After steam install?

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Arctic37, May 3, 2016.

  1. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    rF2 process not closing could suggest something in your network is blocking it. You could try disconnecting from all networks and run Steam offline, launch rF2 and see if the process closes normally in this case.
  2. buzard

    buzard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Tried playing offline, won't start but is listed as running.
    Turned off community overlay, won't start but is listed as running.
    If I can ever start it again I'll try running in windowed mode.
  3. Christopher Elliott

    Christopher Elliott Registered

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Have you tried Unchecking "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization" It sounds to me like it's trying to sync.
  4. buzard

    buzard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Checked steam cloud, not turned on.
    Tried running in windowed mode.
    Turned off every steam overlay, graphic, sound option.
    Turned all rFactor graphics to low and\or off.
    rFactor2 ran fine until I moved it over to steam. Would d/l rF2 demo from ISI and seeing if it runs do anything to mess up the steam install?
  5. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Steam V Non Steam matchmaker

    When joining an online race Steam matchmaker does not show what the missing content is it just goes off to download what ever it is that may be missing. The non steam matchmaker gave a list of content required to load a mod so the user could make a decision on how big a job it would be to get the required content. If many tracks and cars were needed then you had the chance to determine whether to get the content or not.

    Now steam just starts downloading and there is no way to tell how long it may take. It is also possible that the user has the content already but just may need to re-install it but again there is no way to tell what the content needed is.

    This situation can happen also with track version updates with instances where not all mod file makers use the latest track version but again steam match maker does not show the full track detail to know what version is to be loaded.

    Can the features previously known in matchmaker be brought into steam matchmaker please.
  6. buzard

    buzard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Would downloading the rFactor 2 demo directly from ISI and installing it create and issues with the steam version? I would like to see if that version would run.
  7. Marcel Offermans

    Marcel Offermans Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Not if you install it in a new folder. Do not try to install it on top of an existing installation though, that will definitely cause problems.
  8. buzard

    buzard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I installed the demo. I had deleted everything manually before and reinstalled the Steam version, all files were withing the steam folder in c:\program files(x86)\steam..etc, everything else was deleted. Reinstalling the demo created a rfactor2 folder in c:\user\documents where the old install was before I deleted it. This folder contains some newly created steam files. However using the new desktop icon for rF2 it starts up every time and does not start Steam. It runs fine. It appears to have recognized my name and the fact I have a full purchase. I've added cars and tracks without any issue. Multiplayer as expected does not work. So for whatever reason there is an issue with the Steam version on my machine. My rig is old. So since I do have rF2 working I'm happy. Maybe next year I can pony $900-$1200 for a new computer that will work with the Steam version. All other Steam programs work fine, I can use rF2. I'm good.
  9. buzard

    buzard Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Finally had to make a new computer. Now Steam rF2 runs fine. As I stated before I had on old OS and CPU and while it ran rF2 it would not run the steam version. All is fine now.

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