Hi guys, heres my new mod of a fictional racing league.. I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I dont really did much on this one guys. I just took authorized 3d models from 2s3dprinting and merge it together with physics, sounds, wheels and inner parts from studio s397. They are the ones to get credit from this. I used howston dissenter physics because its official content that works like a charm with top notch development from s397. The dissenter is also a rear wheel drive heavy beast, with solid rear axle suspension, front engine and 4 speed gearbox. A perfect match. The 3d models are not complete. They are actually solid objects originally intended to be use in 3d printers for making toy cars, and thats not the proper way to work in rfactor. In the near future this bodys will be updated and anyone with experience who wants to get on board on this proyect is invited. New sounds would be great also. New skins are also on the making because the ones I made are hideous. All the names and brands are fictional. Any similarity to a real world racing league and/or trademark is purely coincidental. The car 3dmodels are licensed with a GPL V2 license. Feel free to use and edit this content according to this type of license. Rest of the content is property of studio397. Cheers guys
Hi guys.. As I already expected, this fight its going to be long as hell. My mod was hidden in the steam platform due to a supposed copyright infringement. I really think this claim is unsubstanciated because I'm guessing that the one claiming copyright infringement is Bundle Games, owner of actc-turismo carretera game in rfactor1 platform, and holder of turismo carretera trademarks. The issue here is that my mod does NOT have any 3d model property of Bundle games and it doesn't showcast any trademark own by bundle games either. The models are property of a company dedicated to making little models for 3D printers. This company is 2s3dprinting and they authorized me to use their model for putting the mod together. To not making this longer that it should, I will attach the response I gave to the steam support team in an attemp to clarify this situation once in for all: ¨ Dear steam support Team I contact you because an rfactor2 mod I've uploaded into steam was eliminated due to a suppose copyright infringement. The mod was built with authorized 3d models and with content from studio397. s397 authorize the use of their code and content to built mods and share them into the steam workshop like many other steam workshop users do. I need clarification as to what part of my content is in copyright infringement. I suspect that the copyright infringement claim is coming from bundle games. Bundle games is the owner of turismo carretera ACTC game in rfactor1 platform and they holds the credits for ¨turismo cartretera¨ trademark. The issue is that my mod does not have any 3d model property of bundle games and it doesn't showcast any trademark related to bundle games. The 3d models of the cars are property of 2s3dprinting, a company dadicated to building models intended to be used in 3d printers for printing toy cars. The owner himself authorized the use of their model to build the mod. 2s3dprinting built their models from scratch and does not contain any code or part from bundle games. The owner of the models is Facundo San Sebastian Rogelio - CUIT -23-36696867-9. Contact: +54 9 3584 83-9776 Heres a link to 2s3dprinting social media, where you can see the 3d car models used by me and other models they've created as well. https://www.instagram.com/2s3dprinting/?hl=es-la I also attached a few pictures comparing the models that belong to 2s3dprinting with the models property of bundle games. They are completly different and they got nothing to do with one to another. I also attached the four models from 2s3dprinting used in my mod. Basically the mod utilizes authorized models by the owner himself and there are no 3d models, textures, trademarks or any other type of content property of bundle games. All the names and brands in the mod are fictional. I need clarification as to what part of my content is not authorized so I could take corrective action. I don't mean to generate any trouble to the steam platform, but the content in the workshop is utilizing fully authorized 3d car models. The rest of the content is property of studio397 and its use is allowed in many other mods uploaded into steam rf2 workshop by third party suscribers. (Physics, sounds, and inner parts like gauges, lights and wheels). Please contact me. I'm looking forward into resolving this issue. Best regards¨ Thats it. I am awaitting a response from the support team, but maybe @Marcel Offermans or another member of rfactor2 can bring light into this situation. I'm not looking for trouble here or being the smart guy. If I used unauthorized content.. fair enough. Let me know what part of the content its unauthorized and I would take corrective action immediately. But I hold my case on the issue with bundle games.. I did not use any of their content or trademark. I also attache a few pictures comparing the models from 2s3dprinting used in the mod and the models property of bundle games. I really think the issue is coming from this company Bundle. If Im wrong about this I want to know it. The pictures I sent to the steam support team: Sorry for this bible long post Cheers guys
this just came to my email: CONTENT BEING REPORTED The denounced article emulates the motoring category "Road Tourism" and the author does not have the image and trademark rights for reproduction. These rights belong to the company BundleGames SA that develops the official video game of the motorsport category "Road Tourism" and in representation of these interests, how the legal representative denounced this publication. ORIGINAL CONTENT The website where the official video game is marketed is www.bundlegames.com.ar and the title that emulates the image, brand and models of which rights are violated is "Highway Tourism Simulator" that can be downloaded from said page. Plaintiff My mod has nothing to do with ¨Road tourism¨ or ¨Highway tourism simulator¨ Am I crazy for calling this copyright infringement BOGUS and just the desperate actions from somone who has no right for doing this? Is this like formula 1, or nascar denouncing a mod just because they dont wanted on the steam workshop?
Here is the link of the mod. https://volafile.org/r/1mxrqmpt0 https://www25.zippyshare.com/v/fvyYtQLn/file.html Martín S. now you cand send a email to Marcel and say you are the "owner" of rFactor 2.
What that means is, in the end, it is S397 that is responsible for protecting the copyright of Bundle. If this matter reaches the logical leagal conclusion, Bundle will sue S397 for allowing the copyrighted material on it's platform. You sue a company instead of an individual since the company probably has more resources than the individual. The Steam team obviously assumed Bundle wanted Steam to protect the copyright which was apparently being breached by Juan. The team, without any investigation, merely assumed the guy complaining MUST be the owner of the platform.
Is a guy with an old product abusing their position, the ACTC 70 years is literally a legacy software. Some of the older folks here might remember this little cockroach, Martin Salaverry, 2Pez and now Bundle Games was selling "their game", the TC2000 25 años which was a mod for a CRACKED F1 Challenge 99-02 game, yep a cracked game and he sell that. I have a link for "their" game, obviously I'm not going to post it here. It sounds hilarious but this was real. Now he is only dedicated to ruining the modding scene in Argentina because he threatens his "product". I have any respect for this guy, is literally a parasite. It would be good that in this small crusade the community supports Juan and his project of imaginary American Touring Historic Cars, guys, download the mod, modify if you want and share, has a free license. Also, if someone have a free server, please, put this mod and Longford. Let's help to keep the spirit of the modders who only do this for passion and without looking for any economic profit.
Given the bundle games representative statement, at least we are 100% sure he accepted that I didn't use any of their content. Thats a step forward. Now.. the trademark issue. If this copyright infrigement claim isn't desetimated, I wonder what would happend to other content on rfactor2. What about matsusaka, tigermoth, howston g4, stock Cars, fórmula isi 2012 and many other open wheelers?? Shouldn't them be also in trouble for copyright infringement? I think it can't get more ridículous than this.
Because it depends on the owner of the rights. The old owner of the rights of F1 was always taking a look to the rF2 cars and circuits that used F1 content, trades, logos, etc. Then you only could find F1 content of rF2 in forums. The current owner has relaxed the control and that content can appear in the Workshop. But it's sure that if they tell something to Steam, the content will disappear.
It's not simple. When we were releasing our circuits we couldnt use the words F1, Formula 1, GP, Grand Prix, any of the name of the teams or constructors, layouts, etc. It's crazy what they have registered At least we could use the image of the Marusia an the FISI, because it was licensed content of rF2.
The mod name could be change. But bundle games states they got turismo carretera - Road tourism. None of the words in my content. Found it really hard to believe they own any right upon the shape of a Chevy Nova, Ford falcón, Dodge/Plymouth platform and a rambler.
It has no commercial intentions. It did not use names or trademarks. He does it as a hobby. This is like censoring art for copyright infringement.
Good luck I doubt that the game Turismno Carretera are the owners of the use of the names Chevy Nova, Ford Falcon, etc. Too much money. They are not FOAM or Codemasters
You can't imagine the presures that we received in the past, without seling anything. They have the rights of use independently that you charche something or not. There were some rF comunities that had to close because of them
The mod don't have any chevy nova, ford falcon and so on, the cars in the game are Ta-ch-historic, Ta-fd-historic, Ta-dg-historic and Ta-tr-historic