I did, I did, I DID make the right choice!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FFOman, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. FFOman

    FFOman Registered

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Yes I did! rFactor2 is definitely the most accurate and fun Auto Sim I've ever driven! The accuracy comes with the download of course, but the fun...well that takes a little work, but that's what it's all about as far as I'm concerned. It requires all the things real racing does, leaving only the possibility of injury to yourself and the car you're driving to your imagination. There are a few other obvious considerations one needn't worry about as well, like doing well enough to stay on and carry your team without bankrupting them and getting kicked out of competition...such as real life provides for or not at its own whim...and one doesn't have to put up with those beautiful racing groupies or their spouses. No one would want that!
    What this Sim does offer beyond the obvious that even an arcade type racing game can, is the need, (for those who want it and can handle it), to spend as much time as you have available setting up, testing, and re-testing nearly every mechanical aspect of your chosen ride just as if the machine was sitting in your garage the night before your first big race! And along with that you must give the same fine attention to the computer it's running on and every aspect of the control system to drive it with! In that respect it may even take more work to become the next Sim driving 'Ricciardo' than the real-life driver of that name gives himself! Of course that's not a point I would dare argue, but today is the 4th of July where I live, and instead of sharing beer and hotdogs with my family and friends today, I just ran over 300 laps on Silverstone in my F1 Renault #16! And I've just finally got things tuned up well enough to get around the entire 5+ mile track at a reasonable but losing time without running off it or hitting a wall! Of course if you love Formula One as much as I do, not to mention just loving cars, then you know why I couldn't stop until I at least made it this far my first real time out with this Sim. How could I possibly do anything else?
    I'll still "play" with CodeMaster's F1 2013 if only to see if what I learn with rFactor2 helps me do better in that game, and I've heard from a lot of racers that once I'm comfortable I should check into iRacing for the best competitive Sim racing, but for now at least I heartily recommend rFactor2 to anyone serious about Sim Auto Racing with the same affection I have for DCS Flight Simulations. If these two companies ever got together it couldn't be long before we had a real flying car!
  2. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Build 49 first Eau Rouge in a F3 was sublime and that was on a green track !

    One lap pretty much re-defined how a sim handles and feels for me, to be fair a bit of that I put down to the great FF feel with beltdrive straight off the bat.

    Why more people do not feel this way is befuddling to me.

    Every sim I ever ran had bugs and issues, mismatches not being the least or most annoying.
  3. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    FFOman you have the same enthusiasm as me. Love it!
  4. Paul_Ceglia

    Paul_Ceglia Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    That is what sim racing is, its bettering yourself, constantly. There is always that tenth of second to be found, you can always do better. You did make the right choice ;)
  5. FFOman

    FFOman Registered

    Jul 3, 2014
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    It's not just racing...LIFE itself is all about working to better yourself! Yet so many people I've met and/or known in my own experience seem to give up at some point as if they've come to believe that they can no longer achieve better than they have in the past. It's especially true with older people, and those who are disabled, even minimally, after their teen years. At the same time though I've met plenty who would never think of giving up and so spend their entire life trying even harder. Older folks who see their retirement years not as the end but the beginning of a new life. And those who grew up with disabilities and never had the opportunity to take it easy on themselves which would almost guarantee them coming in way below the line! I don't know if it's how they're brought up, their experiences, or something they can't hope to control like the qualities they're born with, but I do know two important things that I have held myself to since I can remember:

    If you give up, that's the beginning of the end of your life! If you keep your desires uppermost in your mind and at the forefront of your actions, you can and will adjust reality to meet your wants and needs!

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