Latest Roadmap Update - February 2019

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. bwana

    bwana Registered

    Dec 25, 2011
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    It’s a usable sim racing game now , has been for years ( yes even in the ISI days ) and is steadily improving. I guess for some people everything is never enough
    David Kolody and jayarrbee36 like this.
  2. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    There are some old pics about the new UI and Studio397 didn't took over 3 years ago! rF2, with such amount of ambition was rushed up, that's why it became an unfinished product over the time. Studio397 don't want to commit the same mistakes so let them work and take their time, because IMO what we don't need again is a bugged or incomplete software! rF2 is wounded and need to recover step by step, we can already see that, but i'm sure future for the best sim will be even better!
    Levelup1 likes this.
  3. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    You can take a look at the comp system for yourself allready. Propably all of the competitions that have benn running recently, are most likely using the competition system wich has been explained in very detailed fasion long time ago allready. How all this merges together in the new UI, needs to be seen and that's what has been discussed pretty open. The UI is done when it's done, so I wouldn't worry too much about that right now. Maybe it has some slick new features that they don't want to show to the competing studios. Who knows ...

    If you aren't racing rF2 allready because of the new UI then you have some wierd expectations. And if competition is your thing, then simply join the 12 hours of Sebring for rF2 as mentioned in the roadmap ;)
    bwana, jayarrbee36 and Gasper Zupan like this.
  4. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I see a " problem " , the problem is that often they do useful things and barely mention them. For example in the last build they said that resolved some CTD cause. This is quite important to people like me that have been crippled by CTDs since 2012. Now they say that look and performance will be improved too, but they say it In a whisper, while the focus of the roadmap is about things to come, some near some pretty far. It's not much time that I can enjoy RF2 without having to fear CTD at every moment, and a solid software is mandatory especially when online racing is involved.
  5. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Best advice I can give is to make a detailed Bug Report via the 'Contact Support' button in the launcher (if you haven't already), many people are able to run RF2 for hours on end without any CTDs so it's not a widespread problem, which in turn makes it harder to reproduce and then fix.
  6. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    MarcG, there are so many reports of those, that i think they should already have looked deeply into it. Most probable cause is rF2 itself, since most people don't have those problems in other racing softwares. I already changed a whole PC to realise problem was rF2. Thankfully i don't have those kind of bugs anymore and i still don't know what was the problem...
  7. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    After the change to DX11 the main culprit of CTDs was people running Plug Ins that no longer worked as they drew to the Screen and caused the CTD. So @Comante please check you have disabled all 3rd party plug ins, if you need specific help feel free to PM me or create a Bug Report as above :)

    Sorry for the brief Off Topic, back to the Road Map News :)
    bwana likes this.
  8. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Thank you for your advice, but I've already done my part on it. My situation has greatly improved in the last few months, so much that now I can expect to complete a race weekend without a problem. From time to time RF2 crashes while loading a track, but I think this is due VRAM memory being 3GB , often it goes ok just retrying otherwise I just need to decrease a bit some texture detail.
    In the last week or two I had not time to play a lot, but I'm confident that now my RF2 can run without causing so much pain to my heart. :D
    bwana likes this.
  9. Mauro

    Mauro Registered

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Very happy for imola 1972 and virginia.

    P. S. Maybe in future there could be others reiza's tracks like Kyalami and Osterreichring?
  10. Nitrometh

    Nitrometh Registered

    Dec 28, 2014
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    Looking forward to the new content. Just need to buy a new gfx card.
    Which one can handle rf2 better? nVidia or ATI?
    I can only imagine how beautiful the new material system looks. Hard to live without rf2 :D
  11. Depco

    Depco Registered

    Jun 16, 2014
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    depends on how much you have to spend and how long you can wait..right now nvidia rules the market at above $250.
    mesfigas likes this.
  12. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Nitrometh likes this.
  13. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Nvidia is faster but is more prone, at least from the posts here, to the micro stutters. Any video card should have AT least 4megs of video ram and if you are buying it for rF2, then 6 to 8 is my recommendation.(yes folks say it will run just fine on a 3meg. But for me, more is better).
    Nitrometh and Emery like this.
  14. Yigit Yusuf Mutlu

    Yigit Yusuf Mutlu Registered

    May 3, 2016
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    Definitely at least 6gb is needed
    On sebring with full settings at 1360x768 with 27 gt3 cars, vram consumption is 5800mb, with 21 gt3 cars 5200mb

    Nvidia is faster compared to amd for rf2, i jumped to gtx1060 6gb from rx570 4gb and it is a little faster vram is a problem with 4gb vram
  15. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    If the roadmaps keep coming at least something is happening. Honestly at this point the fine details (and all the moaning and defending that happens in these threads) isn't of much interest. When something significant happens I'll take a good look.
  16. Stefan_L_01

    Stefan_L_01 Registered

    Nov 18, 2012
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    My Problem is I could spend more time painting than driving. Even if there are liveries out there, the car number / Sponsor / League style code forces you to paint, no way to reuse other stuff that could be available.
    Unrfortunality the new mat system just follows classic technics without any new base idea.
    It would have been imo much better - and really new - to allow overlays to happen in a separate dds. This way you may have the chance to use an available base skin as dds (!), while the league provides the required overlays
    Hazi likes this.
  17. ECAR_Tracks

    ECAR_Tracks Registered

    May 1, 2016
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    And you might mention offline championship, working tyre temps, AI fatal flaws correction mainly in wet, proper clutch/gear system...
    And performance optimization, tons of it... After struggle with the PCI-e issue on my side (wouldn't achive nothing above 4x) I bought a fresh new computer except a 1080 ti and even with PCI-ex16 rF2 performs worse than any simulator with a fraction of graphical quality.
  18. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Possibly due to the reason rF2 is so demanding is not just graphics but the layers of physics calculations. Graphics do contribute, but the concept that one can just 'optimize' the program graphics to a higher fps is not applicable.
    S397 spent most of the first year they owned the sim adjusting graphic performance. They made improvements and advances but did not suddenly just find 50% greater fps. It is not in there.
    The PCIe issue was not to suddenly reach stratospheric fps, but to eliminate an identifiable hindrance. I believe we are just now reaching hardware levels that can get the most out of rF2. The 2070 level video card, Intel's latest monster cpu. I think I read there is still an PCIe hardware advancement that is in the works...ANOTHER new motherboard. It took years for most users to reach a stable 30fps for GPL which overtaxed most of the hardware of that era. rF2 is likely to be remembered fondly only once today's near bleeding edge becomes the standard for most users.
  19. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Turn shadows completely off
    AA off or multisample only x2 at most
    It’s suddenly like you have a high end PC

    Small price to pay, after a while one doesn’t miss graphical shadow effects
  20. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Cars without shadows is such an immersion killer.
    I rather drive without trackside objects and few visible opponents than seeing those floaty cars.
    Set shadows at Low. Its ugly but better than nothing.

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