Loading controller profile sets "Exaggerate Yaw" to -80%

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by svictor, Jul 24, 2021.

  1. Daigo#47

    Daigo#47 Registered

    Feb 23, 2018
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    I want them to solve these trivial problems first.
    It's ridiculous for developers to lose trust because of such a small thing.

    TOCA2FREAK Registered

    Apr 6, 2011
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    Getting this issue now with the new UI :(
    pilAUTO likes this.
  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Did you load a previously corrupted profile? You may have to edit older profiles. My first look at the menus had the yaw at zero. But I'm fairly certain I had removed that a few weeks ago. When I get home I'll look at an older profile.
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    New UI

    A fresh player\Controller.JSON has this as the exaggerate yaw value:

    "Exaggerate Yaw":-3,

    That's -300%. This is then saved to any newly saved profiles, and they will load at -80%.

    Has this regressed with the new UI?

    *Edit: investigating further. The -3 is confirmed as intended, so just working out whether the -80% is something isolated or a bug...
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ok, new post just for clarity.

    After trying some different stuff with profiles I started again, cleared out all the player\*.JSON files, made sure no Controller\ profiles had any exaggerate yaw other than 0 (as default) and haven't been able to reproduce the issue. (note I did those things the first time as well - I can't explain the different behaviour)

    If there's a lingering bug here it might be quite hard to reproduce, and I'm purely guessing there could have been some old files on my side that may have interfered.

    As I edited earlier, the -3 is intentional and isn't a problem (in the controller.json, and in saved profiles). What it shouldn't do is modify the existing exaggerate yaw value in the game when loaded.

    Anyone having this issue please be careful that you don't have an existing profile you're using (or controller.json) that has the exaggerate yaw override set to -0.8, as that will load correctly as -80% (that's not a bug).

    If we can identify a pattern to reproduce it I'm sure it will be looked at. Based on my testing just now I'm inclined to think a fresh game won't produce this bug, but obviously if anyone can reproduce it then we can get it fixed.
    TOCA2FREAK likes this.
  6. MotherDawg

    MotherDawg Registered

    Sep 2, 2015
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    I had to come back here as I've been having the -3 issue.
    I posted earlier that, for me, the minus -80 had stopped appearing and all was well. For how long it stayed clean, I don't really know.
    I just know that on Release Candidate Oct 29, 2021, Client 7618186, where they said :
    Controller Profile Updates
    - Set Exaggerate Yaw to 0
    - Fixed various missing ‘Clutch-In’ entries that had been deleted by accident

    For me it was fixed then.

    On the following release of December first, Client: 7785258, rF2 Build: 1.1126, they also posted:
    Controller Profile Updates
    - Set Exaggerate Yaw to 0
    - Fixed various missing ‘Clutch-In’ entries that had been deleted by accident

    They fixed it twice ?

    In February, there was the Steam Build IDs: Client: 8157914 ...which is where I think the -3 bug started.
    (S397... do you guys also code the Steam client? Can't we just get the important value? The rF2 Build number? Thank You)


    So I did my test like this:
    I have not cleared or reset my Player. I have verified that the Exaggerate Yaw line were at zero:
    Player.json : Line 379 is at zero
    Controller.json : Line 1524 is at zero.
    Also, in the controller profile that my Player.json auto loads on line 17, Current Control File.
    The line 1524 of that profile is also at zero.
    Then I started the game
    As long as I don't do any changes, all values stay at zero. I can drive and I have no issues.
    The second I change something, like... minimum steering torque, and I then save it. That I save it as a new profile, that I save it overwriting a different profile or just save it onto itself, both the saved custom profile and Controller.json gets the -3 at line 1524.

    So when I do a save, I have to quit the game. Open my editor, load the two profiles, set them back to zero. Save them both. Shut the Editor, restart the game, then reload the track and try to fit some laps in before the online event begins.

  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The -3 isn't a problem. That's intentional.

    Also, the "rF2 build number" doesn't change unless something regarding online code changes, so if that were all we had we wouldn't be able to tell exactly which build we're on (multiple builds share the same rF2 build number).

    @MotherDawg I already explained this above, but: -3 is supposed to not override whatever your player.json says. That's why the -3 is intentional. The yaw issue happens when the profile/controller override value is -0.8, and when you load that the in-game exaggerate yaw gets set to -80%.

    Ironically in checking those line numbers I found my own controller.json is set to -0.8. I don't know when or how that happened, I doubt I set it to that myself so perhaps there is still an intermittent bug there, but I couldn't even begin to try to retrace what's happened since last time I checked it. (quite possible I had an old backup file I've used to restore settings at some point, rather than the game itself being bugged)
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2022

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