NEED INFO Release Candidate Stutters

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Coutie, Apr 29, 2022.

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  1. Hinyaldee

    Hinyaldee Registered

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Any news or ETA on a fix for the stutters because of the sparks, please ?
    Antmax and Elcid43 like this.
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    The fix currently is to lower the special effects to medium or low. That will turn off the sparks but also prevent the stutters.
  3. Hinyaldee

    Hinyaldee Registered

    Nov 24, 2021
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    It's not a fix, it just works around the issue, but I want to have the sparks :(
    Binny and davehenrie like this.
  4. 3NPV5IRR

    3NPV5IRR Registered

    Feb 27, 2014
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    For me it's neither fix nor workaround. As of the last RC I have stuttering notwithstanding the sparks or sound settings.
  5. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I had the occasional stutter before the RC, then the sparks caused bad stutters. I am actually noticing a lot more stutters now that I am on the regular build again.
  6. Hazi

    Hazi Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Same here - something feels not as good as before - with or without sparks- not smooth anymore.
    Elcid43 likes this.
  7. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Registered

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I am in agreement
  8. Antmax

    Antmax Registered

    Apr 22, 2022
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    I have stutter too. It effects framerate and FFB. Even if I turn the special FX off. When I pull out the garage to turn right is the first big glitch where it's like 5fps and my TS-PC wheel jerks side to side what seems like full strength for 1-2 seconds. Enough that I lose control and crash into the paddock building if I'm not careful. At the end of the pitlane when you approach the safety car on the right you get a smaller glitch. Then randomly as you drive around you get the odd visual stutter that might or might not effect the FFB, usually on corners.

    All the above was practice with 0 other cars, like I'm doing a hotlap.

    Its a strange problem. Game ran flawlessly maxed at 1440p before the new update. Now I tried a lot of things, 1080p, medium and high settings, setting max FPS to 50, special FX off and low etc. Other games like AC, AMS2 and F1GP work just fine.

    Oddest thing is that I didn't have the problem in the RC build last week.
  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Can you check your Ctrl-C graphs? Sounds like CPU maxing out.
  10. Antmax

    Antmax Registered

    Apr 22, 2022
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    Hi, I found out what the problem was, It was the software for my Razer Tarturus Keyboard. It tries to automatically boost your system if you leave that portion running. Clears memory and removes supposedly uneeded services. I shut it down and RF2 ran fine after:)
    Elcid43 and Lazza like this.
  11. mschreiner

    mschreiner Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Had several drivers in a league having stutters. Had them shut of SpecialFX and the stutters went away. More than likely was the new sparks causing stutters for a few drivers.
  12. Bolty

    Bolty Registered

    May 19, 2022
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    I signed up having seen your post as I had the exact same problem, sit in car and drive, pause game, go into settings, back out of settings then a hard lock, black screen, audio loop and PC reboots with no error messages.

    Unfortunately I didn't trouble shoot it in order to track the problem but I no longer have the issue so here's what I did -

    • Saved my controller, effects etc jsons to desktop.
    • Uninstalled mods.
    • Uninstalled game.
    • Deleted installation folders.
    • Downloaded and reinstall GPU drivers (clean install.
    • Installed game, standard version and no mods.
    • Replaced installed json files with the ones saved to desktop.

    Tested with different car and track combos for a couple of hours and no crashes so far.

    Hope this helps me and good luck
    2ndLastJedi and Elcid43 like this.
  13. nolive721

    nolive721 Registered

    Jan 2, 2016
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    it might be a coincidence honestly but I have also a TSPC wheel and have been suffering these stutters from RC to current official release.

    Tried to play with sound settings, VSYNC, special effects etc as I had seen it being suggested, but no joy.

    What fixed it for me was to stop my personal approach to limit CPU power/frequency. I have been a bit obsessed with reducing power use on my SImracing rig PC, to the extent of playing RF2 with Windows Power Plan as "Power saver"
    So far, this approach had been just fine when doing Hot lap with few cars on the track or during practice/Qualify but yes, I was getting stuttering with Actual Race with say 30AI cars on the track, fair enough.
    But I wasn't getting any impact though on the FFB being jittery or whatever.

    Quite different today, stutters are there graphically even in simple Hotlapping and my wheel is getting nuts, notchy and almost rattling, during such sessions.
    Tried Official and mod cars, as well as official and mod tracks with the same terrible behavior.
    I can even see the AI cars jerking like crazy, similar to what would happen in MP with very bad Ping or netcode.

    My solution to all that, what fixed it for me, was to set my 3700X CPU to its minimum Stock frequency, 3.6Ghz and UV to 1.16V is enough to get the whole Gameplay super smooth again in all aforementioned scenarios.

    My simple conclusion then is that all the improvements S397 brought up n recent weeks are making the Game very much CPU bound so hoping limiting CPU power/frequency is sustainable well it simply isn't anymore.
    Again, my 2p
  14. Binny

    Binny Guest

    Imho: The specs have changed dramatically for rf2, the specs they have are way out of date min and max or a optimization is much needed. From what most ppl are saying you need the latest of everything which in this present time for many is not possible COVID, world problems. Time for a optimization so ppl can play the sim without having to spend hundreds on a CPU and thousands on a GPU. MY specs are i7 8700k, 32gig, 1080, play in VR, yes a few yrs old but should at least be able to play and enjoy the sim at decent settings with decent FPS. Or are my specs now ancient ?
  15. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Many of the people with stuttering (the topic of this thread) have decent overall FPS. So it shouldn't take a supercomputer to achieve steady framerates, but something is obviously stopping that from happening.

    Caveat 1: my own FPS is varying wildly between sessions and I haven't tried to diagnose it properly yet (like resetting everything and removing all plugins).

    Caveat 2: the steam min specs were out of date in 2015. I don't understand the complete lack of movement there.
    davehenrie and Binny like this.
  16. Binny

    Binny Guest

    Cheers hope its fixed soon.
  17. Delzimar

    Delzimar Registered

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Hello guys . For me it improved a lot, after I turned off the special effects or set it to low.
  18. Yeswecams

    Yeswecams Registered

    May 21, 2020
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    I noticed several stutters too with triple 1080p screens and multiview.

    30 AI on Brands Hatch with mix of medium and high settings, huge fps drop (from 120 to 40) on corners and stutters too (with GPU max 60-70 seems to be capped)
    Same things with 20 AI only, FPS drop from 120 to 100 (not a big deal on any other game), but I don't know why but on rFactor 2, each frame drop means stutters all over the place even at 100fps.
    Same thing with all graphic option at min or off when it's possible.

    I made a test on my 4K TV, native resolution same graphic settings, 100-120fps and no stutters at all...

    Also no stuttering at all in practice with 0 AI and variable refresh rate on track.

    I tried to reinstall the previous v1126 build, no stutter at all in same condition with 30 AI, buttery smooth. (with GPU full 99%)

    I have a 3080 and AMD 5600X WIN11.
    Last edited: May 26, 2022
  19. Highlandwalker

    Highlandwalker Registered

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Your CPU is fine, I use the same CPU with a 3080 with out any problem, so no need to change CPU. Your GPU may struggle with the latest tracks ie Brands Hatch particularly in VR. I don't use VR so am unable help in that respect. I've only had the 3080 for about a week, I was using a 1080ti previously and on certain parts of the track there would be FPS drops but was still playable using a single screen at 1440 res. With the 3080 I can now run at 4k but I still get FPS drops on some parts of the track but the FPS is still higher than with the 1080ti, I run at near max graphics settings. The latest tracks do seem to be very GPU intensive. In car FPS is always higher than trackside camera view. GPU prices have dropped dramatically over past few weeks but still not at msrp.
  20. Binny

    Binny Guest

    Tyvm will update my GPU in the future maybe when prices get back to more of a normal. Im also going to try the new steam VR beta hoping this helps this is what it says.
    • Reworks how graphics buffers are shared with SteamVR, reducing overall GPU memory utilization in most cases.
      Previous beta has shown that some configurations / games might have some issues with this new approach, therefore it's an opt in feature which can be enabled through WMR Settings "Optimize rendering and improve GPU memory usage."
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