Newbie help required

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Baldeagle611, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Baldeagle611

    Baldeagle611 Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Hi everyone
    I've got this on Steam and I'm really struggling with this one! The main reason is because there doesn't appear to be a manual included. Now call me mr old school but surely a game with this level of sophistication should include one? I could really do with a QuickStart tutorial and a keyboard card here as it all seems a mystery. For example what does EVE mean?
  2. bwana

    bwana Registered

    Dec 25, 2011
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    there is a wiki page but agree its a bit daunting to start with. Mapping is pretty much start game and press keys , you will soon see what does what. Im not sure any of the new sims offer a handbook as such , gone are the days of buying your sim in a box ,manual included.This forum is your best spot for questions and the website Racedepartement has plenty of info. the EVE is a 1965 F2 car. correct name not used due to licencing .
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  3. Lgel

    Lgel Registered

    Jun 24, 2014
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    This clever absence of any included manual (a simple txt file that would appear on first launch, not speaking of a link to an official ISI YT video showing step by step, what a new user should do to enjoy his first lap), has no doubt greatly contributed to the record sales of the game developped by ISI.

    Hope for it's own sake that S397 will improve on this situation.

    Euskotracks likes this.
  4. SRGP

    SRGP Registered

    Feb 12, 2015
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    I guess you are talking about the '60s Formula cars ? "EVE" is just the name of their fictionnal car maker.
  5. Baldeagle611

    Baldeagle611 Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Well thanks guys. that's shone a bit of light on it already. It was feeling like I'd joined some exclusive club full of secrets!
    I know I'm getting on a bit but this is the first game of this type I've ever seen that doesn't include ANY documentation at all. Very strange.
    For example: I started in the pit last night sitting in this EVE Matra and the car wouldn't move. I just tried all the keys and when I hit C it was off like a rocket. Then came the numerous camera views provided; knowing how to get back to the default view would really help.
    Nethertheless and I'm going to persevere. No doubt I'll be bothering you again soon!
    bwana likes this.
  6. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Numpad and the six keys above arrows are for camera movement. Just try!
    Cockpit view is del (I think! lol). U is fix camera.
  7. Nitrometh

    Nitrometh Registered

    Dec 28, 2014
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    Are you driving with your keyboard, or do you have a wheel?
    I can advice you to buy a wheel ( even it's one with no ffb for the beginning ).
    When I started with rfactor centuries ago, I drove with keys and after some weeks I deinstalled it again because it was nearly impossible to drive.
    Yeah.....It took some time to get in. Now I own a g27 and the experience with rf2 is amazing even with this “not high end“ wheel.
    I had the chance to test rf2 with a fanatec v2 wheel and it was.....amazing. There is no way to compare it with a g27.
    Good luck and have fun :)
  8. Baldeagle611

    Baldeagle611 Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    I've got a saitek r100. Just basic for now. Now can someone tell me how to get the crystal palace circuit and how to install it? I found one but it doesn't seem to recognise it.
  9. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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  10. Baldeagle611

    Baldeagle611 Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Thanks but it doesn't show in packages. Can you only use certain file types in rf2? A
  11. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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  12. bwana

    bwana Registered

    Dec 25, 2011
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    is it a zip file? may need extracting first ?
  13. Baldeagle611

    Baldeagle611 Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    It's the Motorfx one and it extracts as a folder. The website says to put it in the locations folder. The tutorial video says it should be in packages in Rf2. Any ideas? I appreciate your help people.
  14. Nitrometh

    Nitrometh Registered

    Dec 28, 2014
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    Maybe the track is for rf1. Rf1 tracks are not copy and paste compatible with rf2 content.
    The easiest way to install cars and tracks is to use the rf2 steam workshop.
    2ndLastJedi likes this.
  15. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Rule of thumb... is that if the downloaded mod comes as anything but an *.rfmod or *.rfcmp file type, then you have the wrong mod for the wrong game.
    2ndLastJedi and DaREALMastaD like this.
  16. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Disclaimer: Sorry if I state anything very obvious here - I'm not trying to be condescending, I just have no idea of your level of experience.

    I am by no means any kind of expert, but a few things from when I started...

    One thing that has helped me in rf2 (and other games for that matter) is going into the controls and looking at what each key does.
    When you are in the game and in the garage, click on settings. Check out each option, but then take the time to go through controls. It takes some time but it's worth it.

    You can adjust Field Of View (FOV) in game, which means you can change the focal length of the virtual camera - i.e you can view the world through a very wide angle, or a more narrow angle. Many including myself try to make the virtual world match with the real world, using a FOV calculator. This can have it's drawbacks and benefits (I find if you want to go for a realistic look, try to get as close to your monitor as possible.)

    You can change the position of the virtual seat, up and down, left and right, and also change it's pitch.

    You can turn off the virtual steering wheel/hands if they are distracting you. Many people don't like to see their real steering wheel, and then a second virtual steering wheel as well.

    You'll need to turn off the pit speed limiter in many cars (seems obvious but as a newbie this had me beaten already!)

    In your first few laps out of the pits, the grip levels are reduced. This is down to two reasons, 1. the tyres haven't warmed up 2. the track hasn't had time to 'rubber in' (rf2 has dynamic track conditions aka 'Real Road', the track will generally get more grip with more laps - you can accelerate this process if desired). Generally speaking people new to sim racing go 'too fast too soon', spin out many times, and deem the sim too difficult. Treat your first lap or two as warm up laps and take it easy, before cutting loose. You can bring up a tyre overlay which will advise you on tyre temps - when they are blue they are too cold, purple/pink is a good temp, read/white too hot (this is an extremely simplified explanation, tyre temps is a pretty god damn complex subject!).

    If your wheel is rattling like crazy, you've likely flat spotted a tire from a lock up. Go back to the pits and get some new rubber. It takes quite a bit of time to learn how to threshold brake without locking up. You can turn tyre damage off, but I personally don't recommend it, because it's unrealistic and takes the fun out of braking.

    If you have a cheaper end wheel (i.e g25/g27) and the wheel feels 'grainy/notchy/vibrating/noisy/feels like gravel', try turning up the 'ffb smoothing'. This smooths out the ffb signal so lower end wheels can cope and the ffb feel more natural.

    Each person has a different driving style, and again a huge generalization - but most of the time being very smooth with all inputs will get you the best results. there are times when you need to be very rapid with the steering wheel (eg controlling a 'tank slapper') but most of the time being smooth and gradual with steering, accelerator and brake is the way to go.

    I have found that you can make a car much easier to drive simply by adjusting the diff settings (though it may not be faster, just more manageable). Less diff power % = easier to control under power/corner exit. More diff coast % = easier to control off throttle/corner entry.

    Hope some of this helped.
    SRGP likes this.
  17. Baldeagle611

    Baldeagle611 Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    I've played a lot of sims over the years but I'm a mac boy and Windows 10 is very new to me, as is Steam. All advice is greatly appreciated, especially your comments on the dynamic track conditions. Sharing experience(s) with others is what makes forums like these what they are. So I won't get mad if you tell me things I already know!

    Trying all the controls and writing them down is basically what I'm doing, although I still can't find the key that returns you to default cockpit view. The trouble is, with my job I get very little time to play games, and it's a pain having to go down the 'discovery' route when I could be spending time racing. I'm sure it wouldn't take S397 five minutes to bash out a simple getting started text file and a keys list, or a modified version of the rf1 version.

    Still not having any luck loading the Crystal Palace track (I spent my boyhood days there in the 60s and 70s). Maybe I got the wrong version. I'll try again tonight.
  18. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @Baldeagle611 Cockpit view: Settings -> Controls -> Camera -> Driving Cameras (generally cycles between 3 views).
  19. Lgel

    Lgel Registered

    Jun 24, 2014
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    If you are new to RF2, Steam and W10, why don't you take a safe approach to it?
    First learn your basics, running ISI Clios on a standard ISI track like Mores.
  20. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Skippy and Limerock park

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