I did answer Yesterday already, but the Post got lost due to the Forum Maintenance. So i say it again. Windows 7 or rFactor 2 on Windows 7, can not properly handle DDS Files, that are saved in the new Formats. If you resave them as DXT5 /DXT3, it should work.
Here is a Version with modified Textures that should work in Windows 7. But because i have no Windows 7 PC anymore, i can not test it. Try out if it works and if not, show Error Message(s) again here. It is Standalone, so you can unsubsribe from the original Track in the Workshop. After you did install it, it appears as 2023_Barcelona 1.15W7MAPS -> Barcelona 2023 Win7 in the Menu. LINK removed, this Version didn't work
@Pocisk I did modify 135 Textures already and that one should normally work. Do you know how to use the DevMode? As said, because i can not test it without a Windows 7 PC, it would be much easier, if you could test it in the DevMode. I would send you a zip File with the DevMode Version then.
@Pocisk i just have seen that the Error Message is the same that you did post before already. Are you sure that you did use the Track Barcelona 2023 Win7?
@Pocisk OK I will open a private Conversation with you now, to not to flood this Thread with our Communication. The Upload of the DevMode Version is started. If you have any other Barcelona related Track in DevMode, please move it completely out of the ModDev Folder.
Barcelona 2023 for Windows 7 (original from @Luis Barata ) Due to the Testing of @Pocisk (thank you again ), because i don't have a Windows 7 Machine anymore, i could package a rfcmp that works in Windows 7. If you are a Windows 7 User and did already download the first Version, that i did offer in the above Post, you should do this: 1. unsubscribe from the original 2023 Barcelona from the Workshop, that doesn't work for you anyway. 2. delete the 2023_Barcelona_v1.15W7Maps.rfcmp from your Packages Folder 3. delete the Folder ..\rFactor 2\Installed\Locations\2023_Barcelona\1.15W7Maps 4. download the new rfcmp DOWNLOAD from Mega.nz and install it. If you didn't download my former Version, do the Steps 1. and 4. only. If everything worked well, you should see the Version 1.15Win7 in the Content Manager (see below Screenshot) and should only have the Folder ..\rFactor 2\Installed\Locations\2023_Barcelona\1.15Win7 left.
Hi Chris Can You explain here how to get working in ModDev this Barcelona 2023 track? I tried with no success. It should be useful for all, on this Forum, a small tutorial on how to do this conversion of tracks from RF2 to mod dev. Some tracks are working as they are…some others not. And following the example of ModDev Jacksonville is not good for all tracks. Many thanks
Hello Nicola 2 Weeks ago, i did make the below Video, that describes it for a DLC Track. But it should help to do it with any other Track too. If it doesn't, inform me.