Suspension files issues

Discussion in 'Car Modding' started by Rfn Owner, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. Rfn Owner

    Rfn Owner Registered

    Aug 24, 2012
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    I was going through the pdf file in the dev corner that is a guide on car modding workflow for rFactor2 and I seem to be stuck on something here with suspension files. I know the guide uses the rTrainer car as an example, but I chose to try and follow the guide using the stock cars instead of the rTrainer because the mod I am working on is a stock car although it is not a cup car style stock car it is a lower tier of stock car that I am working on. I figured working through the stock cars as a base for the workflow was much more ideal because of the similarities versus the rTrainer being vastly different. For some reason while initially setting up the folders as the guide says and extracting the MAS files the pm files for the suspension appear to be missing from the MAS file that holds all the other main files for the car. Do I appear to be missing something here?
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The recent stock car? It probably doesn't use .pm files, but chassis.ini files instead. They've replaced .pm files in more recent vehicles.
    Lgel likes this.
  3. Rfn Owner

    Rfn Owner Registered

    Aug 24, 2012
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    Yes, Lazza, thank you for correcting me. My apologies, I was meaning to say I am not seeing anything suspension wise as far as the old pm files or the new chassis.ini files. Neither appear to be present. Yes it is the recent ISI Stock Car that I am looking at.

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