[REL] rFactor2 Log Analyzer ver. 2. With offline and league Championship Manager

Discussion in 'Other' started by Nibo, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Bat file starts web2py_on_gevent.exe so add it. The problem that you posted earlier is not about firewall blocking web2py access to internet, but about something blocking its rights to function properly by writing and reading files from disk (it can not create/read database file). If adding it to exceptions list in Defender will not help, you need to try searching for other possible security settings that can block apps.
  2. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Also try running r2la not by bat file, but starting rF2 Log Analyzer ver. 2.058.7\web2py\web2py.exe.
  3. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Small update v2.058.8:
    • Added an option to sort Track Records by Date. Press "Date" or "Time" column headers to switch between sorting options.
    • Added more track names for automatic flag assignment.
  4. brett22

    brett22 Registered

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Hi Nibo,
    I've managed to install the log analyzer and get it working but I'm really confused how to do an offline championship with AI. I've filled in the form with the points system and chosen my tracks and had the first race but now I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm used to CDTP's championship manager for rfactor1 which would creat a championship easily. The 2 links at the bottom of the form don't work explaining how to do it so I'm just really confused. I guess I just don't understand how to use this. I've googled everything I can think of to try to find out how to use this part of the program but can;t find any step by step instructions on how to use the championship manager. All I can find is something about exporting files or logs or something. I appreciate computer programers would find this a breeze but I'm just an average user. Is there any instructions how to use this anywhere?
  5. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I was asked the same thing in email some days ago, I will copy here my answer:

    In short: just press "Assign race result" for you championship races and select race log for that race.

    1. Press "Create championship", select championship options as you need.
    2. On Championship page press "+" button which means "Add race". Enter race name, like "Silverstone". Add all other races for your championship calendar like that.
    3. Finish a race at Silverstone in rFactor2, rFactor2 will create a log file for this race.
    4. Open r2la again, press "Refresh" button in "Results viewer". r2la will "pick-up" your latest rF2 logs.
    5. At the Championship page select your race at Silverstone and press "Assign race result" and select a log file for the race you just raced. Championship tables will be updated now.
    6. Repeat steps 3-5 for other races of your calendar.

    Ask more if you need help.
  6. brett22

    brett22 Registered

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Hi Nibo,
    thanks for your reply, Ok I'll give that a try. How do I make sure the same AI cars appear in each race? Is there a file I can copy or something or do I have to take a picture with my phone and go through and manually select them 4 each race? Sounds like the people who have taken over this game need to include a custom championship manager similar to the one found in AMS. No disespect your your amazing software as I can see it is useful for so many different things and can only operate within the confines of the rf2 framework.
  7. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Yes, we can only setup AI opponents with tools that exist in rFactor2. Right now its either adding number of AI in menu before going on track or adding AI by "Add AI" button one-by-one once you are on track. Maybe some more useful option will be added in new UI that is being in development right now, we'll have to see.

    Right now to ensure consistent AI opponents from race to race I use 2 methods:
    1. If mod has enough unique driver-carskin pairs defined with its opponent filter you can set AI number in menu to number_of_mods_cars-1. For example, some F1 mod has all 22 cars from some season represented, you select one car and set AI number to 21, AI will be always the same. This works for Enduracers mod also, if you select any car then you can count in opponents filter how many cars this car category has, subtract 1 and set number of opponents to resulting number.
    2. For mods like S397 GT3, S397 Endurance I set opponents number in menu to 0, write car numbers that I want to be AI somewhere on paper and then add them one-by-one when on track by "Add AI" button. Its not very easy, because if I make some mistake in race settings and go back to menu to correct it, then I have to add them on track again. But it is what it is...
  8. brett22

    brett22 Registered

    Nov 4, 2010
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    Cheers Nibo, Thanks for getting back to me. So option 1 looks a lot easier. Its a shame rfactor2 lacks a custom championship manager tool. Of all the sims I drive rf2 is my prefered option when it comes to driving but the lack of this tool means I hardly ever drive it and spend my time driving other sims that have this tool. I hope if Studio 397 update the UI they include a custom tool to manage championships as this is something I'm sure many people would dearly love to see included........fingers crossed.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
  9. Lenniepen

    Lenniepen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Is it possible to use multiple (two) scoring systems in one championship, and choose the system per race?
    For instance: races starting with reversed grid have a different scoring system then normal races, or differences between sprint and main races.

    I've found the 'points multiplier', which also works for multipliers below 1, let's say 0.8, but then I get some weird things like 17.6 points (because 0.8*22=17.6).

    I guess it is possible using manual point override, but when 50% of the races use a different point system, it's a lot of manual work.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  10. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    No, its not possible. You described 2 available options correctly. I don't think having decimals in points when using multiplier is weird, its mathematically correct and I think I've seen it used like that in real life somewhere.
  11. Lenniepen

    Lenniepen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks. Yes I know it's mathematically correct, it's just that I've created a point system which corresponds roughly to multiplier 0.8, but with rounded numbers (not always rounded to the nearest integer btw) and would like to use that.
    I this a feature you can look at, or is it too complicated to implement?
  12. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Custom points system by race? Yes, it will be pretty complicated. But its also will not be different to manual override. If I add custom points form to "Edit race" page, the amount of work is identical, you'll have to go to that page for every not-standard race and enter points there. There is another way to do this - add possibility to add multiple custom points sets to championship and then assign them to races, but that will require making editor/manager for multiple points sets in the championship and changes to core points calculations, a lot of work where I could "trip over" and brake some other option that is already implemented. I would recommend for you to use manual override, it will not take much time to enter your numbers for some races there.
  13. Lenniepen

    Lenniepen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yes, I meant the possibility to choose a point system preset per race, but if that's too complicated & risky to implement it's fine doing the manual overrides.
    Thanks for your quick response!
  14. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Now when I read your reply I remembered that, indeed, I already have naming and saving of user points presets. It might be possible to do a selector of this points presets in "Edit race" page. I can try to do this.
    Daniele Vidimari likes this.
  15. intweb

    intweb Registered

    Nov 29, 2014
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    For some reason I don't see the Stint numbers (eg. how many runs during a session you do). I had it on earlier versions, but updating / upgrading has removed it - what have I done wrong?

  16. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I see "Stint #.." numbers visible in "Stints" tables as usual for my logs. Please provide a screenshot where they not visible for you and/or log file for which they are not visible.

    Update 2.058.9
    • Added an option to assign user created points presets by race. Go to "Edit race" and select points preset name for that race. You can create and save your custom points presets on "Edit champoinship" page.
    Lenniepen likes this.
  17. Alejandro López Arjona

    Alejandro López Arjona Registered

    Jul 18, 2018
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    I want to report that when you are logged as an Admin, the web page is really slow. If you go again as a guest, it loads fast.
  18. Alejandro López Arjona

    Alejandro López Arjona Registered

    Jul 18, 2018
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    I would like to propose an improvement: being able to remove a lap of a driver from the records list
  19. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    I never had that and can not think of specific reason why page loading would be affected for logged in admin... Is there a specific page that loads slow or every r2la page loads slow? Try stopping and closing r2la (all cmd windows) and starting it again. Maybe something is wrong with your connection or browser (try other?), hard to say... If you notice more details - provide them, maybe then I can say why that is happening.

    Not possible with the way r2la works. It reads whole xml file data that is present. You can open xml file in some text editor and remove whole <driver>...</driver> block for that driver, then refresh r2la, but this will remove all driver laps from session. Or you can try removing <Lap>...</Lap> tag for that particular lap of a driver from xml, but I didn't test this, it may or may not produce some errors.
  20. Lenniepen

    Lenniepen Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Wow, thanks a lot, that was very quick. It works exactly as expected :D

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