75hz vs 144hz vs 240 hz

Discussion in 'Hardware Building/Buying/Usage Advice' started by mesfigas, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    @Alex72 i v read somewhere that smoother feel starts at 90 fps compared to 60
    Alex72 likes this.
  2. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    @Alex72 also AOC G2590PX 144hz not sure id its good monitor
    for sure its too bright and maybe the brightest washed out from all 144 monitors
    i have search a lot these days
    also LG monitor bezels are really thin
    Alex72 likes this.
  3. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Daumn. Computer gonna be hot, lol. I always lock FPS to 60 (since im on 60hz atm) to keep it smooth and to keep it from getting so unnecessary hot.
  4. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    You need at monitor that support your gpu sync technology, nsync or freesync. If you use "wrong", then you limited to the fixed Hz like 60, 85, 100, 120 and 144 or whatever your monitor supports. It's the same here as with 60Hz, if your fps drops below your will have tearing and visual "problems".

    With nsync active (and I assume freesync as well) you can set your fps to any value, and it will "sync" to that without tearing. But to my experience, using any non standard values above and/or non stable fps, do not work so well (but still better). Many times setting your monitor Hz in the desktops settings to 144 (or what you have) and selecting your wanted fps in-game by setting monitor refresh rate (85Hz), and don't cap the fps, or to Hz+1.

    If your fps then drops below 85 you might notice it, but nsync/freesync works well for minor drops here and there.

    Using sync creates input lag. Using nsync (or freesync I assume) it's less, I have not measure it but this according to "internet"
    Higher Hz (and fps in this case), less sync input lag in general, then with nsync/freesync even less.

    So yes, 80 (or better 85) will be smoother on 144 than 60 on 60.
    Alex72 likes this.
  5. KittX

    KittX Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Well, you have to choose one or the other, I have a good IPS monitor on my desk, and yeah just when moving the mouse cursor, after 144hz monitor you see the latency immidiately.
    But there's the workaround: in most of video drivers you can adjust the brightness/gamma within the driver's control panel. Just turning the gamma down to about 0,7 improves the washed out colors big time. Internal monitor controls cannot give that result. Yes, you'll have less differentiation in the deep shadows, which one is darker and which is brighter, but in most cases you don't need it anyway. In cases you need it for image editing, just temporarily bring the gamma controls back to 0.
    Just the screen goes black for half of second. That heavily depends on cable length though. I had to use 3 meter cables in my previous set up, and those problems were more frequent. A short cable reduces that problem almost to never happening.
    M D Gourley and d0nd33 like this.
  6. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    i bought a LG 29 ultra wide and combined it with my 23 inch LG monitor so i play at 4480x1080 @ 75 herzt
    so far so good really good view and havent yet ass a third monitor
    also the frames are fluid.
    havent compared it to a 144 but from what i understand i need at least 350 euros for a decent color 144 monitor.
  7. KittX

    KittX Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I got the cheapest Dell g-sync monitor and it's fine, as long as you turn down the gamma a little in driver.
    But nowadays there's so much richer variety of those fast monitors, i think you can get ultrawide too.
  8. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    @KittX availability is an issue in my country and we also have to visit a big store in case we want to see the monitor
    but even if i go and see a fast 144 hz monitor there is no way to check a game on it and no way to see how much better a TN panel can behave with sim racing games
    best way to check it must be only if a friend has one of them
    big store just have casual monitors that play the same thing from a computer
    something like a video clip.
    we are living in the past here in Greece.
  9. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    You are in good company mesfigas, here in Italy I've never seen a 144hz monitor in a store, and from time to time it seems to me that monitors are less and less considered at the stores, while TV occupy their space. These days in the store you find only dirty cheap monitor for causal users, or ultra expensive for photoediting, very little in the middle, nothing for gamers, that probably are very picky and are used to buy online.
    mesfigas likes this.
  10. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    @Comante exactly
    also there is a Gold trio monitor selection between viewsonic-LG-AOC monitors that you ll never goona see in stores and must order online only without the chance to look at colors
  11. KittX

    KittX Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    same in Russia... I've been just collecting feedback on those monitors from simracing people and then just "shot in the sky" and got one blindly.
    Alex72 and mesfigas like this.
  12. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    buying a monitor is completely different than buying cpu-gpu-ramor any other pc part
    we must be able to have a good look at the monitor
    and not just a signal (usually video or movie) from a computer that goes to 30 different monitors near the one i want to buy
    Alex72 likes this.
  13. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    Regarding my previous post that nsync/freesync reduces input lag, I found this at asus site:


    Maybe not trust anyone who races in chase cam, but anyway it's not only made up :D

    It's promotional stuff so a bit fancy, but still valid I would say.

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