Tyres behaviour

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slip_Angel, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Without data it's just feelings and personal preference. If another sim came out that was harder than ACC would that make ACC incorrect, or the new one? Who knows?
  2. Slip_Angel

    Slip_Angel Registered

    Jun 15, 2019
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    I think you got that wrong i'm not saying harder=realism BUT what i was saying that no way these cars are that easy to drive IRL otherwise i'm nearly a pro driver lol.
    Also it not all feeling and preference do you really believe that GT3 or GTE cars that easy to overdrive or skid around? I watch onboards of gt cars exclusively like a meth addict and from that i can draw some conclusion.
    I'm fully willing to accept that i'm wrong if i'm wrong.
    Please don't take this as i'm attacking RF2 not at all but i'm just concerned.
  3. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Yeah, I also think that they are more towards forgiving side. I have expressed my opinion many times that I think that slip ratio is too forgiving, to the level that traction control is actually barely needed. Another thing is sliding friction... (on the second thought it could be just sliding friction) just my thoughts and feelings. However, besides that.... try to reach pro laptimes.... it gets difficult, and it gets harder than that. Are you sure that you drive on the limit when you say that cars are forgiving ?

    I did not misunderstood you, I was assuming, because you haven't described it in such fine detail. From what you describe sounds like you drive different car, I guess I must be driving slower than you, because I don't experience that.

    What is the magnitude of those slides you get in degrees, approx how much ? 10 degrees ? 15 degrees ? Optimum slip angle is something like 6 degs iiric. I do too get occasional progressive slides up to 10 degs perhaps a bit more, doesn't feel unnatural to me, at this point it still can be recovered almost by downforce alone with slight effort.
  4. Nick1402

    Nick1402 Registered

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Remember that these cars are not just driven by pro's but also by amateurs who pay for their seat.
  5. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I'd love to see a video, or even better a compilation of GT3 and GTE cars on the absolute limit, over it and with failures. Good way to observe and judge cars edgyness.

    One fail that I remember from recently was magnussens spin at LeMans, after trying vette after Bop with lowdrag package it makes good sense (also they had reduced grip for offline at Lemans).

    Try Camaro GT3 @Slip_Angel
  6. Slip_Angel

    Slip_Angel Registered

    Jun 15, 2019
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    Whoa there i don't record any videos at all let alone make a compilation lol i don't have any experience in video editing side.
    Oh also i'm no pro that was a joke lol don't take that statement seriously.
    I will give camaro a shot but i must say FR cars are not my weakness infact i find them much easier than MR or RR cars.
  7. Slip_Angel

    Slip_Angel Registered

    Jun 15, 2019
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    still that don't make them as easy as they are here.
    Don't underestimate these gentlemen drivers they are quite fast as well ofcourse not as fast as PRO.
  8. Nick1402

    Nick1402 Registered

    Dec 24, 2016
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    If you haven't driven the real car you don't know how difficult they're to drive. Because of the gentlemen drivers i wouldn't be surprised if they're not very difficult to drive and are designed/build on purpose this way..
  9. Slip_Angel

    Slip_Angel Registered

    Jun 15, 2019
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    Yes i do get your point BUT don't let that fool you.
    You know chris harris? he is a Gt driver (NOT pro)and his car control is absolutely mental and even he stated in a video that if he tries to push the car or driver even little aggressively the car will just spin out.
    These GT cars don't allow lot of slip angles so they are dancing on extremely thin edge.
  10. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Lol I did not mean you to make those videos...

    also why do you never respond important stuff that I ask, or suggest. I don't feel like discussion is going between us.

    Slip angle has indeed become a slip angel lol
  11. Slip_Angel

    Slip_Angel Registered

    Jun 15, 2019
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    Oh you the question about how much slip angle i get? i don't know how to calculate that so....no answer.
    Or is there anything else i missed?
  12. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    For example your laptimes.......

    How can I tell if you are oversteering because you are actually noob, or you are oversteering because you push the car so wildly, that for example I can't even get up to such speed there (and that is likely).

    Also ACC is not that much differently hard either, you probably just have better laptime references that makes you to drive closer to the edge.

    As for slip angles you should know because you are slip angel haha, just guess approximately what is an angle that your car is facing, against the direction where the car is actually moving, thats it. You should be able to hit it in ~5degrees accuracy I would expect.
  13. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Hey, when I was mentioning videos, I was thinking about things like this, onboards or even better externar videos.

    What do you think about this ?

    worth paying attention to video description though
  14. Dean Hayes

    Dean Hayes Registered

    Apr 20, 2019
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    I've been having a lot of issues with the GTE cars at the sweeping corners toward the end of the lap at LeMans. Doesn't matter if I have traction control or downforce on high the cars just slide and overheat the tyres and once it happens there's no saving it. Tires temps instantly go above 90 where as when I tried the Mclaren 650S GT3 without traction control and low downforce it was solid and very easy to drive. Tires temps only got to mid 70s. Don't know if the tire model or physics are a bit broken for the GTE cars.
  15. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    So standard package is too easy, and low downforce package is too hard, right ? :D

    It is possible that such massive difference is just from aerodynamics. But perhaps it could be that tires are also harder and less skid resistant.

    As for GT3 it is worth checking, perhaps they still have more downforce at that point, also they are slower and less powerful, aren't they ?

    I also wasn't doing very good last time I launched Vette after BoP. But I only did few laps, it was difficult but didn't feel broken, at least not obviously. Also have to notice that grip off the line is low. It did feel broken to me in the rain though, but S397 has said to be revising rain grip levels. It shouldn't have less grip offline when wet or damp.
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    They need to add some things in order to fix that, unlike the offline grip which is a TGM (tyre file) adjustment. So yes, it will be corrected at some point, but in the medium term.

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