materials business also needed when converting an existing track from another sim? How does the workflow change in that case? I have a track from another sim, I loaded it in 3DSimEd, converted to RF2, without doing anything else. I prepared all SCN, GDB, etc... files (even though they are just placeholders, really, I haven't put any much work in them). When I pack up the rfcmp and load it in game, it crashes during loading. Tried to peek into trace.log, but there's not enough clues for me to understand what's wrong. If I need to do anything with materials or anything else, can I do it straight in 3DSimED or do I need 3DSMax? Any pointers would be appreciated.
the materials and properties are specific to rF2, so just exporting from 3dsimed wont work, i have used 3sd max to create a base set of road, grass gravel, the road is most important because of the dynamic line the sim uses...i was hoping more people might share some materials from max, i have a base set from max 2009 i can share if you want... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I would suggest opening an existing rF2 track and check which are the shaders that best fit with your original material. Converting everything to t1 shader could be a quick check that your problem is with materials. Make a backup first. Enviado desde mi GT-I9505 mediante Tapatalk
Is there a size or poly limit for each gmt file? I've recently been trying to do something very basic, but all my objects were invisible. I made a basic road in Blender and converted with 3DSimEd, but there's a scaling issue that means my objects are huge. I split it up into multiple pieces but only when chopping up the first piece did I finally see something. With modern games I don't know what counts as high poly. The original first section has over 33000 faces, and its bounding box is roughly 5000 meters in the X direction (remember that scaling problem I mentioned?). The chopped version has fewer polys but also takes up less space. It's probably polys. Edit: I think size matters. I found the cause of the scaling problem and now that my track is at normal size, the entire thing renders, even though the whole thing is now one object. Physics calculations only work for the first X faces. If you drive beyond face X, the car will fall through the track. I don't know the value of X however; I just split up my track pieces into segments of ~2000 faces, and the ground became solid again. Of course I'd never use a single object for a whole track, but a single track piece can make testing quicker. On the other hand, it enforces some good practice among track creators.
Make sure you are working in meters in blender, export in meters.... then should be good Same Rsoul I used to race at SRGP?
I've been waiting for new 3dsmax plugins to come out to try to make a track myself, and by chance I found that beta plugins are already available. But as many before me, I can't get my track to load in rf2. However, I managed to load it into 3dsimed3. Is this step necessary? Shouldn't I be able to export scene directly from 3dsmax? Or maybe I should wait for final version of plugins? I have only a few models on scene: race surface, infield and xObjects. I have set up everything according to the tutorials, but most of these take gJed into account. Am I missing something not mentioned in these old tutorials? Also, if somebody could share a simple 3dsmax scene that works, that would be of a great help. Thanks! Edit: finally got it working! My error was in .gdb file; it was poiting to an inexistant .tdf file.
The very same. Haven't raced for ages though. Regarding my post, I can't believe I did the that "never mind, I found it" thing, i.e. without saying what I did. It was so long ago, but the FBX export panel has a 'scale' value, so it may have been 10 or 100 by default, instead of 1. Or maybe it's 1 by default and needs to be 0.1 or 0.001. Probably something like that.
I am also a bit lost here as someone who has never really used rFactor 2 before. This sticky thread is from 2012. Is the information on threse four pages still relevant? Should a lot of outdated information be archived to prevent confusion? Also, I am using the Steam version of rFactor 2. If I search its local files, I can't find someting called 3dsimed (but I did find the max plugin files). EDIT: Oh, 3dsimed is a 3rd party tool ( Is this preferrable to the official beta plugin for Max?
I would say that 3dsmax should be used for the modelling and 3dsimed is useful for conversions and to quickly load meshes and maybe edit basic things, but 3dsimed is not made for 3d modelling in my opinion.
It seems not much has actually changed. I used some old tutorials and they worked fine. I exported scene directly from max to rF2 and managed to get lots of features working (billboards, sectors, night lights, pit lights...). There's some info on new techniques here: It seems new max plugin has some bugs, but I haven't had the time yet to test the latest version.