tk, if you like i could add car icons for new UI P.S. i think white skins from outside are strange... i'm not expert, seems there is something to adjust with alpha mask? or white saturation?
Mauro.. any help is welcome. I´ll share you my modding folder for you to have fun with it and test that color issue. Heres a dirt nurburgrind I use to test dirt tracks HAHAH
about strange skins i think it's albedo related as you can see here at 2'30'' and this could be the solution: How to quickly update car skins / color maps; Open your file in Photoshop. On top of all layers add these two FX layers: They will be used to lower the white output and the global color saturation. Here is the skin before using the two FX layers: and here is the same skin with the FX layers setup: With these settings being used: And finally, here is a preview of the skin in-game, before and after the fix: ---- but as i tell, i'm totally ignorant about how to work/export skins (we need someone expert about skins) anyway i will made car icons and then fix them simple adjusting pics saturations
Hi guys.. I was giving a new try on tandil. My pc was attacked by malware and I lost the old project. Either way I thought it wasn't on track to be a good one really. I gave it a try with Race track builder. Seems far easier to use, add object etc. First issue is that when exporting trees it doesnt split them into multiple objects. RTB exports as fbx. I open the files directly with 3dsimed.. but something feels wrong. Maybe the files need to go through another software. Anyways.. the track doesnt load into devmode. Paint texture on terrain seems broken: it loads into devmode. but falls to the void in grass terrain and some road meshes. Maybe this surfaces needs to be split into smaller objects. I dont know if RTB can do this. Any recomendation with RTB is welcome.
I've re-done a quick tandil on civil3d, exported to 3ds max. and brought the trees generated with RTB that went through 3dsimed. Suposedly civil3d and RTB google images should work on the same coordinates. but theres a mismatch at placement. although displacing the trees a certain distance in x,y,z seems to drop them pretty nice. They even fit surface elevation. seems promising for placing objects on a 3ds terrain and track model if textures could be make to work. I have to confirm if the tree object are no rotated in any way. If thats the case putting a reference object could help bringing everything up together. RTB VS 3Dsimed (model fron 3ds with trees from RTB combined)
Hi guys.. new addition to the workshop. Its a simple modification of the howston g6 with skins of the Berta LR. More teams in the future
juanarg70 I just login on this forum only to give you the THANKS for all your work and to share it. I hope you can read this sometime, and why not, that you could finish the Tandil circuit some day to have the opportunity to use the American Stockcar Historic on that circuit. THANKS A LOT AGAIN!!!!
Gracias Alfredo. Lamentablemente el proyecto de tandil lo frene. Era muy complicado y no pude resolver muchas cosas. Hacer un circuito de calidad es una tarea titanica.. Una pena pero asi esta la situacion. Saludos! is
Hi guys.. Im looking for 3d models of mustangs and challengers we could use with author permission to update the American Stock Car challenge mod. I'll probably use the camaro 2012 from ISI If I dont find an updated camaro model. Also.. Nick9320 give me permission to build a carset from his Supra GT4 to have a toyota with different physics to be used along with the ASC challenge mod. I don't know if I could build a carset/skinpack that also uses different physics but I will try.. It would be nice to have at least a toyota brand for the mod. If anyone knows of mustang or challenger 3d models I could use.. let me know and I'll contact the authors. Cheers
I manage to build a carset with the supra.. althought I couldn't make the texture to load.. I'm doing something wrong but i'll debugg it next days. In the weekend I'll give it a try with the s397 camaro and FVR mustangs.. So we might just need to find a challenger to complete the update. Cheers
Yes!! we have permission to use the following cars. Im looking for someone who could build at least one skin per car. But soon I''ll upload the carset pack to workshop. It is a bit strange that cars have different wheel tracks but we''ll have to take this as it is. Cheers