So I've been playing around with the AI track learning mode and have some questions. Keep in mind that I'm not a modder, just a user, so excuse my ignorance to some of these concepts. -When a certain AI driver successfully "learns" the track, is that "knowledge" only saved to that particular driver, or does it apply to all drivers in that car? Say a driver in the #1 Skip Barber car. Will the knowledge then apply to the Skip Barber drivers in cars #2, #3 and so on? -Does the track learning mode alter the AIW racing line? What I mean is, can the AI begin to take different lines than the ones dictated beforehand by the AIW? Or is it just a matter of applying more gas, later braking etc. within that line? Hope you understand what I mean. Thanks in advance
1.- No. The learning is just for the one that was on track. But you can copy the learning file to the other cars. Settings\skipbarber_car\SKIPBARBER_05 -----> one folder for each car 2.- Yes. The line is altered. If Throttle, braking and shifting is altered depends on this setting in Player.JSON: "AI Power Calibration":7, -----> 7 is all on Greets Pete
1. makes this pretty much useless until ISI does something user-friendly with it. But please experiment so if it actually works, all that will be required is UI work and not reprogramming the whole thing. If it works, we could have automated AIW creation some day, which would be a boon to third-party track development.
Mhh, OK the only thing that is not that userfriendly is that you have to make it for every AI driver but only if you are not able to copy and paste one file to other folders.... Beside that: Yes that MUST be the next step: no more AIW-line, just automated path-finding. And: it´s already VERY useful!
You would still need corridors and grid spots and pit spots and slow down areas, so the AIW ain't going away even if the driving line creation were entirely automated.
Does that mean if you do this, the AI will be quicker on the parts of the user created content where I find them too slow, like Porsche curves on Le Mans 1991 by ethone?
Yes. In this thread should be advise how to do this: