Not all USB ports are made equal -FFb problems-

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by Comante, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Yesterday I decided to put my hands at controller.ini because I realize I was unsatisfacted at FFB on my Logitech DFP. While trying to resolve the unsatisfactory wheel FFB, I rembembered that when I bought my DFP, and I was using it with RF1, it was MUCH stronger. For I while I thought my wheel was broken, so I tried to unplug it from the front panel of my PC and plugged it in the back. Well. It was like a completely different wheel and simulator! Now the wheel is stronger, fluid, and the simulator can deliver all his data to the wheel, and it respond flawlessly. I even tried it with RF1, and it is improved here to, maybe less, but the difference is so much that the rating of the simulation goes from "meh" to "wohaaaa".
    So, for all the people that complain that their Rfactor is sucking, try different USB ports, because maybe not all ports have the same speed, or it's something else.
  2. Mark Greenall

    Mark Greenall Registered

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Its because the front one's are usb 2.0 and the rear ones are usb 3.0, You should use the rear one's.
  3. Tiger

    Tiger Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    usb slot are :red for usb 3.0 , blue for usb 2.0 ...
    you don't need to run with a usb 3.0 slot as your wheel runs with 2.0, but avoid any hub, as sometimes the front slots are...

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