occulus rift support

Discussion in 'Wish Lists' started by SPASKIS, Jan 17, 2013.


    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    I wonder if ISI people have thought of integrating these type of devices for improving the sim experience. http://www.oculusvr.com/

    TrackIR is not bad, but compared to this it looks really poor. I haven't seen any videos of the device for simracing.
  2. Abriel Nei

    Abriel Nei Registered

    Aug 7, 2012
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    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Sorry about sixtuple posting then :rolleyes:. I just checked and the first referral to occulus was down in the second page checking by title in a quick view. If all those threads were all put together in a single one, there would be much less than 16 pages of wish list threads and the forum would become more useful for both developers and users to deal. I also think ISI should maintain a sticky thread in this subforum where the wishes that had been considered relevant were listed and priorized. I would do the same thing for reported and accepted bugs but that should go in its correspondent subforum.

    That way most of us would check those lists before opening new threads, especially for the most restarted topics. I would suggest to think about putting some order in this subforum. I have suggested some ideas but there are of course other things that can be done like editing thread titles so that they are more clear and people have a better information of what the thread goes about. I just want to throw some ideas and don't want to say how it should be done the main request for the moderator of the forum is to think about the difficulty of finding things in the forum which disencourages from searching and favours the "easy-posting"

    PD And one more question to make people see the misfunctionality of this subforum:

    In which one of the five of the previous threads do I have any official reply from ISI about that wish? Should I check all of them? I just checked, and within a search result the helpful "STAFF POSTED" does not appear. As I suggested, a list of classified and priorized "considered wishes" would be welcome by everybody (I think)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2013
  4. Diablo

    Diablo Registered

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Hmm, I don´t really understand why there needs to be special support for such device, unless they want to implement a new proprietary interface, which I am never in favour of. I like open standards to provide for competition, and since the interface is open, as in well documented, there would not really be special support needed for every new company, basically doing the same thing.
    As I see it, Track iR support or more generally support for head mounted devices and head tracking has been around since rFactor1 already. So that´s already there.
    The only thing I am not certain about is the state of stereoscopic 3D support. And I have to ask myself, why, if they really have two displays, do they need stereoscopy?! Because, if you have two displays, you can have two independent whole pictures, which exactly represent what either eye would see, provided it is adaptable to each indicidual. At least with synthetic pictures that should be possible, as opposed to camera recorded videos, which must rely on the "average pair of human eyes" model to get the best fit for the broadest audience.
    That should do away with the headaches one gets from stereoscopic images. At least I get those, since I need to adjust my eyes, so my brain can actually form the "3D-Picture". Maybe my eye configuration is not close enough to the average, don´t know.
    But be that as it may, in a nutshell it would boil down to rFactor2 simply needing to render two pictures, which have quite a lot of similarities, so there is room for optimization to not render those completely.

    Anyway, I like seeing someone taking up the ball of HMD again, finally. And for $300 it´s a steal. But I remain sceptical, nonetheless. That commercial video reminds me of those shows that try to sell you the all new invented wheel, disguised as the best kitchen knife ever.
  5. goonzo

    goonzo Registered

    Oct 19, 2012
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    110 degrees is not that much. When playing with three standard displays I get about 180degrees FoV. ofcourse that is fixed so do matter how much I turn my head those 180 is fixed in front of me.
    The funny thing is in the video they brag about 110degrees and the picture shows more than 180degrees. a bit misleading.
  6. Frankysco

    Frankysco Registered

    Aug 7, 2013
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  7. Jerry Luis

    Jerry Luis Banned

    Aug 25, 2013
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    + 1 to Spaskis.
    The fov of the rift it is just perfect to simulate a helmet visor. I got one and i can say this will be the future to simracing (but not with the calculator display from 90´s that we have now).
    I can easily change a 3 screen setup for an optimized Rift.

    ps: people which didn´t try yet rf2 or iracing in the rift don´t know how good is the immersion with this device.

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