Boreks, the author of rf1 1964 Cooper T73 mod, is very happy if someone could port his mod on rf2. so… I’m searching for him rf2 modders for the project He give all permission for public release 1964 Cooper T73 v.1.0 for rF1: _______ P.S. there are also skin templates 1964_CooperT73_templates
nice car, hopefully you'll have success. I couldn't find any help for W125. And also that Lotus that was shared from years ago, didn't happen.
Man, I wish I knew how to convert from rF1 to rF2..I would be all over this. Hopefully someone takes it on.
This would be a perfect opportunity for you to learn To get a base rF1 car into rF2 really isn't that difficult. With redapg's tools, it has gotten even easier. The tools aren't perfect but that will at least get you a base conversion with the exception of the working driver model and tire .tbc files. Now redoing the physics and materials properly with the newest rF2 systems may take some time. StrawmanAndy's video, while being pretty old, I believe is still relevant to doing the initial conversion of getting it into rF2. Both of those models are great. I thought about tackling the Lotus a few times, but never fully went through with it. My issue is that I have a hard time creating a .gen from scratch and splitting the model into its different Instances. I don't have experience with creating cockpit info INI. It's why I've gravitated to either converting rF1 mods or improving/fixing existing rF2 mods. Is there tire information on the T73? Does tires from the '66 Brabham/Spark/Eve the same ones?
I browsed this forum last night and read a quick guide: Maybe with that, the video you shared and with Chris' tools...maybe I can at least get it in game. That's a start. I downloaded the car to give it a shot..I'll never learn if I don't try.
@Johnny Speed Just 1 Recommendation: as long as you convert/develop the Car, work in the ModDev and ONLY with loose Files (remove all mas Files, after you've extracted their Content).
I sure hope the video above that Chris shared covers that...I have ZERO idea how to do that. Clueless is probably a good word to use to describe my (lack of) rF2 modding skills..
Yes, please. In this way we can take a look on it and maybe evaluate if there is something that can be improved
Cooper T73 Includes all 38 skins It does not have new shaders It uses suspension from Spark F3 but with different CPM tires Tires need fine tuning for the wet Mostly driven at Brianca to get similar times from the F1 1964 Italian Grand Prix Enjoy!
Very Nice work Bozak! just done a fast test (without steering wheel) some notes: -onboard i haven't engine sounds. maybe there is something wrong with latest rf2 updates? -i think front wheels should be a little smaller ? -car skins are sometimes a little faded (it could be shaders related?)
Thank you very much @Bozak . These are great! I love it. I didn't have this issue, car sounded fantastic...I am running older version of rF2 though, v1132 Also it may have something to do with "Legacy Settings" in audio options: "LEGACY SETTINGS" I have mine set at Sound effects volume 11% Engine Volume 100% Tire Volume 95% External volume ratio 63% I did not try every car either, so maybe I picked a good one? Who knows
great job @Bozak here sounds ok in ModDev
Updated to v1.1 Change to smaller tires as Mauro requested Change to new sound system (json) Adjust tire radius for AI Thanks Corti for the pics Should I go for even smaller front tires?
I found this in SlotForum I think a good clue is the size formula junior uses at 13" 1,5 Litre Grand Prix Racing
Thanks for the update Maybe it could be useful for tyres proportions
sounds works fine on v.1.1 and tyres size are better now p.s. i added skin templates to the first post
i done some laps at Mid-Ohio, Oulton Park and Monza i don't know if you have worked on physics side, but the car is a blast to drive! very fun, i think it could be a great choice for historical online leagues too P.S. I don't know why ..... but for some things driving at Monza my memory looked back to the GPL 1965 mod (old simdrivers knows it) P.S.2. I replicated exactly the same Cooper's qualifying time as the real 1964 Monza GP
Most physics work was the tires, tried 4 different tires to decide and adjust the TGM Happy that you like it!