Where might a performance gain come from?

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by Ricknau, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    how amazing would that be though just as I crash the F2 at Spa...haha :D
  2. jonchard

    jonchard Registered

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Those of you who have threee screens and HAVEN'T tried iRacing, owe it to yourselves to go see what "Finished" looks like. No offense to ISI, but for it to compete, this is THE ONLY BAR it needs raise itself to. All others out there simply pale. THe screens creen setup is truly awesome. Someone says "Once you try 3 screens, you'll never go back" - i could not agree more. And once you see a game rendered in its beautiful glory, you will gee-up ISI to sort out RF2 to really see the best of it. Don't get me wrong ISI, the 1960s cars are EXCELLENT.

    People with three screens, go try a sample month of iRacing. You will BE AMAZED at the gfx and performance on offer and will keep those 3 screens forever! You will also moan at ISI for setting the screens at 45 when 30 can achieve amazing effects and look PERFECT. If you do, your field of view needs to be 120.

    ISI, bring on the optimisations please! Show these people just what can be done!
  3. Spyder

    Spyder Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Hi Jon, I've been an iracing member for a year and a half now and agree that their triple screen setup is currently the best in sim racing. I'm hopeful that RF2 will end up using a similar system but let's face it that will be way down on their list of priorities at the moment, I'd rather they concentrated on the content (tracks/cars) and physics for now, then they can get around to optimising the graphics and finally adding features such as the aforementioned triple screen setup.
  4. jonchard

    jonchard Registered

    Apr 7, 2012
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    You are right Spyder.

    But, Are you not a little suspicious that RF2 has been around for "quite sometime" and looks fairly primitive in most of its parts (i dont mean graphically) ? Something doesn't seem quite right to me, or maybe the development team is somewhat smaller than we think it is! If this is the case, then ONLY the community will make it better. I wish there was alittle more detail as to how ISI is doing things and a little more infor about size of development team.

    Someone mentioned not too long ago about Change logs being listed so we can actually see what is being completed and where the priorities are. Im in agreement. It was either you, CDNRacer, Spinelli or BartS ... i dont remember now guys, sorry.
  5. Spyder

    Spyder Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Im pretty sure I started a thread about that although Cdn likes to lay claim to that idea nowadays lol!! Tim has agreed now that more information via a monthly Dev blog would be of benefit so we'll see what happens there...
  6. MaXyM

    MaXyM Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    TO be honest I thought he start with providing some info instead of waiting next month. At the end some one may say no one claimed that info will be provided; Tim only said it would be better to do that;)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2012
  7. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    RF1 was no eye-candy jaw dropper either though, it also came out fairly bare boned until the community modded the hell out of it. Thing is with ISIs stance with RF2 is thats its an ongoing project for many years, it wont be feature complete come official release so people need to understand that and accept it for what it is otherwise they will feel disappointed which is only a fault of their own.

    as much as I adore ISI and worship the pavements they walk on they do need to be more open with the community with whats going on, just hope Gjon takes in Tims suggestion about more regular written updates on the state of play.
  8. Ricknau

    Ricknau Registered

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Does iRacing's "multiview" equivalent have a smaller FPS hit than ISI? How much in %? An improvement there would be a big help.
  9. jonchard

    jonchard Registered

    Apr 7, 2012
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    Ricknau, i will only play RF2 on a single screen the hit is THAT bad. Im hoping next version will remove some issues with my dual 580's but im not holding my breath. When i play multi view of 5760*1080 bezel compensated (its a bit bigger) with all trimmings on i see around 40 FPS, but it lags way lower and ruins it. When i play iRacing FLAT out, i see nearly always constant 120 FPS. I have never measured the FPS hit, but people eought to make it mission to see it if they have triple screens - its beautifully done.

    MarcG, i appreciate what you are saying, and i guess if it is so bare bones then im likely to be dissapointed! Paid for games should come with an element of completion and optimisation and should not be left purely for the communities to get the best of. I hope ISI will make good of their promise of a range of completed cars and tracks, and make it something to sit back and marvel at. I know that communities make amazing contributions with their labours of love and i think i will probably have to put this down for a while until some optimisations have been made. I do not want to have to play on single screen now i have experienced triple screen racing. Im hoping next update will have some optimisations to make multiview a suitable choice or i will have to stick to "widscreen UI" or back to single (if you want AI on screen). Again the RF2 plays very well on single screen, just cant see it at its best this way!
  10. Atle Dreier

    Atle Dreier Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    With my decent setup it doesn't even play nice on a single screen, let alone on three. Again, iRacing set the bar on triplescreen support. Gorgeous and very fast. Also very easy to get it looking righ, as all you need to do is input the actual measurements of your screens, size, bezels angles and distances, and the program figures out the rest. It'll be spot on every time, and looks like a window into the game world, like it should.

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