[REL] DAMPlugin for rF2

Discussion in 'Other' started by Lazza, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yep, good idea. I didn't even think to log the incoming FFB figure. Will add that in future, should be easy with rF2.

    Thanks for those, I'll look into them :)
  2. Yoeri Gijsen

    Yoeri Gijsen Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Thanks for making this, Lazza. No crashes on this one yet.
  3. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Sorry, I don't think I answered this fully. Right now you can save the setup file with the log file, so at least you have a record of which setup you used. In future I'm looking to use i2Pro's setup sheets feature, which would allow you to reference specific setup parameters within i2Pro for maths channels and stuff, and the Handler prog would do the necessary updating to sync the 'current' setup with what you used for the logged lap(s). Unfortunately that won't happen for a while.

    Thanks again, yep, this feature doesn't work at all right now. Fixed for the next version.

    Turns out that was your Oil temp :eek:

    Fixed for the next version.

    FFB Output will be available on the next version, as part of the Controls_1 group (need to switch it on in the .ini). At full speed it logs at 400Hz :p

    With a new build imminent and currently tying this plugin to specific rF2 versions I'm going to wait and release after the build is out.
  4. Associat0r

    Associat0r Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Many thanks for this Lazza.
  5. Fred Nakuni

    Fred Nakuni Registered

    Jun 8, 2015
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  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Updated for the new build.

    Note that if you have the previous version installed in rF2, you'll need to run the new DAMPlugin Handler program, select the game folder in the DAMPlugin Handler, Uninstall, then Install.

    • Fix: 'Use class subfolder' option wasn't working.
    • Fix: High Range option for Fuel was actually logging the Oil temp.
    • Fix: Forgot to allow for negative suspension forces, causing value spikes; hoping -400kg will cover it.
    • Added: New channel, Controls_1::FFB Output. Shows FFB level from game, -100% to +100%, good for checking for clipping or under-utilisation.

    V0.71 (build 998) link:

    V0.7 (build 982) link:

    Sorry, I think I overlooked something in my rush to get this done, and it won't work. I'll get back after work. Or maybe not.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2015
    Art likes this.
  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    As I headed off down the street driving to work it occurred to me I didn't forget what I thought I had. It should work. I'll check when I get the new build installed.

    I won't be limiting this to a single build forever, it's just a 'for now' thing.
  8. Yoeri Gijsen

    Yoeri Gijsen Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    No data is displayed for RF and RR tyre temperatures and ride heights in my current worksheet. I use the worksheet in the second post of your old MoTeC plugin's topic. What can I change to trigger those channels?

    Other than that the plugin seems fine and user friendly.
  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I've never used someone else's worksheets/projects so I can't comment on that, but if you open up the channel list (press V if it's not visible) and check the channel names against what's in those tables you'll probably find they don't match. For the tyres anyway. (if it's a calculated average temp, you'll have to go to Maths and check the channels being used)

    Ride heights, if they don't show in the values window, bear in mind the plugin by default doesn't log ride height because the standard circuit project in i2Pro doesn't have ride heights. You want to enable the Suspension_1 group in the .ini file for ride heights.
  10. MerlinC

    MerlinC Registered

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Hi Lazza,

    just started testing your most recent version of the DAM PlugIn (like the wording). Great to see that some functions I missed in the previous versions are already working (e.g. store setup used when driving). Generating data and loading into MoTec Pro version worked with the standard INI file right away.

    Knowing that the DAM PlugIn is still beta I want you to know that I have seen the following issues (will update this post when I find out more):

    - When setting the Extra Channels to "3" (high range logging) the PlugIn seems to cause rF2 to crash.
    - Did not find a signal for steering wheel angle - which I would like to use to calculate over-/understeer signals. Using the available steering signal in percent would require to know the total rotation angle which might be different for every vehicle.
  11. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Thanks :)

    For the first one, could you pm me your full ini that seems to crash on 3? Just in case some combination of settings is contributing, would make it easier to track down.

    Steered angle, I will at some point grab the setup steering lock from the setup file and log it that way, for now you could use the old workaround of averaging the front wheels' toe readings. The more difficult aspect of the built in over/understeer calc is the wheelbase, which I think I've got set at 2850mm; probably works fine for most normal cars, but karts and anything else small or very big could end up being a bit off. Maybe not a big issue though.

    *Nevermind the ini, just crashed it myself... I'll take a look :p

    **Ok, it's the Scoring_2 group, set to high range ( = 3) it crashes, 1 or 2 is fine. Will track down the cause and fix it for next release.

    ***Last edit! : Found the issue. Only problem with so many channels, typos are hard to spot quickly. I'll try to get some other stuff fixed/added before the next release, for now just don't use high range for the scoring_2 (very unlikely to be needed anyway, to be honest)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2015
  12. Yoeri Gijsen

    Yoeri Gijsen Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Thanks for your answer. I've fixed the missing tire temperatures. I never knew these things since I never made my own worksheet. I might look into making one myself.

    Can you explain to me how one would go about calculating and dislaying ride heights in a sheet?
  13. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    All good, it's worth taking a few minutes and trying adding your own workbooks, worksheets, and adding new components to them. Also checking out the properties of new and existing components, sometimes you might want to change what and how they display things.

    For ride heights, first thing is to actually log them. Open up your DAMPlugin.ini file, and down the bottom you'll find the extra channel groups ("[Extra Channel Config]" section).

    Find this line:
    Suspension_1 = 0

    and change it to
    Suspension_1 = 1 to switch on the Suspension_1 group (you can get more precise values with (= 2), or high-range values with (= 3), but you probably won't need them)

    Now when you capture some log data the Ride Height channels will be included. You can add them to the Suspension workbook by selecting it, then right-click somewhere in or next to the worksheet tabs ("Susp position", "Susp Velocities", etc), New WorkSheet, name it something useful like "Ride Height". Right-click somewhere in the blank worksheet, Add -> Time/Distance Graph, and it shows you the current properties for that graph. Which is empty at the moment. Click Add Channel, type in "ride" to filter the channel list, and the ride height channels will appear. You can select all of them, hit Ok, and they're all added to the component now. If you want you can Add Group and separate those channels into front and rear or whatever you might find useful, or you can add a new group and add your speed, maybe Lat G Force, anything you want to make it more useful. Finally click Ok to close the properties window and you can see your ride heights for the selected logged period. Press M on your keyboard to display stats for that graph, can be handy as well (minimum, maximum, and average values for the shown data).

    That new worksheet will be filled by the graph; press V to show the channel list and the small track display, helps to put the current data into context (so you can see where your ride height is zero on the track, for example).

    i2Pro lets you create your own channels as well, in Tools -> Maths, you can add your own Constants and/or Add Expressions that combine or manipulate existing channels and constants to come up with new values that you can graph. You can make it as simple or as complex as you want, the important thing is to work out what you're trying to achieve or you'll just end up with a huge mess that doesn't help you do anything :)

    Take your time with it, start small, and it'll all come together slowly.
  14. Yoeri Gijsen

    Yoeri Gijsen Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    It takes a couple of hours to get through, but in the end it works like a charm. Thanks for all the input.

    And... man, the load of data you can analyse, lol... :D
  15. lemming77

    lemming77 Registered

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Is there more information on what's in each channel group? I'm sure I'm recording more of these in high precision than I actually need. :p
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Sorry, yeah, obviously I intended to have something with that info... I'll put a list together. Soon :p
  17. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Channel Info (V0.931)

    Base Channels, always logged:
    • Vehicle Status:
      • Ground Speed
      • G force (lat, long, vert)
      • Engine water temp, oil temp, RPM, Gear, fuel level
      • Battery Charge Level (for EVs/Hybrids)
      • GPS location ((0,-135) based, doesn't reflect real track location)
      • Brake temp [4]
      • Brake bias (rear, as a fraction, so front bias = 1.0 - rear)
    • Controls:
      • Brake, Throttle, Clutch
      • Steering input (-1.0 to +1.0 as a fraction of full lock)
      • Steering Wheel position
      • Steering Shaft Torque
      • FFB Output (-1.0 to +1.0 - if this doesn't reach 1.0 you may want to increase your FFB level in the game, if it is 'clipping' you might want to reduce it)
    • Scoring:
      • Session Elapsed Time
      • Lap Number
      • Delta Best (as generated by the game)
    • Weather:
      • Ambient temp
      • Track temp
    • Wheels:
      • Wheel Rotation speed (angular velocity, not ground speed)
    • Tyres:
      • Tyre Wear [4] (starts at 0.0, to 1.0 at full wear)
      • Tyre Pressure [4]
      • Tyre Load [4]
      • Grip Fract [4] (1.0 is no sliding, 0.0 is fully sliding)
      • Tyre temperature Outer, Centre, Inner [4] ('surface' temperature; very shallow rubber reading)
    • Suspension:
      • Ride Height [4]
    • Misc:
      • Realtime Loss (indicator of game falling out of realtime. You want this to be 0!)
      • Marker (custom marker values based on your 'Place Marker' presses when driving, to help you note and later locate incidents/behaviour)
      • Max Straight Speed, Min Corner Speed (indicate your maximum speed on the previous straight, and minimum speed on the previous corner)

    Optional Channel Groups

    • Front Wing height
    • Front and Rear ride height
    • Front and Rear Downforce
    • Drag
    • Filtered Throttle, Brake, Clutch ('Filtered' reflects effects of vehicle control and aids)
    • Filtered Steering position
    • Suspension Position [4] (moves positive in bump, negative in rebound)
    • Front and Rear 3rd Spring position
    • Suspension Force [4]
    • Tyre Carcass Temp [4]
    • Tyre Rubber Temp Outer, Centre, Inner [4] (internal rubber temp)
    • Lateral Patch Velocity [4]
    • Longitudinal Patch Velocity [4]
    • Lateral Ground Velocity [4]
    • Longitudinal Ground Velocity [4]
    • Terrain Index [4] (WIP; currently 0)
    • Surface Type [4]
    • Tyre (is) Flat [4]
    • Vertical Tyre Deflection [4]
    • Clutch RPM
    • Engine Torque
    • Turbo Boost Pressure
    • Body Pitch and Body Roll
    • Electric motor state and readings (temps, torque, RPM)
    • Brake Pressure [4]
    • Engine Max RPM
    • Overheating state, Headlights state
    • Dent severity [8]
    • Last Impact X, Y, Z position
    • Last Impact Elapsed time, Magnitude
    • Front and Rear tyre compound index
    • Front and rear flap activated, rear flap legal status, speed limiter on, ignition state, anti-stall activated
    • Local Rot X, Y, Z (rotation speed)
    • Local Rot Accel X, Y, Z (rotation acceleration)
    • Cloud Darkness
    • Min and Max Path wetness
    • Raining
    • Windspeed, heading
    • Camber [4]
    • Toe [4]
    • Lat Force [4]
    • Long Force [4]
    • Wheel detached [4]
    • Wheel Y Location [4]

    (and here's a whole heap of stuff you probably won't need... if someone comes up with a use for a few of these and wants them in a separate group let me know, I'll think about it)

    Scoring data is mostly limited in frequency

    • Lap Start Elapsed Time
    • Current Sector
    • In Pits
    • Place
    • Time behind next driver, Laps behind next driver, Time behind Leader, Laps behind leader
    • Pit Status
    • Lap Distance (game reported distance around track, 5Hz)
    • Path Lateral (distance and direction from track centre, 5Hz)
    • Track Edge (distance from centre to track edge on same side as vehicle; overridden by track cut width in AIW)
    • Finish Status
    • Best sector 1, best sector 2, best laptime
    • Last sector 1, last sector 2, last laptime
    • Current sector 1, current sector 2
    • Number of pitstops, number of penalties
    • Driver type
    • Server scored (can drive in session)
    • Flag
    • Game Phase
    • Yellow Flag state
    • Flag in sector 1, 2, 3
    • Start light
    • Number of red lights
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
  18. lemming77

    lemming77 Registered

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Aha, I was recording way more than I needed! :p Thanks :) Liking the plugin so far though. It's nice to be on the latest version of i2.

    By the way, the individual 4 brake pressures seem to be recorded in mismatched units. They appear to range from 0 to 1%. Like they're being recorded as ratios, and mistaken for percentages.
  19. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Oops... I'll check that out, thanks :)
  20. Jokeri

    Jokeri Registered

    May 17, 2014
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    Does the g force long come out as default: deacceleration positive and acceleration negative numbers? Can you swap it around?

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