@sherpa25 I dont have the car installed, but I think you have to replace the wav files in the sound mas file. But if its through steam, then steam will probably overwrite it when it checks files. @redapg is just showing how to fix it. Give apex time to fix it, with this solution.
As @ThomasJohansen has written already, be patient, i'm pretty sure that Apex Modding will fix it soon.
We plan to update the mod , a update come soon for our patreon subscriber and betatester before public release .
can you please post a pic of the car with the "bug" ?1.09 version from the workshop?what track did you use ?
what the track has to do with blurred windshield? obviously windshield is pale and blurred on any track...and yes, ofc it's 1.09 ver. from workshop
It has to do There are old tracks, not upated to the current standards, that affect how some shaders are shown
my problem with blurred windshield is only on Porsche. other car's windshields seem to be okay or less blurred
thanks , but once again what is the track used?as elgagon say on some track the blur exist and on some other no ,with the track name we can try to reproduce and debugg
I uploaded screenshot from Red bull Ring track, on other tracks have the same problem with dull pale windshield on Porsche