Easy Reflection Maps tool (download available)

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by Brutten, Nov 8, 2018.

  1. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Greetings to all.

    I put at your disposal this simple program that helps the circuit modelers in the creation of the necessary lines for the reflections of the track (RealRoad).

    Simply selecting the file SCN recovers the instances and performs a first filter to remove those that are obviously unnecessary. When the process ends, you only have to review the generated code, remove the lines you don't want, and paste them into the original SCN file. It doesn't modify any original file.

    I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.
    Any suggestion is welcome to improve the process.

    DOWNLOAD: https://mega.nz/#!idwiWC5Y!eKYeVUHaDd_5Q7xAnbeD2RGDAx8Wo21nCLs1G-BhCJ0
    You don't need installation. As a suggestion, and as it is for developers, I would put it in the ModDev folder.

    (Due to my lack of knowledge of English any doubt will be answered in the original thread in Spanish: https://forum.studio-397.com/index....la-reflection-maps-descarga-disponible.61587/)
    Emery, Hazi, Rastas and 1 other person like this.
  2. Rastas

    Rastas Registered

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Thank you sir :)
  3. KittX

    KittX Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I wonder if it's possible to write a plugin/script for Max which would generate the reflection plane coords (position, rotation) based on approximate values of racesurfaces' polys or verts around the object that's ticked to reflect Or maybe based on big mesh/poly with all racesurfaces attached together. Should save hours or even days of work in some cases.
    Mauro and Rastas like this.
  4. Brutten

    Brutten Registered

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Hi KittX.

    I can't tell you anything about that, since I don't use 3DMax.
    All the circuits and models I have in development I made for rFactor 1 (3dsimed and Bobstrackbuilder), and I'm converting them to rF2.

    This small tool only serves for conversions or improvements in already existing circuits recovering the SCN instances and generating a basic code to include in it.

    I don't know what kind of work needs to be done with 3DMax with the objects and the Reflection Maps, just a small idea provided by the tutorials.

    If I had more knowledge of English, maybe, we could talk about it and see if I have the necessary knowledge to realize your idea. But... I'm afraid not.
  5. philrob

    philrob Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Thank you Brutten for this program.

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