Hello. I've been experimenting with the rF2 server to play online with friends and also AIs. I've managed to get the server running through LAN (ZeroTier One) and have been successfully playing with friends and also AI for a complete race. I used player2 to run the server. The problem came as I need to pit stop for refueling, tire change, or driver swaps. I am aware that the AIs are using the maximum fuel possible, making they do not need to pit. I then tried to set the 'fixed setup' as written in PDF (I'm guessing everyone already knows what PDF I am talking about). The single player seems to recognize the setup I created; I created the starting fuel to be only for 10 laps, and the AIs also share the same fuel level. But, the setup is not applied to the multiplayer server albeit following the guide. The AIs always have 45 laps of fuel and the fuel consumption is not working. I checked on the .json, MULTI fuel multiplier is already on "1" etc. Perhaps someone can help to set up the server with AIs to have to pit or apply the same setup as I do? Thanks.
In the past it was like this : Setting up a race on time the AI will always use full fuel load. Setting up a race on laps the AI will just use the amount of fuel for those laps. IF SETTING UP a race on laps where the AI is not able to finish with one fuel load (AND does NOT need two full loads) the AI is using different fuel levels when starting the race. Some will pit earlier some later. Best feature of AI in rf2... I think this is still working. I like to say I am an expert for AI racing with my friends on servers. We (5 peoples) did run championships with the AI for having grids with 30 cars. WAS FUN...I stopped playing rf2 due to....oh god where to start ???????
Thanks for the answer! I get it now. So, if I wanted to have a race, where there is a pitstop once (for me and the AIs), I have to make sure that the no. of laps is exceeding the max lap of one full fuel load. Let's say, I just want to have a race for 30 minutes (19 laps based on my calculation), the AIs definitely do not need to pit, right? I'm guessing I should just change the fuel consumption multiplier, to force them and me to pit?
I tend to run singleplayer races with 3 classes/ 30 cars for 50-70 minutes at le mans. The AI pits 1-2 times and not all on same lap. I dont know if they fuel 100%. but some times they run out of fuel after they crossed finish line.
We run 30 minute and 1hr 10 min races in the GT3 cars. Fuel multiplier x3 for 30 min will force 1 stop. Fuel x2 for the 1hr race will force 2 stops. Setting these races up based on laps rather than time creates a better outcome as the AI pit using different strategies so pit on different laps whereas in the timed races they all pit together or within a lap or two. The problem I’ve found is that at some tracks using laps, some of the AI run out of petrol. AI pit stops tend to be quite slow. To combat this, we sometimes have a minimum fuel fill requirement in our stops to make our stops longer.
Hey, I hope someone is still watching this thread. What happens if you arrange a race with a defined number of laps AND a maximum allowed time? Does the AI fuel as if it is a lap limited race or timed one? @Paul Jeffrey maybe you'd be able to shed some light on this? Cheers.
I have been doing a couple of 2:40 hour AI races with lmp2 on le mans, and even though 5 full tanks (4 pits) is enough, AI stops for fuel 3 laps before ending. What setting in the player json can compensate for this? Example I fuelled 69 liters and could go 1 lap more than the AI, and a full tank is 75 liters where the fuel use on qual is about 7.5 liters per lap. Would changing the "AI Fuel Mult":0.99, make a difference? And any suggested value? I also noticed, AI some times brake too much when trying to overtake a slower class car (not when on a pitting lap). Can that be adjusted too in the player.json? Im using AI Aggression 68% AI limiter 8% AI Strength 103%