Oculus Rift over 100k DevKits sold -is ISI going to support with rf2 integration ??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adrianstealth, Jan 21, 2013.

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  1. museumsteve

    museumsteve Registered

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Actually, in context (from the FB page) it is a very positive quote. It suggests that Rift support could take presidence over triple screen fixes as they seemingly have a commercial client that will pay for support and business is business. That's how I read it anyway.
    Of course it's not the same as saying it'll be done in 'XX' time frame but it is the first positive news I've seen about it relating to rF2 so I'm happy :)

    For now pCARS and R3E will keep me on the track when I want a VR blast

    This is the quote in full
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2014
  2. capetuso

    capetuso Registered

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Great, all my favourite sims are going to get full oculus support, not via third party apps.
  3. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    It seems the penny didn't drop or the importance wasn't/isn't clear
    In any case as long as it comes & the sooner rather than later

    For the benefit of ISI / rf2 / users alike & I seriously look forward to it
  4. museumsteve

    museumsteve Registered

    Apr 23, 2012
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    That's the best news of course :)
  5. Frankysco

    Frankysco Registered

    Aug 7, 2013
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  6. 7xu5

    7xu5 Registered

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Do not worry, it's decisición Isi's take it late and wrong. It's time to invest in new technology, but Isi looks to another away. Users ask for this, but as we are sheep, that only serve to buy the product.

    They pretend to wait for 2015 when the retail version is here, it's a big mistake, but the sheepes have no rights to ask for anything. Only Isi decides that charity gives us in each update.
  7. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Yup Frank, just about to post that.


    Then there is the 3D SLI mode, which is the only way to get rid of the full frame of input lag that SLI forces on 2D players (setting pre-rendered frames to "1" doesn't actually work with 2D SLI), it basically makes VR headsets render the images like standard Nvidia 3D Vision with the 2 GPUs running parrellel with eachother, essentially seperately for each for their own eye/image, rather than having to work together in traditional, complex, SLI-driver profile dependant SLI.

    SLI and 3D mode (Nvidia 3D Vision or a VR headset) are an absolute perfect match, they are practically made for each other for the following 2 reasons:

    1. You almost always get perfect GPU scaling and therefore 2x the framerate, regardless of each games' SLI profile (or lack of), SLI compatibility, etc. because both GPUs are separately running each eye (AKA in parallel) - basically two separate GPUs running side by side rendering their own individual monitor (eye), rather than working together to render 1 monitor (eye) - sort of a dual, side-by-side single GPU mode.

    2. The point above (#1) means that 3D users running SLI can successfully, truly run at pre-rendered frames = 1. 2D SLI users are always stuck with the extra full frame of input lag even if they set pre-rendered frames to 1. The pre-rendered frames setting does not work for 2D SLI users, even if you change it to 1 it actually does NOT change to 1 in the "back-end". However,
    3D SLI users can truly enable a "pre-rendered frames=1" setting - getting rid of the forced/irremovable 2D SLI full frame of input lag - which is otherwise only available for single GPU users :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2014
  8. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Interesting. By the sounds of things as well (providing no bottlenecks) each gpu would be truly at 100% utilisation perhaps since they'll be rendering simultaneously. I wonder what that will do to any potential microstutter that is sometimes felt on multi-gpu configurations without vsync style solutions. Would be nice to have a good reason to go back to SLI as well. Better price to performance ratio, may end up getting 2x GTX 960's as a result.
  9. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    DrR1pper, I can confirm the true 100% utilization of both GPUs as I run with Nvidia 3D Vision 2 :) . RFactor 2, triple screens, multiview, HDR, SLI, normally = crap scaling ....enable 3D Vision and...BAM! Amazing performance. Both GPUs blasting away at about 92-100% constantly, can play with almost every setting in rF2 absolutely maxed out, with 3D, triple screens, HDR, multiview, and 16xCSAA thanks to the pretty much 100% perfect dual-GPU utilization in 3D mode :)

    The way the dual GPU's work in 3D even allows me to crank on supersampling AA (8xSQ, 12xS, sometimes even 16xS depending on amount of opponents), in GSC with triple screens and multiview and almost every setting in game maxed. Supersampling with triple screens is normally murder, lol.

    No different to single-GPU for me in terms of micro-stutter.

    The fact that SLI works like that in 3D (because of the 2x GPUs running in parallel) is also why 3D mode is the only way to remove the full frame of input lag that SLI normally forces. Even if the user sets pre-rendered frames to 1, the setting doesn't actually do anything for SLI setups; SLI in 3D mode is the only way to get rid of the SLI 1 frame of lag, and therefore the only way to go back to single GPU-like, 1 pre-rendered frame only mode while still using, and fully benefitting, from SLI.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2014
  10. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    The last time i used SLI was with my gtx 460's and for me i managed to get SLI to work in rf2 and smoothly, so that is not a problem. The problem however was that it was contingent on using the rf2 provided vsync "video" mode to be smooth and stutter free. I soon realised (thanks to KeiKei) the huge input lag caused by vsync video (around 200+ms) and switching it off made driving consistent but the stutters were there. I eventually decided to get a gtx 670 and the problem was gone.

    Do you still need to use vsync video in rf2 for sli configurations to run smoothly? It might be different for 3D vision mode but i've never tried.
  11. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    No way, I never run vsync in racing sims, never. Even when I used an old IPS monitor a couple years back, WITHOUT Vsync, the input lag alone from the monitor affected my driving. Could I see the lag from my real-life movements to the screen? Nope, but when it came time to do a very quick correction, I then had a tendency of being just a touch too late, or snap over-correcting the other way, all the very, very fast twitch corrections and steering inputs were affecting the driving even if I couldn't actually see it. Then I went to a fast "gaming" monitor and everything was back to normal. So even with Vsync off, I could still notice the input lag of a non-super low input lag monitor affecting me in certain situations. And with Vsync on? Lol OMG it's BRUTALLLLLLLLLLL lol, never.

    No different to me from when I play with single GPU in terms of micro-stutter, just the normal stutter when frames are jumping, same as in single screen. Actually, in Battlefield, even when the frame jumps, there still seems to hardly be any stutter, it must be game engine dependent. It could also be BF itself, I leave BF (and most of my non-simracing games) at default pre-rendered frames, and I think BF uses 2 as default (I only use pre-rendered=1 for sims where I am super picky on input lag). Non-vsync smoothness seems to not be any different from a single GPU, just the standard stutters when the FPS is off the refresh rate, no additional stutters from SLI. Again though, in BF and other games, I hardly even notice fps fluctuation stutters even with VSync off (I play most games with VSync on though anyways, unless the input lag is so bad that I can literally feel it even with relatively slow mouse movements, for example, Borderlands 2).
  12. KeiKei

    KeiKei Registered

    May 24, 2012
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    Hey that's interesting stuff! Maybe (hopefully) nVidia/Oculus are able to integrate G-Sync into Oculus Rift. I think G-Sync combined with this parallel GPU for each eye thing would be perfect combination. Really looking forward how this technology will evolve in the near future.
  13. Narrowbackwing

    Narrowbackwing Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    You can play any game that can be window , not VR but one big curved monitor or flat , i get to try rf2 again :)
    you wont race for long with this but the virtual desktop is fun , lol .
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2014
  14. Frankysco

    Frankysco Registered

    Aug 7, 2013
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  15. Adrian

    Adrian Registered

    Dec 3, 2012
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    I'm guessing its a note 3 1440p screen. Oval optics seem interesting but does this indicate that they're not looking towards a curved screen anytime in the near future, i.e. why develop new optics for a screen type you won't be using. I don't like the integrated headphones as they're never going to be as good as what I usually use. 360 head tracking is a must, especially for flightsims as at the moment I have to have my DK2 camera at a >45 degree angle above me so I still get some headtracking when looking back over your wings.

    Also it seems there's not a noticeable FOV increase IMO it needs at least 120 degrees for CV1.
  16. Kokomo

    Kokomo Registered

    Oct 17, 2010
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    No it does not
  17. Adrian

    Adrian Registered

    Dec 3, 2012
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    Care to expand on that thought? :)

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  18. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I say 130 minimum. 150 would be great but I'm not expecting 150, but 120-130 should better-damn well be in their sights. Always having to turn your head, rather than having actual periferable vision and being able to just use your eyeballs, just doesn't cut it for me. At the moment, that makes it too gimmicky for me.

    I'm still a huge fan of the product. With the continued efforts of lowering it's input lag relative to monitors (especially the best "gaming" monitors) and hopefully continued efforts of increasing the FOV, I expect the CV1 will be good enough, if not, then the CV2.

    I think many people are so blown away and overwhelmed by the VR experience that they fail to notice the Rift's severe lack of FOV relative to triple screen users, let alone real-life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2014
  19. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm much more spacious aware with the rift vs triples

    re.input lag/latency it's about time this is becoming a focus, I'll be quickly pre-ordering what ever the next version maybe
    happy with the di2 in the meantime
  20. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    I think (and correct me if i'm wrong) but you both have different triple screen fov's. From what i can remember trying yours out Adrian, it was set quite far away and so the effective fov of your monitors would be much less than someone with the same triple screen arangement but located much closer (so they fill their peripheral view with the game).

    If the above is true, i could see why you would say that about the rift vs your triple. Perhaps Spinelli has his triple's much closer which could make a difference in his judgement of how "spacious" it is when comparing a rift to his setup.

    Btw, have you tested a rift yet Spinelli?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2014
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