[REL] [Open Beta v0.3] Classic Cars Mod

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Petros Mak, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Foreword: Greetings fellow rF2 players and modders alike. We at MAK-Corp felt it was time to share more on the Classic Cars mod project and keep the community more in the loop with the progress of the mod as well as the hope of acquiring more community help. The mod is progressing well but we have a large backlog of cars that need to be mapped and painted. Due to the shortage of uvmapper's our mods are progressing slowly.

    PLEASE NOTE: The modelers and artists who work on the classic cars mod are not the same guys who work on the F1 2008 Mod. These are guys who do not model open wheelers so lets not have posts of how this mod is impeding another.

    We do however need more help so we can get all the cars mapped and painted so we can release them sooner for all of you to enjoy. Engine sound composers would be a good help too to ensure they get the best sounds. We hope you enjoy the progress we show through this thread.

    Anyone interested in helping can get in touch with me via this thread or by sending me a private message.

    Mod Details: The Classic Cars Mod brings together cars from 1950 - 1990. From standard manufacturer road cars to racing cars, the mod will provide many different types of cars. At first the mod is intended to be released with a select number of cars which we show to the community as they progress. The mod will then further be expanded with time with more cars as they get done. The objective with the Classic Cars mod is to build a mod that continues to expand with cars as we build them. The mod will be FREE for all to enjoy and we also have a car request list you can find on our forums at http://forum.mak-corp.net

    Mod Releases:

    1991 Group C Open Beta v0.3
    MAK-Corp Mirror [Initial Release: September 30th, 2013][Update Released: October 6th, 2013]
    Mediafire Mirror

    Changelog v0.3

    * Physics update #2.
    * Steering adjusted.
    * Force Feedback fixed.
    * Moved bonnet cam view.
    * Headlight beam and strength adjusted.
    * Fixed front rims having duplicate rim part inside - was only visible with covers off.
    * Chrome on wheels adjusted.
    * Full body export with new properties.
    * Static undershadow added - visible in spinner.
    * Online Multiplayer now working.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2013
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  2. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I like the MAK-Corp work,

    keep us updated, good luck with this project
  3. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  4. Yarach

    Yarach Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Too bad my hliday is ending. I would love to paint the uv maps! But unfortunately I will somply not have enough time for it.
    I can however help you with some other designs like for example: The rFm image, decals on cars.

    P.S. you should also include the DeLorean time machine!
  5. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Hey Yarach. For sure, any help in any field is very much appreciated and respected and credit would be given rightfully to those who help. The mod is intended for rF2 first and foremost but also RACE07 series, rF1 and depending how moddable they are, Asseto Corsa and GTR3. Any help with rFm images and decals would be great. If you have windows live messenger or skype, be sure to PM me your contact info. :)

    As for the DeLorean, that's one of the top cars we want to add to this mod at some point. One uber classic car indeed! Unfortunately however we can't make it time travel to the end of the race in 1st position. :p
  6. Koen Calleyl

    Koen Calleyl Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Also don't forget, that having much time or not doesn't really matter. If it takes long, then so be it. I'm one of the F1 2008 modelers by the way - NOT Classic Cars :D and we've been taking our time too. Sadly enough, that can't always count on a lot of support by the community :(
    1 person likes this.
  7. Davox

    Davox Registered

    Aug 5, 2012
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    I love Peugeot 205 Maxi, and the other cars look very good, great work!
  8. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Ok Petromak,your are the man because the 1990 Peugeot 205 MAXI is


  9. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Comon, the whole universe is asking for the Miura???!!!
    gimmie, gimmie, gimmie???

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
  10. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Here are some shots of the 1969 Chevrolet El Camino SS

  11. ROON

    ROON Registered

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Beautiful models! I'm really looking forward to this mod, and it sounds like one that will continue to improve and expand throughout rF2's lifetime. If I may ask, how is the mod intended to be driven? Will there be classes of similarly powered cars that will race well against each other, or are you treating each vehicle almost as a 'standalone' within the mod itself?
  12. Koen Calleyl

    Koen Calleyl Registered

    Aug 14, 2012
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    Note that the community requested a whole list of cars already. The final choice has been the modeler's one. It's not like the most popular car being guaranteed it's going to be the first to be made ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2012
  13. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Right now I have various plans for the mod which I'll detail here since you asked. It would be really nice to get the communities response here on this too to see what they think of the plan and what ideas they have which we may be able to implement or change to.

    The idea is to have various classes and groups, some groups utilizing the same cars and others not doing so. The mod will have various vMods you could call them calling upon various parts of the main mod for you to enjoy in a pre-designed series. We'd have cars like the 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO and 1968 Lamborghini Miura in the same class along with other supercars of that timeframe and style. While the 1968 Chevrolet Camaro and 1970 Dodge Challenger would be in their own Muscle car category with others like the Chevrolet Chevelle and other models into the same category.

    On the flipside though, there will also be an ATCC late 60s early 70s mod which would also utilize the Chevrolet Camaro and others which fit the category. The idea is to be able to give players a choice of playing these cars in a variety of categories.

    Having said this though, don't mistake the scenario as us developing full season mods. The objective of this mod is to allow the modelers and artists to model cars they and also the community would like to see, to bring cars we all have wanted to see in games and enjoy them in various modes. To give you an example. We might release a 1988 Mclaren F1 car, which would be in its own 1988 Open Wheeler class, but that does not mean we are committed to creating the entire season.

    The plus side is that we will accept any and all help in any area from the community, so if a community modeler wishes to provide a car model of theirs to us to place within our mod, we will release it in an expansion or patch and credit the community artist who produced and provided the work. In a way, think of this not only a MAK-Corp mod, but a mod built for the community by the community helping each other. We also have plans for a modern car mod which will be cars from 1991 to modern, while several of those cars are done, we're not showing much on that at the moment but will do so soon.

    MAK-Corp has been berated for not releasing things in the past and we stand by our decisions. A few mods were not released because circumstances took the people working on them away and those who remained didn't have the desire to work on those mods. Other mods were completely halted and postponed to be refined, re-tuned and updated to rF2 quality so that we could provide the most amount of mods for rF2. While this led to a lack of mods being released in rF1, we feel that the amount being developed and will be released in rF2 will show the community that we have not been sitting there doing nothing all these years, that we have been working hard and that the mods coming will be worth the wait.

    It would be good to get the communities response on how they think the cars should be made into categories. You can view the community requested car list on our forums by clicking here.

    Please note that the list doesn't mean we'll make all those cars. We look through what the community has requested and our modelers choose accordingly also with what they desire to model too. You can view progress there also of cars currently being worked on. Any thoughts and ideas on how you all would like to see the cars in this mod packaged would be very welcome indeed. After all, this mod is for all of you! :)
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  14. ROON

    ROON Registered

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I think the classes concept is a nice one, for several reasons. Most importantly it'd make racing viable in a mod that is going to have lots of different cars from various decades - for eg. I wouldn't want to have an 80's McLaren F1 blast past me while I'm chugging around in my 60's muscle car, but I'd love to have other muscles' from that period on-track with me.

    With rF2's vmod system, a big strength for this mod will be the users ability to create his/her own championships by drawing cars from the main package. For the online community it could mean we'll end up seeing lots of vmods grouping specific cars together, so there's lots of potential for some awesome series to be created out of the base mod itself. :) Hopefully when that is done, credit is always given to MAK-Corp and/or the community contributors. It'd also be good if any vmods taking content from the main mod had a prefix in their name, so it'd show in the server browser as something like "[CCM] 1960s Muscle" or something like that. But hey, that's up to whoever creates it.
  15. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Yes I agree also that I wouldn't want an 80s F1 car passing me by while driving a 60s muscle car either. LOL. The objective is exactly how you said. With the vmod ability, players (as well as us over at MAK-Corp) can develop various vmods to suit whatever we want it to be. A player can make a vmod with just the cars they want, and enjoy only the parts they want as they want them. Leagues will still have to use the certified league system MAK-Corp requests which is free and only requires 5 seconds to post the league details on our site, brings more exposure to the league too, though we're not going to be so anal about people making vmods as long as they don't claim the work as their own.

    What we plan on doing is having a board on the spinner beside the car which will have the names of the artists who worked on the specific car. This will provide a bit more exposure for the artists who currently don't get much exposure, this has been a topic we've been trying to find a good method to resolve and feel the board on the spinner beside the car will be a great addition to pay tribute to the hard working lads who build the content.

    Another thing we're thinking of is creating open beta's of the mod. Starting off with a few cars and adding more as it progresses, it would allow the community to become involved with helping us with feedback on physics and other areas which is vital for us to have so as to know what to improve. The Open Beta is still something we're discussing not only for this mod, but others also such as the F1 2008 mod and the Modern Car Mod, Renault Megane Eurocup mods etc. We need to ensure the community understands that it is a beta and not a full version and is released to acquire help from the community. Seeing how some people complain about rF2 and miss the fact the game itself is a beta, we need to ensure we don't fall victims of the same arguments for our mods.

    Ultimately however, with rF2, our aim is to become closer to the community and develop together with the community players and modders alike.
  16. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    First post updated with 1991 Mazda 787B preview link. The Mazda 787B will be the only classic racing car from post 1990 that will make it in the Classic Cars Mod. Such an iconic car could not be left out from the mod in our view.

    3D Car Model By: Ionut Nicolaescu
    3D Car Model Updates + Interior: Rico Hottewitzsch

    1991 Mazda 787B Album

    As I mentioned in the first post. We have a backlog of cars that need to be mapped and painted. Any help from the community would be greatly appreciated. Will help us get these cars done faster. :)
  17. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    As I am a tiny part of the community, I feel obliged to put some pressure on the modeler :D

    MIURA, MIURA, MIURA!!! and a Daytona to battle with?
  18. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Well the Miura is done, its in the albums, did you see it? The first post has links to it. :)

    The Daytona is another I want to have done at some point. Possibly good to have the 250 GTO, Miura, Daytona together.
  19. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Of course Ive seen the Miura, months ago. Havent driven it tho, YET!

    Shouldnt put the GTO among them though, Iso Grifo, Mangusta or Pantera and maybe Bora would be tons more appropriate imho :)

    (70s exotics mod, eh?)
  20. Petros Mak

    Petros Mak Registered

    Jul 5, 2011
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    The Pantera is a car that I really want to have with the Miura, definitely one of the most underused cars of that era.

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