Latest Roadmap Update - March 2019

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. Depco

    Depco Registered

    Jun 16, 2014
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    Looking at some of the screenshots it appears that they have added some buttons that dont appear in the current UI. However, I am not seeing anything that is a significant departure from the current UI in the form of new information, helpful hints (Setup advice, tool tips, Etc.) or any evidence of how the competition infrastructure will be integrated.

    I hope the new UI is a ground up rebuilding of the entire user experience with regard to how the user makes adjustments, as in stay out of the .Json files as much as possible and allow changes from the UI directly instead.

    I personally think that the new UI had been started as a reskin and s397 realized that they could not do that alone and please the users of rF2. Hopefully that is the reason this update is taking such an enormous amount of time to get out to the masses. (insert meme here) Over time I have seen a lot of differing desires for what may or may not be included in the new UI. It has almost reached biblical proportions. I have heard and thought everything from re-skin alone to the next coming of iRacing. For the amount of time it is taking it had better be much closer to the later.
  2. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Would be good also that we can see in setup how the car angles, heights, etçª are in real time. AC does this very well. I hope we can have an intuitive telemetry also, where anyone can understand what's happening with the car, with brief explanations maybe...
    F1Aussie, Alex72 and mantasisg like this.
  3. GeraArg

    GeraArg Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    The McLaren F1 pack (M23, MP4/9 and MP4/13) will be update with the new shaders?
    F1Aussie likes this.
  4. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Not sure if seeing car changing slightly has any value, but brief explanations would be kool, however I think it is impossible to understand setups well without studying vehicles in general, starting from tires.

    Would be kool though;
    >Anti-Sway Bar (in general)
    + faster lateral load transfer, makes car more resistant to roll, adds lateral response, decrease lateral grip
    - slower lateral load transfer, makes car more compliant to roll, decreases lateral response, increase lateral grip

    >Springs (in general)
    + stronger tire loading, makes car more resistant to roll, adds response, decrease grip
    - weaker tire loading, makes car more compliant to roll, decreases response, increase grip

    >Bump (in general)
    + slower spring compression
    - faster spring compression

    >Rebound (in general)
    + slower spring extension
    - faster spring extension

    >Coast power (in general)
    + crash while understeering at turn-in
    - crash while oversteerin mid turn

    >Caster (in general)
    + Heavier and more sensitive steering, more front wheel cambers when turning
    - Lighter and less sensitive steering, less front wheel cambers when turning

    >Gears (in general)
    + Slower torque increase, more top speed
    - Faster torque increase, less top speed

    >Toe (in general)
    + More preloaded slip angle
    - Decreased slip angle
    0 Most predictable

    >Tire pressure
    + stiffer, more sliding, less deforming, risk of overinflation, more topspeed, less rolling resistance on tarmac
    - softer, less sliding, more deforming, risk of underinflation, less topspeed, more rolling resistance on tarmac

    >Ride height
    + bigger roll forces, similar to softer anti sway bar, affects aerodynamics
    - lesser roll forces, similar to stiffer anti sway bar, affects aerodynamics

    Lol I am actually having a good time thinking those.

    Don't take them as correct explanations. And don't believe me :D
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    Ernie, Alex72, Mister Bronze and 8 others like this.
  5. Depco

    Depco Registered

    Jun 16, 2014
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    This is exactly what I would like to see in the setup area of the UI. A brief explanation on what a particular change is likely to do during adjustment. This will help people who are not setup gurus to learn the basics of car setup without having to do a ridiculous amount of research.
    F1Aussie, Alex72 and mantasisg like this.
  6. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    It would probably help, but it still would be a big deal to undersdand how and why. Especially understanding tire basics, you need to know how tire works and how all four of them shares the work in all phases from braking and turn in to exit and acceleration. Otherwise it is just not very productive memorising.
  7. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    in Steam, before you launch rf2, you can view allllllll the servers in use. and you can filter down to just rf2. Once you find your choice, you can download the files there much faster than in game.
    To reach that spot, start steam, once the main page is loaded look at the top left. The 2nd choice will be VIEW. Clicking on that gives a drop down menu and near the bottom is the server list. prepare to be overwhelmed.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  8. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    you didn't include enough crashes, nor spins, nor running over the pit...oh sorry.....:)
  9. Christian Wolter

    Christian Wolter Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I like the new UI. This looks good and the features discussed are good. The only comment that comes to my mind is actually the free space on the Screen. Here I would be glad if there is a slider on top, which I can activate and then the empty space is filled with information about the individual settings. This information is currently missing in almost all settings in rfactor2. I mean not only the car setup but all settings. For people who do not need this information, can be removed by the slider. And in general, I want to have all the settings in the UI, I do not want to click in INI files or JSON files around. That would be great if that could be implemented. Otherwise, only the question, WHEN is the UI ready?????? :)
    F1Aussie likes this.
  10. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Dont think anyone said its difficult(?) but S397 had to concentrate on what they think was/is the most important things and get them done. What we see as things they currently work on have usually been planned and started a while back, and getting the content plus UI was prolly something they decided way back. Im speculating but i think its close to the truth.
  11. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Thanks for the info, never used it honestly, but i guess it's not that difficult to include it in the UI, all things should be well organized in one place and intuitive with just few clicks...
  12. svictor

    svictor Registered

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Thanks for the great work!

    There is one unclear/minor concern for me, since the new UI and a lot of its features are web based, I wonder if the UI is network/connection independent and fully responsive, which means user can still access most of the stuff without getting function/screen locking up or missing in case of a slow internet connection or failing to load a web-page etc.

    For reference, a bad example R3E did with their web UI is, when the network is very slow or inaccessible, their in-game web portal won't even load (showing blank page and doesn't even have the button to exit to previous screen, force user to alt+F4).
    Emery likes this.
  13. Alex72

    Alex72 Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Pretty sure HTML can run offline. Obviously the parts that are for MP will not work if there is no network running. I mean you can probably see the options but cant connect or use the functions, but the UI im sure will work offline.

    I think. :D
  14. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    I was expecting to see a lot more progress with the UI. The images are still quite bare.
  15. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    blech, blech, blech. The colors are blech, the text is blech, the grass is blech. I don't even have to use it to know it will be very very blech.
    I NEVER would have purchased this sim if I knew how BLECH everything was going to turn out. Why couldn't they have just left us to our text editors and jsons????
    pkelly and mr.Sw1tchblade like this.
  16. Pales

    Pales Registered

    May 9, 2017
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    I am calling it here guys, you won't see the UI release until November or something if we are lucky.
    F1Aussie likes this.
  17. DrivingFast

    DrivingFast Registered

    Mar 1, 2018
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    Maybe we will have a great surprise.

    But I prefer to expect a UI insufficiently improved, so as not to be disappointed.

    It's the best thing to do for the moment IMO.
  18. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    1,072 UI
    Early winter release would be perfect
    I’ll upgrade my PC & VR headset at same time

    It will all be great !
  19. DrivingFast

    DrivingFast Registered

    Mar 1, 2018
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    I hope it's a joke Adrian ....

    We normally expect the new UI in less than 2 months, not early winter !
    Ernie and Adrianstealth like this.
  20. LokiD

    LokiD Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    I only want it to come quicker so they can just get onto other things like ai etc etc

    I'm losing interest fast. Tbf
    F1Aussie, dazzer, Mike Tobin and 2 others like this.

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