Ping/packet loss spike in server

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Matt Richards, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Matt Richards

    Matt Richards Registered

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Currently having a very big issue.

    Whenever I am in the server for both the leagues I am part of, my ping shoots over 2000 and is very unstable, suspected due to packet loss.

    Now the weird part is that my internet is completely fine through all of this, staying perfectly connected to TS/Discord, steam and anything else and still running at the speed it should. I am using a WiFi connection as I'm on the third floor and my hub is on the 1st floor.

    I've recently made a completely new rf2 install to see if that fixed the issue, it didn't. I've tried several hub resets and several setting changes to no change. I've done a complete PC rebuild just to see if any hardware wasn't fitted correctly (unlikely but thought it was worth a try)

    Only change on any rf2 file I'm using is on my multiplayer file, having the download and upload set quite high however it makes no difference compared to ISDN with 64 down and 64 up.

    I'm up to date on all drivers for any hardware and software so no conflict there. I've also tried sorting out power settings, no issues there, changed the MTU to 1500, disabled firewalls and antivirus etc.

    I would have tried a different network card (have a spare) but the port wasn't free.

    Never had any issues with rf2 before on anything. Now I can't race online at all as everyone in the servers I'm in I see at over 1000 ping and I'm over 2000 ping myself. As said, believed to be packet loss but no idea where.

    I have done several runs with ping to google through command prompt, leaving running for 10, 15 and 25 minutes and in all 3 runs have had a 0% packet loss with a 13ms average.

    Please help,
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Have you done any packet loss tests?
  3. Matt Richards

    Matt Richards Registered

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Updated my post with the info, have proof for 5 minute and 10 minute runs, think I have proof for longer runs too.

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