Hi guys.. I've encountered some issues with one of the historic cars. The textures are showing with some bluish/purple tint in some parts of the body (all chassis exept yhe hood, lateral windows, interior panels and floor). See attached pictures. Any ideas on whats the trouble here? The purple tint.. also affects the final color of the skin. Weird stuff
Historic mod updated. Interior panels and windows. LODs optimized. Now we have to build the skin pack. Cheers Edit: Tonight I will be adding the engine bay plane object as Bears suggested for the modern versions. regards
Hey mate these cars are great and this whole series fascinates me... you are making it better all the time which is great I am not being picky can I ask about the dash in the historical car, the one you have is good but did you consider using something similar to the Howston dissenter dash it might fit the era better... anyway no pressure what ever you do will be well received I am sure... I have started researching these cars from the 70’s collecting some pictures as they are definitely new to me, but I will definitely try a skin or two in the future
Hey Bears.. Thank you. I´m a fan of the old days actually. I watch old videos a and cry for not being around in those years. I tried in the past using the dissenter dashboard. It makes perfect sense for the Era.. and is better for rpm dials given I'm using dissenter physics. I don't remember why I scraped it and use the stock car dashboard in modern and historic versions. In part for simplicity.. but now that we have interior panels I would give it a try. Stay tuned!!!
This might work. But the dashboard is not applying the textures to the object. Weird stuff. I think I exported the models and textures correctly to the gmt folder. I dont know whats happening here.
brace yourselfs for some weird s%#t. When I select a dissernter car and my historic mod as opponent. The dashboard works okey. When selecting my mod and the dissenter as opponent.. the dashboard fails in both of them
I am a modding amateur but I am thinking it might be a material name conflict between the two cars material names need to be unique i think if there is a clash wierd stuff happens
Mate thats how i feel about Australian Touring Cars from the 70's and 80's they were the golden years and at Bathurst well nothing beats that era for me
well thought.. change the material name. Now it works. Genius I love the touring car masters series. always watch it in youtube
I have a spare hour later today so I will be trying these out thank you... Also i noticed you use Longford a lot which I understand now given the way these cars raced, you should also try Gnoo Blass its similar to Lonford not as high quality but a great track and I think woould suit the historics nicely also a shorter track but simlar feel is Kicevo you might like that one also
Hey couldn't help myself just had a sneak peak that is way better much more in line with the 70's feel... great stuff
Every setp forward is welcome. Suggestións well received alwsys. Yes gnoo Blas, belgium 66 and longford are my choices for históric. The le mans from w00ch00 is also great. I would love to have the 60s Nurburgring thats in asseto Corsa. Waiting on that convertion.
Hey mate you know I mentioned about not being able to create a virtual ride car in game well I solved your problem its the PNG files, I opened your teams mas saved one png as a DDS and magic you can now create a virtual ride car... which makes creating and testing skins sooooo much easier. I only did a test one you will need to save every PNG as a DDS and don't forget to update the skin reference in the VEH file. If you need a hand let me know I might be able to help you get through them
Now I don't usually do fictional cars but in this case I have made an exception and it has even impressed me how cool this car looks its like being in a time machine any resemblence to a car living or dead is pure coincidence
Let me get a few done they are fairly simple I just need to be creative which is a challenge for me ha ha I have some ideas for the modern ones also I will post when I have a sample if you get those new shaders working your skins will look amazing no pressure