FFB: RF2 VS Assetto Corsa

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Steven Luppino, May 13, 2017.

  1. vegaguy5555

    vegaguy5555 Registered

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I notice a lot of shock in a real car wheel more then actual FFB. I think rF2 does the best job by far. What I would like to see/feel in a wheel is shock (in out or up down movement) opposed to thrust.

    I think sometimes there is artificial FFB that is trying to replace shock from rough road/hiting curb.
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  2. Steven Luppino

    Steven Luppino Registered

    Nov 10, 2016
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    I had to confess I did drive mostly RF1 converted to RF2 cars. I had a few RF2 cars that I had only just sitting there that I had to drive again and felt instantly the effects were very similar to the AC FFB that I was complaining about. Nothing more than a simple study of the extra files added to RF2, to find the problem.
  3. Joe

    Joe Registered

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I agreed. Those artfacts no help at all. rF2 has better tyre model, with better tyre deformation I think, thus naturally FFb feels "better". I made a video on this last week, see description of the video:
    mlaw, vegaguy5555 and SPASKIS like this.
  4. vegaguy5555

    vegaguy5555 Registered

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I made the mistake of omitting I like rF2 vintage cars the most in AC's PC2 review thread and it's not going well for me over there.

    But yeah. I agree. There is just not enough detail in AC's physics.

    I love the way you have to play with fuel and brake in the rF2 vintage cars through corners. I sometimes play all night on the Nordschleife. It can be a work out.

    Really looking forward to the weather update.
  5. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    I believe we can acclimate to the FFB in almost any title and enjoy it given enough time; it's when we switch to another title where the differences stand out for a time. Still, I do think rF2 and AMS offer the most precise control and feedback among the top Sim's but, I'm fine with AC's too and I can usually adapt to it within a dozen laps or so and be perfectly happy.

    As for which title has the best physics - I don't know; I need a lot more real-world experience driving near the limit to even begin to judge that. If it can be immersive and satisfying near the limit, a title has good potential - especially if the other pieces of the Sim-puzzle are satisfying.
    Dookie, Seven Smiles, Filip and 2 others like this.
  6. Gevatter

    Gevatter Registered

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Yes, because you've been whining about AC's FFB over there for close to a year now, about the exact same issues, and when you catch flak for endlessly going on about it you come here to complain. I know you want to like all the sims and that's a great sentiment, but some sims just won't fit you, and you'll have to come to terms with that. If you don't like AC's FFB or you can't get it dialled in or it just doesn't work correctly for you, that's not a problem in itself, but it won't change much no matter your amount of complaining about it. There are only so many sliders that can be adjusted and honestly, if I tried to dial in the FFB of any sim for as long as you have with AC and it doesn't work out for me, I'd move on and let it be.

    Physics or FFB? It's a difference if something is not there in the physics, of if it's not communicated through the FFB to the wheel.

    AC's FFB is different from other sims. IMO there is a lot of emphasis on self aligning force and weight shifting, which is great for letting you know what the back end of the car does, but those forces can drown out detail about what the front end of the cars is going through. The understeery default setups don't help that matter much. To my mind AC's FFB works best in cars with soft suspension and anything that's tail happy.

    rF2's FFB is something I struggled a lot with in the past, but with my new wheel it works very well actually. I could somewhat solve the issue I had with the rumble strips without sacrificing too much detail by setting higher filter values. IMO rF2's FFB communicates what the front end is doing a lot better, but sacrificing a bit of rear end feel on certain cars, the Formula Renault 3.5 would be an example I struggle with a lot in that regard. It takes some time to get used to, especially coming from AC it's quite the difference for me, but nothing that can't be overcome
  7. vegaguy5555

    vegaguy5555 Registered

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Thank you for that feedback. This is what I'm looking for. I don't consider anything you said as a complaint.

    So why is liking rF2's vintage cars a complaint?

    I don't run anyone down, post insulting pictures, misquote from a year earlier, make fun of someons hard work or insult anyone's intelligence, which is all happening in AC's forum right now.

    Asking a question or giving an opinion, even stupid one is not an insult.

    We all asked a lot of dumb questions to get to our level of understanding today.
  8. Gevatter

    Gevatter Registered

    Dec 23, 2015
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    No, you misunderstood that. Or misread. What I meant with my first paragraph was that you keep complaining about AC's FFB and have been for so long that I don't see why you still bother with AC at all. The AC FFB won't change anymore, so if you don't like how it is now, move on.

    Had you just said that you like the vintage cars in rF2, that wouldn't be a problem. Offtopic in the thread it was posted, but alright otherwise. What you said - and sorry to carry that quote over here - was the following:

    "I don't like the vintage cars in PC2 or AC after driving them in rF2."

    By now you should know the AC community well enough to know that this phrasing might poke the hornets nest. Combine that with your history of complaints about AC's FFB on the AC forum (the thing with the lost weight shift feeling and Bitdefender being the issue) over the past year and one might see why people tend to be negative towards you or poke fun at you. I'm no exception.

    Of course not. But asking the same question or giving the same opinion countless times in several threads gets on peoples nerves over time.

    I'm willing to keep this converstaion going somewhere if you want me to clarify something but I'd rather not derail this thread too much.
    vegaguy5555 likes this.
  9. vegaguy5555

    vegaguy5555 Registered

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I guess I forgot how sensitive these guys are after hearing them bash other sims.
    McKiernan likes this.
  10. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    Yes, many of the PC2-related posts in the AC forums are hostile toward PC2 and the PC2 forums have some doozy's about AC as well. Some opinions may be legitimate but, many are about bashing one thing or another and just jumping on the band wagon to be one of the "team players". You can see it developing, like little avalanches or pack mentality building; it has more to do with human nature than Racing-sim's much of the time.

    About the time we find ourselves too invested in such discussions, it's probably a good time to take a step back and remember that it's just a game and these are just people spouting off from behind a wall because they have no skin in the game; they don't know us and probably don't care what we think or how we feel so it should really have zero impact on our lives.

    Every time I've gotten upset over some online discussion, I've later realized how silly it all is and recognize that there are often times where it's better to keep quiet or avoid the discussion all together. :)
  11. vegaguy5555

    vegaguy5555 Registered

    Jan 28, 2017
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    Thanks for the kind words. :)
  12. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    The world could use a little more kindness. ;)

    Now, I'm off to turn some laps in whatever Sim I feel like tonight. :D
    vegaguy5555 and Ernie like this.
  13. Supa

    Supa Registered

    Dec 27, 2017
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    I started off with Rfactor1 many years ago and now drive mainly RF2 and Automobilista. I tried AC the other week as it was on special but was disappointed. As above it lacks the detail of AMS and RF2. Actually even RF1 has better physics! It seemed exactly like Gran Tourismo and the FFB was the same for all the cars I tried in AC.
    vegaguy5555, McKiernan and kimbo like this.
  14. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    My only issue with rf2 ffb vs any other game is sudden reversal of forces and the new graininess present on so many cars since last year. A belt-driven wheel shouldn’t require ffb smoothing of 4-8.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2018
    Rui Santos and patchedupdemon like this.
  15. Flaux

    Flaux Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    To me, rf2 is the only sim where a tire is felt through the ffb. It modulates the ffb just right to make you feel you ride a tire. Any other sim lacks this feeling.

    That is what I like about it.
    vegaguy5555, Guimengo, Korva7 and 3 others like this.
  16. Mibrandt

    Mibrandt Registered

    Apr 4, 2013
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    When RF2 ffb is good - its unrivaled. So many details and you can feel the rubber/tire like Flaux says. Unfortunately its not always good. In fact with some cars I think its straight up bad.

    AC is not far behind RF2 though IMO - and very consistent. What I like alot about ffb in AC is you can always sort of feel the weight of the car which I think is lacking sometimes in RF2.
  17. Flaux

    Flaux Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    You feel that in the FFB? Because that should be something the physics tell you. Not the Steering wheel. But I might be wrong. :rolleyes:

    I drove a 7-series BMW some time ago. The steering was quite light to be honest. Maybe you meant something else?
  18. Mibrandt

    Mibrandt Registered

    Apr 4, 2013
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    Well yes - but you feel the physics through the FFB in the wheel right? But I might be wrong. :rolleyes: Whats your point about the 7-series? I wouldnt expect to feel much in a car like that in IRL or in a sim...o_O
  19. Suzukinol

    Suzukinol Registered

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I don't know how good is the FFB of rF2 in professional steering wheels like Open Sim Wheel but on a G27 Assetto Corsa feels better for me because I can notice more FFB effects when driving in the track. In rFactor 2 its a little strange because you are driving on a straight and you don't feel nothing.
  20. dadaboomda

    dadaboomda Registered

    May 15, 2016
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    Make sure your g27 is correctly configured because rf2 is strongly strongly better.


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