SOLVED Creating a qualifying NA engine out of the settings.

Discussion in 'Car Modding' started by EmperorOfFinland, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    So i have a very peculiar problem, i would have to come up with a qualifying engine that does not require a seperate enginefile on the car so you dont need to load up the race again with different upgrades.

    What would be the best way of generating an qualifying engine that also wears down so fast that you cant use the setting on race at all or lock so you cant adjust the setting during the race.

    I have tried to do one on the old engine model, i have generated a version with mixture operating the engine. on the new enginemodel.

    i would not like to use boost mapping for that as it does not work with new enginemodel and i dont intend to slap a turbo into the engine so i would like to keep it fully NA.

    What is the best way of generating the engine out of all the enginemodels and stuff like that?
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    You could set up push 2 pass and have it only available in qualifying (or practice and qualifying; whatever suits).

    It's effectively a replacement for the old boost effects.
  3. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Hmm. i could do that but then someone has to trigger it on the quali and i dont really want to do that either. as im already running out of buttons myself. So basically is there any other way with enginemap or anything else for the car so i can have qualifying engine that lasts like 5-10 laps max but has slightly more power? as its 1982 so push to pass does not really seem fitting for my purpose really
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    You can have a qualifying engine that will kill itself over less than a race distance by making it an upgrade option and making people switch between qual and race. You don't want that, and I understand why.

    rF2 doesn't have the option to limit a driver's engine mixture selections (unfortunately; another reason emulating modern F1 has been difficult, because the recent regulations did have such a limit) so as soon as you have a higher engine mode that produces more power and more wear, you introduce a "push to pass" mode that can be used in a race - because a driver can use it sparingly enough to avoid blowing the engine (especially if it's to last 5-6 laps in qual) and make use of the unrealistic extra performance. Then your NA engine race becomes a push 2 pass strategy fest.

    You can set up p2p, now that it's finally available, so that you only need to activate it once after entering the car (even while sitting there in the pits) and then it will remain active until you exit the car again. Easy enough to manage with a keyboard in reach.

    You can also make it completely unavailable in the race. I think this would be ideal for 80s F1.

    Sure, having "Push 2 Pass" appear in qualifying doesn't feel very classic F1, but it's probably the best compromise.

    To test:

    Find your EngineMixtureRange line in the engine.ini, and make the base setting lower by maybe 5%. You'll need to either boost up the torque curve to compensate or use the HDV engine parameters (general torque and power mult) to get back to the original power.

    If the standard line is EngineMixtureRange=(0.98,0,1) , you want to lower the base and then use the step to get back to it, so for example

    There's still only the single setting available, so the player can never get to that second setting (without p2p), and if you compensate for the reduction in power you get your normal race mode.

    Then in the HDV:

    Push2PassMaxTime=0 // this will show negative time when de/activated; can make it a very large number instead, same effect
    That gives you unlimited p2p in qualifying only, that never switches itself off, and can be activated at rest and with 0 throttle. You only need to activate it once each time you get in the car. It's not available during the race at all, so no exploits.

    That's what I'd do.
    Vance Le Garde and philrob like this.
  5. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Yeah i implemented this and currently its the best option as i can allow it on practice and quali so people can practice the qualiruns on practice and so on. but that its disabled on race
  6. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    I tested the engine yesterday and it seemed to work as expected, i just need to remind people that the qualiengine operates on push to pass system now.
  7. [RFr] gerald

    [RFr] gerald Registered

    Feb 16, 2021
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    you want an aggressive and lean map to warm up the engine. to be at the limit after a few minutes?
  8. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    nah i have already figured out the whole engine in general. i just give more power from the quali engine to the amount i actually need with mixture so i will make the engine qualispec and then reduce mixture until i get the power i want for race.

    Currently i have integrated the system for the NA car and i use a version for Turbo car that uses a boostpressure level that is not available for adjustment normally.

    So you can technically create a qualiengine by utilising push to pass for the engine and make it infinite. and since you can restrict the P2P per session you can allow just the engine to have P2P on practice and quali

    This also prevents the drivers abusing the extra enginemapping for other sessions as i got couple drivers abusing the enginemappings so i just made it push to pass and that prevents the drivers using it on warmup and race. while still keeping the qualiengine there, this way i dont have to generate a special upgradelevel for the car in question but that it runs on the same engine basically. it also gives the enginewear and fuelconsumption like intended without the hassle of switching engines.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  9. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    I wish S397 do something like this for formula pro dlc.
    IRL F1 V10 engine had qualifying trim.
    800 bhp ain't enough fun , 900+ for 3-4 laps that's something exciting.
  10. Vance Le Garde

    Vance Le Garde Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Wish someone would do a doc on how to build and modify all the engine files especially as new ones come out.

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