thanks for feedback there will be more grid spots (30/34) for final version. going to check the patches, this patches are separate meshes, so maybe i have to take a look to smooth polys and normals. fantastic wich car are you driving?
On the whole a great job. As always. Have tested the track so far with 3 different vehicles. The Spark F3 1966, the Formula Renault 3.5 and the Norma LMP3. The FFB feels very good and the FPS are stable. What I have stated is that the Spark F3 in the menu, a maximum speed in the box of 400 km / h is displayed. None at the Renault and the Norma. The Speed Limiter has no effect on the Renault and Norma.
Lola T280 by Pixsim
yes, pit lane speed is set to 400km/h mainly because on those days there was not speed limit , it works at Sandevoerde.
tested with wheel, nice FFB effects i found something strange in 4 areas. you saw blank lines, seem that road is not properly connected (?) after junior layout street at the end of that straight before motodrom on last corner
The stadium's LODIN (or is it LODOUT?) needs to be made bigger. Right now it pops up too late. AI are braking at the finish line (1966 Howston G4). They are also running off the edge of the track on the outside, so racing line could be pulled in a bit, like a meter or so.
Really awesome work @Sergio Loro I had a quick spin in the Lotus Cortina and was having a surprising amount of fun on a lap which is 80% flat out! The stadium section is a lot of fun going sideways! My only real issue was some of the TV cams were a bit poorly positioned in a few areas - for example at the Ostcurve it's as if the camera position is placed behind the trees. All in all though fantastic work. I'd love to see some more of the Historic Tracks that were created for rF1 get converted.
What’s the closest mod RF2 has to 1968 F2? I’d like to try a race at this in the wet to see what Jimmy must have been seeing before the unfortunate accident.
go visit and get the latest release, this one is close to a final release!! enjoy it and waiting for some review vid
@Sergio Loro I discovered the 2 circuits. I love the surface and its asperities, it is very well done on the wheel. The surface is very well done (will it be brought on Sandevoerde that I find a little too bright?). The environment is beautiful and very well optimized, no lags in the forest and in the stadium. Probably one of the best circuits you've created. Well done!
Having issues with the GP track. While loading the track (at ca. 80%) RF2 crashes to Desktop. The short version loads without issues