A few questions about AI

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RoboCAT10, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. RoboCAT10

    RoboCAT10 Registered

    Oct 18, 2014
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    I run AI races, watch them, and create videos out of them. There are 13 teams, and 26 drivers. I use the FISI2012 cars. Each driver runs on a different tyre compound in the race - this is done by editing each drivers HDV file. In order to run AI only races, I need to press the 'I' key as soon as the race starts, so the AI take control of my/their car. Generally I can run these races without a problem, but sometimes there are problems. I know I make a lot of these posts, and I can figure some don't care for them. The reason I make these posts is because I put a lot off effort into my races and I suppose I am disheartened when these issues occur; so I come on the rfactor2 forum for help or advice. Once again I have a few nagging questions.

    AI controlled driver doesn't pit, and thus spins out
    Each time I run a race, the AI controlled driver (using 'I' key) will never pit, but also lack pace right from the beginning. Their tyres become worn because they don't pit, resulting in numerous spins and thus ending up in crashes with other drivers. The AI driver will destroy it's rear wing, but will not come into the pits to retire or even repair! Instead they will continue out on track with no rear wing, causing all sorts of mayhem. This doesn't happen with normal AI drivers; only the one I use the 'AI controlled "i" key' at the start of the race. Clearly it's obvious that they are having this issue when taking control of "my" car at the start. How can I stop this from happening? Or even better; can I have AI only races without having to have one control my car, or parking myself on the side of the track?

    AI controlled icon on top left corner
    This one isn't a huge deal, but I find the AI logo on the top left screen of my videos an eye sore. Is there any way remove this?

    AI in the wet
    I was very excited to here of the newest version of the FISI2012 cars being launched with tyre improvements. I downloaded it, but continue to see the AI spin at most corners in the wet. This happens on third party and ISI created tracks. I can understand drivers spinning out here and there, but not every lap at the same two corners. Is anyone else still having this issue, or have I done something wrong? Another problem I experience is the "AI controlled/my car" driver in the wet. When it starts raining he will not pit, but instead stay out on dry tyres and pull a massive advantage over the other AI on wet tyres. Just in general, the AI only seem to pit in the rain after a few laps of drenched track! Is this solvable?

    Different tyre compounds are not effected by temperature
    I made a thread about this the other day, so perhaps its unnecessary to add it here, but I thought I would just in case. There are four dry tyre compounds; Super Soft, Soft, Medium, and Hard. Would you not think that depending on the track temperature, certain tyre compounds will be better than others. In cool conditions it may be best to run the softer compounds in the race (they wont wear as fast. In hot conditions it would be stupid to run softer compounds in the race (they would only last a few laps at a time). As it is now, the track temperature doesn't seem to add anything like that into the game at all.

    I have also found in some races that the amount of AI pit stops are out of whack. For instance a race I ran earlier, drivers on the Super Soft tyre pitted five times, stopping every 10 or so laps. Drivers on the Medium tyre pitted three times, stopping every 15 or so laps - however others on the medium tyre made four stops. Some drivers on the soft tyre made less pit stops then those on the medium. This doesn't make any sense to me.

    Lapping drivers

    I have seen that the lapping of back makers is really bad. Each race the drivers being lapped will fight their positions. Again, this happens at third party and ISI made tracks. Any news if this will be rectified in the future?

    Again, I'm sorry for another post, but I'm growing tired of these problems. Please, if anyone has any answers to my questions... I need some help with what I'm trying to accomplish. I know this game is built for sim racing, but I am not a sim racer, I use rfactor2 to simulate and record AI races. For the past two years this has worked great, apart from these irritating issues.
  2. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    My fuzzy memory says there was a key to recall AI driver to pits, but it definitely does not exist now. Since I don't see it in rF1, either, I'm beginning to believe this is a distant memory from SCGT?
  3. BoothJoe

    BoothJoe Registered

    Oct 12, 2015
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    One of my favorite "AI magic" was on the first lap somewhere. I saw an AI open wheeler ahead of me go airborne in a corner, do two complete somersaults, land in the grass and get back on the track without losing his position. I've seen them completely lose a rear wing in the rain and actually run faster and overtake other cars and never bother to pit. I've seen them start a race on hards in the pouring rain and pit at the end of the first lap to put on wets. Here's an idea for a novel for someone who cares to write...the life of an AI driver. Or a documentary.
  4. pitkin

    pitkin Registered

    Dec 30, 2010
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    The AI with damage thing is very annoying. It's been around since F1C if I remember correctly. Surely they could be programmed to know if their car is damaged they should pit for repairs? But then, if it's faster to drive around with no wings, why would they?

    It's a shame, because the AI is utterly brilliant, probably the best ever in 95% of all situations. Hopefully these things will get sorted one day.
  5. BoothJoe

    BoothJoe Registered

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I wonder if the perception that RF2 AI is good is dependent on how good YOU are. Maybe the better you are, the better the AI seems. I'm not very good yet and I sometimes wonder if it's my age (ugly, fat, old and used up), too.
  6. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    That's called rubber band AI and more of an arcade race game thing, where the AI will catch you if you drive too fast and slow down if you drive too slow.
  7. BoothJoe

    BoothJoe Registered

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I don't understand what you're trying to say. As an relatively inexperienced RF2 driver, I find the AI simply brutal even when turned down.

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